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Posts posted by gpiper

  1. The women's hepa what..

    Yes I was abroad during college football season 2014. It sacked. No coverage of any good games

    College football isn't a "global" sport but hey ur missing the point but me thinks you're messing about.

    Actually if you visited the UK and spent time with anyone with a decent sports package you could watch quite a lot of the college football games (Big 10, PAC 12, SEC so not filler games) and college game day too.

    Not only that but MLB,NBA & NFL. Again non of these are global in nature but at least you can watch them.

    I luckily am able to catch the Englidh Premier League games... Whoooo hoooo

    You see some of us can appreciate a variety of sports including American specific ones.

  2. Just guessing but maybe because it's American networks. Just a hunch

    Well done Columbo...

    The point is other national broadcasting nations are able to give a more rounded view of the event. Have you ever been abroad when such an event has taken place and been able to see the difference in coverage. If you have you'd get what I mean.

    There are other athletes at the games and other events too.... You'll find that many countries can demonstrate a love for the entire spectacle and not just events where an American gold is likely to result and focus on just that.

    Don't worry not knocking the USA merely pointing out an observation I have made.

    Case in point the women's Heptathlon... Excellence required in 7 track and field events so you could say superb athletes in their own right.

    No USA competitor in sight of a medal so highlights are bumped to 10:30 at night here in the central zone.

    Ps Unlucky Jess....

  3. They don't even cover the medal ceremonies unless an American is in it! Plus then only if it's gold... They still don't show the bronze or silver stepping up to receive their medals..

    Now u see why the USA is so insular. Broader coverage and showing athletes other than those wearing the Stars and Stripes might just broaden horizons. Nothing wrong with focussing on your home team but just have a bit of balance.

  4. I know the coverage of the games on the NBC (renamed the Phelps channel for the first week at least) is shocking, but c'mon we can still comment on some of the awesome displays seen thus far.

    The aforementioned Phelos does deserve a mention tho as he defies belief on what he's done during these games, an ultimate competitor, Bikes too is an absolute cut above the rest as is Ledecky.

    Unfortunately due to the total bias of network broadcast time there is little else to say about the 1000's of other athletes not from the US! as they are not given the time if day unless an American is beating them of course.

    The BBC is missed in my household for sure !

  5. I thought u were redirecting me to the latest hairstyles of the day....

    Well whether true or not it certainly seems like this guy has a penchant for making ludicrous "off the cuff" statements as if they were fact.... and so say "a lot of people" what.. 10? a million?

    I'm sure this has been said elsewhere but why was he not called out on this during last year or in the thick of the primaries as this isn't a new strategy he's beginning... What happened to all the fact checking back then and the media backlash he is suddenly facing as the critics have suddenly become more vociferous rather than just commentating on his latest gaff.

    They wanted him to be the nominee..... Build him up to tear him down? There were ample more suited candidates with real ideas and policies that the country have been robbed of hearing and voting for.

    Some of those alternatives might also have been able to recruit "the best people" and make a go of it...

    The US has potentially missed out *"bigley"

    * a common citation used by professors of English

  6. An American shooting a gun is not news, it happens daily all over the country and tens of thousands of people die each year because of it.

    Not really the point of this story tho is it..

    If true it does display double standards as I'm sure the women's gymnastics team or swimming competitors will be met with much anticipation. Not quite sure how much truth is in this story mind as I doubt anyone would single out a gold winning performance for particular non congratulatory means.

    The whole team should be commended on participating as yes medals are important but we should be reminded that just achieving a place on an Olympic team is beyond many of us mere mortals and the sacrifices made just to get to Rio are not what all of us could do....... But I digress....

  7. What's just as sad is building a campaign on making remarks either starting with "a lot of people are saying" or ending diabolical sentences with "I don't know.... I'm just saying"

    Having sole possession of "all the best words" you would think he'd take this political run seriously and fight Hillary on real policy issues.... Alas too many of his supporters have fallen for the fake reality fame shtick instead.

    Just get on board with what this is meant to be about and show some respect to the American constitution and debate the issues at the very least.

    I think that gold star family was correct, I don't think he has actually read the constitution..... Which really smarted as he went on the offensive so quickly.

    Don this isn't an 18 month long ad campaign for your many wonderful foreign made products, so why treat so many of the people whom you say you represent with such disdain by stooping to such very low levels?

    If you can't even have all the members of your own party back you then you really don't have the full will of the people and certainly no majority!

    Having aud that Clinton can't say the same either in having full backing.

    Unfathomable how politics has reached such a level, yes go against the grain, rebel even but have an alternative that has ideas to make improved changes not cluelessly wander into oblivion!

    One step away from choosing your next president based upon the number of likes on a YouTube video of their choosing with big Don potentially choosing a piano playing cat as his option since it's bound to be the most popular! No need to make statements about health, economy, defence, education etc etc.... Sad thing is I think many fools wouldn't mind that idea and actually vote for the cat!

  8. All of this is so true.

    As long as she had no prior intent this isn't immigration fraud. Go to a courthouse and get married ASAP, Then have your ceremony. No one will know the difference. :) Overstay is forgiven to any American spouse. Don't let these people discourage you. People tend to get upset when they are waiting on their spouses, and someone comes on a tourist visa and gets married. Go get married, and adjust status. As long as he didn't come here with intent to immigrate you will be fine.

    Yes this place is full of sour people who only wish they had done the same in adjusting status rather than one they seem is the "correct way to do things"

    The constant arguement is that if the govt prohibited it then they would close the route currently open. That would clarify matters instantly. For some the CR-1 route is the best option and others the K1 route, each to their own I say and as the AOS route is legitimate there is nothing to feel guilty about.

    When you go through the AOS process and return for guidance here, expect people to pounce on you and reprimand the method you have chosen to stay together. Easy fix is to put those in ignore and just take advice from those that answer your questions on the various forms that need completing ok.

    It's a small minefield but you will get there!

    Ps he will need his birth certificate when filing AOS so at some point in the future after you are married he will need to have someone back home mail it to him. Obviously not now as that will raise suspicions in the boyfriend as to what you are up to. Let's hope he says yes to your proposal! Haha

  9. So that list of body counts... She had them lined up against the wall and shot them personally? I don't get what you are going on about...

    But pathetic if you are going to call her a murderer.

    Unless you have done the job yourself non of us will truly understand the pressures put upon any world leader or person in a position to send human beings into war.

    Bleat on about both candidates but it says more about this political system that has allowed these two to be the number one candidates... All anyone has done is about both not being fit to run a country.

    Although if you believe Clinton doesn't have more knowledge than Trump like he claims to be the most knowledgable on any subject because she must have sat in meetings painting her nails... Then your arguement is severely weakened as it is without question she is more qualified to hold that post of office then he ever is at this particular point in time.

    Out come the excuses already... Rigged systems etc... Truly a clown who appeals to a very large section of society who are disillusioned with their current situation.

    The crux is although he's been smart in tapping into this groundswell of feelings is he truly going to work for the "average man"... Of course not but the numptees believe like lemmings and would follow him off the cliff. He cares for no one but himself.

    And if anyone believes Clinton is a fresh breath of air who will make changes that will benefit Americans even more then again you are sadly mistaken as the half arsed "messenger of change" was a fable attempt at the DNC to persuade voters she was not simply an Obama 3rd term in effect.

    The real issues in Americas politics are just not bring addressed but now more than ever before it's clear people care little for policies or sound economic sense just do long as someone makes them feel good or pretends to hear their voices.

    The watershed isn't Trump shaking up the establishment it's the fact serious issues on where the country will be heading does not matter to huge swathes of individuals uneducated along with the educated alike.

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