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Posts posted by KCMO

  1. Hello,


    Just thoguht of sharing that my OCI process took a month at Chicago consulate and Monday I am receiving it. 

    Applied on SEP 9th. The whole process was smooth, online application and  uploads etc. 

    So chicago is taking around 30 days to process and deliver OCI cards.

    Fedex shows Monday delivery.


    Good luck for any one applying newly.

  2. On 9/3/2021 at 9:02 PM, Akipog said:

    I applied for OCI at SF consulate via VFS Global and it used to say 6 weeks on the website then 8 weeks and now processing time is 10 weeks or something once it is accepted by the consulate. It has been 8 weeks as of today and it still says "under review at the consulate". 


    They do use your passport for verification at the beginning and then send it back, but I saw some notes that they may request it back again to put the OCI card in there. 


    Last year I applied for an Emergency visa and got it fairly quickly, I want to say less than 2 weeks. They are not accepting tourist visas right now in India. The emergency visas are for 6 months, one time entry and were around $100 or so last year, not sure what it is now. If you want to go on an urgent trip you should probably go this route and do OCI once you come back. If the trip could wait you may want to do OCI first. 


    I would think you could apply at the same time, yours would just need one more step because you have to apply for renunciation. You should ask them though to confirm, but it seems like they would process them as 2 separate applications even if you filed around the same time. You'll need to check the application instructions, sometimes they are picky about that. 


    Thanks so much for your reply. As of April 12 2021 , they don't need original US passport anymore to be sent with the OCI application, only self attested copy is enough. So i thought i could apply for OCI and still get e-visa if needed since i will have my passport with me.


    Also just now checked which kind of answers my quesiton, this is from consulate website which says this 'if the oci is processing and if you want to travel for emergency then apply for e-visa".


    10. How do I know the current status of my OCI application?
    If you have any query regarding your OCI application status, please write to our OCI Team at
    oci3.sf@mea.gov.in or oci1.sf@mea.gov.in
    However, if the OCI processing is pending and you are in urgent need to travel, please apply for
    emergency visa. To apply, please refer to
    and follow the instructions

  3. Hello.

    Planning to submit for OCI this Monday. 

    And I know it takes 5 to 6 weeks.

    Can I get normal tourist visa or emergency visa meanwhile if needed? 


    Has anyone here got their OCI new card? How long did it take you?.



    Also my spouse is foreign national not of Indian origin. So I cannot apply both of our OCI at the same time right? I need to do mine first and his after, correct? 


    I just got my renunciation certificate. And got everything scanned for OCI. Just wanted to know if I can send both of our application together or have to do it separately. 


    Also can I just get normal tourist visa for both of us while my OCI is processing. ? 


    Appreciate your inputs. Thanks



    so i completed gov form got ARN number.

    create an application on VFS page but it would not let me go to payment page with out submitting the renunciation ONLINE form which had no way to sign it. So i thought that i may have to send physical copies of it, and that they will give me down load link for renunciation forms later, i clicked submit online form without not being able to sign it, after that it took me to a payment portal and i paid , and it gave me check list and courier labels.


    now when i check the checklist, it says 'Two duly signed renunciation certificates' must be sent with the physical package , but they have not given any link to download it? they have  the link to fill it online only , which i seem to have completed and submitted without being able to sign,  how can we sign that on vfs global when they dont have the option for it?


    DID I just waste 236$?? by being forced to submit without being able to sign?


    where to download renunciation certificate as per the latest guidelines.?



  5. Ok so I went to indian embassy website and they have redirected OCI application to VFS Global website. Except the website link shows error. (Check the screeshot)


    Has any one started OCI & Renunciation process with VFS Global ? If so please guide me to the appropriate link. Thanks! 

    Screenshot_20201122-213629_Samsung Internet.jpg

  6. OK. so now that i have received my US passport i just checked and found out this 


    Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card

    It is informed that CKGS is no longer the service provider for OCI services for the Embassy of India, Washington DC or its Consulates in Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, New York and San Francisco. The new service provider would start operations from 02 November, 2020 the details of which will be provided in due course. Till that time, the OCI services will remain suspended.

    In case of any specific queries, please email to fsoci.washington@mea.gov.in



    So i wait till next week and see which agency is going to handle this before beginning. 



  7. 1 minute ago, thetrademark said:

    For those who got their citizenship recently, how are you updating social security with offices shut down? Did you send your NC to SSA for this or are you waiting for the offices to open back up?

    I am waiting for SSA offices to open. Not trusting usps with passport and NC again. lol  They will not take any responsibility for lost personal documents like these. for any lost mail either. 

  8. After USPS lost my Passport, i had to wait for 15 days and send DS-86 'Non receipt of US passport form with Drivers License front and back copy to Passport agency that processed my Passport.  

    SEP 30- USPS lost my passport by delivering it to wrong zipcode

    OCT 12TH - After waiting for two weeks and no show, I sent DS-86

    OCT 22 - Passport Agency received my DS 86 and updated my passport from shipepd to 'in process'

    OCT 23 - they expediated and shipped my second passport.

    OCT29th - That is today i received my US PASSPORT. 



    PHEW. This process is over and renunciation and OCI card for india process has to begin.


    I should have started it already if its not for the screw up of USPS.  

    Anyways good news is My both my Naturalization Certificate and My passport are with me.


    Original date of Passport application and details

    Applied on Sep 2nd

    Check cashed on Sep 9th

    Processing agency Minneapolis

    Approved on Sep 25th

    Shipped on Sep 26th

    Delivered to the wrong Zip code on Sep 30th.

    Ds 86 sent on Oct 12

    Delivered on Oct 22

    Second passport printed and shipped on OCT 23rd.

    received on Oct 29th.

  9. On 10/6/2020 at 2:15 PM, lucardo3 said:

    USPS and it`s *uck- ups never stop... Smh.

    Indeed. They dont give a damn. Apparently the zipcode they delivered it to happens to be downtown IRS address. LOL. And the geniuses at IRS have not thought to send it back to USPS so it can come to the right address. Its been TWO weeks. No re-delivery attempt has been made and no updates to my USPS 'missing mail' case. Just pathetic.


    So i have put together DS-86 form and ID documents , After talking to passport agency one more time tomorrow to confirm some more information i will send the form with priority mail tracking.


    On 10/6/2020 at 1:40 PM, swissbuttercream said:

    good thing your naturalization document didn't get lost! Passport is much easier to replace

    Yes. That's a relief.

  10. That's right. The local USPS lost my passport by delivering it to some wrong address. They claim it is with downtown usps warehouse where a lot of lost mail sitting untouched i am sure.

    Called passport agency and they told me to wait for two weeks from sept 30th ( which was the delivery confirmation date) to file DS-86 form and send it with a photocopy of Driverse license to the agency that processed my Passport, which is Minneapolis agency. I am sure they wrote the right address because my Naturalization Ceritificate came to my mail box just fine. Its the idiots at USPS who have delivered it to usps warehouse and its been 7 days since , i cannot reach anyone over at warehouse which is not open to public. And the local usps is useless , they just said they sent an email, and not got back to me to update anything. I have opened 'search my mail' and 'where is my package' cases with USPS but i am skeptical about any outcome since most such cases go unanswered and i dont know how USPS is irresponsible like this.

    At this point my option more likely is to file for non receipt of us passpot and let them print a new one and send it.


    Has anyone gone through this before? and whats the time frame for the reissuing of a lost passport?


  11. Ok good news is I received my Naturalization Certificate today. Big relief.

    Now I can focus on obtaining my lost passport. 

    The usps warehouse downtown is huge and my passport is somewhere in that big mail pile. 

    So far no success in contacting them. No one answers the phone. 

    The local usps who actually F'd it up by delivering to a Usps warehouse instead of my mail box sent an email to the warehouse. We will see what happens. 

  12. 6 hours ago, JaEnglishGirl said:

    Sorry to hear. Please note, if you do not receive your naturalization certificate, the Dept of State will pay for a replacement. You would need to call in and ask for the address. You then send a letter into them asking for your replacement fees refunded and they will send you a check.

    Informed delivery shows there is a mail for which they do not have the image. I hoping that it is my Naturalization Certificate. Fingers crossed. Also I requested mail in ballot for voting. Have not received it yet. 


    The local usps said that my passport is in downtown post office warehouse. And it could be in transit or it could sitting among 1000s of other mail. She gave us a number to call. Have been trying to reach and no one is picking up. Lol. This process is full of patience. Mainthing is I want my Naturalization Certificate back. Hope they don't deliver it it the warehouse again. 

  13. 7 hours ago, @123 said:

    My agency is Minneapolis also. Yesterday evening I got two updates that my application was approved and the passport was shipped and I should expect it by 10/07. Today morning I got another update that they are printing my passport  (again?!?!) and I should expect it by 10/11. It is total mess over there! 

    Hope you will get your passport and certificate very soon! 


    Same. I also got another notification 2 days after it said shipped. I'm patiently waiting for two weeks to see if I get both my passport and naturalization Certificate. Breathing in and breathing out. And trusting all will work out in the end. There is nothing else right now I can do.

  14. Gigantic cluster F has happened with my passport delivery. 

    Delivered to the wrong zip code. And on Sep 30th. 

    I have not received my Naturalization Certificate back. 

    It's either idiots over at Minneapolis agency or the USPS.

    I called the customer service and they told me to wait 2 weeks and if I still have not received it then send DS 86 form with copy of driver's license and they will send me a new passport. 

    As for Naturalization Certificate I have to call them if I don't receive it in two weeks. 


    I have no choice but to wait and vent my silent irritation at the incapacity if these employees to do their job properly. 


    I really hope it's the USPS that ###### up because the delivery shows it came to my local usps at 4.44 a.m and then sent to wrong zip code. 

    This way if can hope atleast my Naturalization Certificate is delivered correctly. 

    It's Oct 2nd and informed delivery does not show anything that looks like an envelope carrying Naturalization Certificate. 



  15. On 9/28/2020 at 2:44 PM, Texans_99 said:

    I received my renunciation and now in process of submitting my OCI. CKGS wants me to send my original US passport with the application! I thought it is only needed when OCI arrives from delhi and to verify the passport #

    Sigh. Such a long burocratic process from beginning of immigration to  until we have the documents that give us access to travel & reside in both India & usa. Well atleast we are almost at the end of this long journey. Dual citizenship would have been easier. I have to start OCI for me and my husband both. He is not of indian origin. I need to research and see if I can do both of ours at the same time or not.

  16. On 9/26/2020 at 2:43 PM, KCMO said:

    I think google spread sheet is much easier and has a lot of applicants information. Good luck all.! Wish we could pin this to appear in all pages. I don't even know if that's possible.

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