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Posts posted by mybackpages

  1. the industry is big..everyone has a floor that eventually needs to be replaced

    they will want me even if they dont need me...that sounded kinda snooty and didnt mean to be, i'm just confident in what i do

    the money issue has ALWAYS made me mad. I worked next to a man once, and we did the exact same job, in fact I out wrote him most months, I had a $500 a week guarantee (plus commission) and he had a $900 a week guarantee :| That was a few years ago. I don't want that to happen again. If I can get just a little more than where I am now..I will make the change.


    so glad the temp dropped here! it was 90 yesterday and 63 this morning

    Hey jackie, Do you have a portfolio of some of some of the jobs you have worked on? I remember some of the projects you have had and think it would make you a very desirable employee. Good luck with the interview/ (F)

  2. Thanks all ,i just want to make sure we are doing the right thing ,and we are in Egypt and we are going to start filing soon ...

    We didn't start yet to have time line Inshallah we will have one next week :dance:


    There are some wonderful members here who can give great advice about going through Cairo! Welcome to VJ and MENA! Good luck on your journey.

  3. Another question ,

    If she have to fill I-134 form anyway (even tho she doesn't have much information to post in the form) how does she fill it ...thanks

    A fiance who does not meet the income requirement (or is unemployed) does nto change the process other than having to have a sponsor. Your fiance would complete the forms and put down what her income and assets (if included) are even if it is zero.

    Note: Some consulates do not require an affidavit of support for the K-1. Others request I-864. Most use the I-134 for the K-1. It would help to know the counsualte you are applying to.

  4. I don't know why but I tried "instant couscous" from the box Oh wow..I don't recommend anybody trying it tastes so wierd!

    Have you tried Rice Select's Original Couscous? It is the only instant couscous that we use and comes pretty close to made from scratch couscous. Better to steam it than to follow the directions of adding boiling water though. It comes in a plastic container not a box.


  5. by the way.. WE CLOSED ON MY HOUSE THIS PAST SATURDAY!!! :dance::crying: Now I no longer have to worry about that danged house payment. I'm both happy, and sad...all at the same time.

    (F) amal (F)

    YAY! I know this is a huge relief (despite the mixed feelings of loosing that connection back home) :dance::dance::dance:

  6. My phone number will be changing soon ~ maybe ~ Ordered a new SIM card with a Houston number but wondering if I really need to change it to houston or not.....whadda ya'all think?

    (F) amal (F)

    Amal...do you have friends and family back home that do not use a phone with free long distance and would benefit from you keeping the local number there so they can call you for free? If you do, then I think keep the number where the people you talk to most can call without long distance charges or using up all their minutes.

  7. I love love love fireworks. but I think this year we may have to sit them out or just see what we can from our patio because baby is really alarmed at loud noises, sometimes even the vacuum sets her off. I dont want to go to all the trouble of getting there, parking, finding a spot, etc just to have it end immediately in a scene. oh well, it will pass by next year I hope :) We'll probably go to a cookout/swimming at a friends first. My son is away at camp which is a shame because normally he and Adnan have a great time lighting the little cheesy fireworks in the street. well, next year for that too I guess ........

    I don't buy it for a second that this baby is going to give you any trouble. Look at that smile! :P

  8. anyways you know those whole chickens that you get at the stores? The small ones....they are cheapest in price I think. But how much meat can you actually get off of them? And are they de-gutted? Never bought one before but I want to learn how to roast whole chickens like the arabs do because they do it the best I ever had!:)

    You can usually ask the butcher (or the people working the meat counter) to cut the whole chicken you want to buy. They can cut it into as many pieces as you want.

    I buy my chicken from a local farmer at a week-end market. It's not cheap either. Last week I bought a 2.5 pound chicken for $14. BUT the price tends to keep us honest wbout how much meat we eat in one meal. $14 got us 4 meals and I used the back to make homemade broth for soup. (so technically 5 meals?)

  9. Doods, yes, about the chicken - American factory farm chicken is the absolute worst. It is PUMPED w/ hormones & steroids (not to mention antibiotics and other crud) to make it bigger faster... Isn't that just the American way *WE WANT IT BIGGER AND WE WANT IT YESTERDAY!*

    That being said, haven't you noticed all the children coming up in the last 20 or so years who are growing ginormous breasts at the age of like 12? Where do you think that's coming from, eh? It's all the flipping hormones & steroids pumped into our food. Why do you think viruses are getting harder to fight? Antibiotic resistant from all the flipping antiobiotics we consume in our food!!!

    Solution??? Go mostly veggie and eat organic free range (antibiotic, hormone & steriod free) meats.

    :blush: That being said, I wish I could 100% follow my rant... yeah, I pick up the boneless skinless breasts and tenders at Sam's Club too. :blush:

    :thumbs: For me halal is much more than just the method of slaughter. It's just as imporant (if not more important) how the animal is treated while it is raised.

    Hang in there Noura. I struggled for years to be totaly free from the hormone, steroid and antibotic meats and it was always so tempting to choose convenience (and I did many times). If you want to get there you can, but in the mean time don;t be so hard on yourself when you pick up that bag at sam's. Eating one meal a week is better than none at all.

  10. I'm thankful I had pineapple, arugula, goat cheese and walnuts in the house.

    that sounds like the makings of a lovely salad! what did you make with it?

    I am thankful that I have the AC blasting and a huge glass of ice water although I may swap it out for some arizona green tea in a bit. damn its so hot here!

    I skipped breakfast so I decided an early lunch/brunch would work, but hungry and needed something quick. threw it all together with a little balasmic vinager with a bagel on the side. yummy salad and didn;t have to resort to the ice cream in the freezer :no:

  11. Ok I'll do a mushy one. Every night I make dinner, hubby makes the salad, we sit and eat, he says alhumdulilah and thanks me for another wonderful meal, gives me a nice kiss while the kids squeal "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwww", then he takes all the dishes into the kitchen and brings us both a cup of tea, then he goes for a "puff" (my kids' expression) while I do the dishes.

    I'm thankful for our dinnertime routine. :luv::luv:

    It doesn't get much better than this. :luv:

    For everyone still waiting, this is clear proof, you do get through it and everything can work out just fine. (F)

  12. http://www.myfootprint.org/en/

    There is link on the lower right corner to skip the intro!

    Though I am better than the average in my community, if everyone lived making the choices I make, we would need 3.26 earths to meet the demand for resources :blush:


    I'm going to try it again by putting in the answers as if I lived in Morocco and see what kind of difference the lifestyle there makes.

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