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    alexandaaron reacted to ready4ONE in Cleveland buying prisoner vans more body armor for Republican National Convention   
    "Black on black crime" is part of the racist rhetorical mantra. Most White people are killed by other White people, and the reality is that statistical analysis of Black crime rates show a 40 year statistical low. That doesn't mean that they are not a concern, just not the brilliant gotcha your echoing of the Right Wing echo chamber mantra intends.
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    alexandaaron reacted to We Keep Receipts in Cleveland buying prisoner vans more body armor for Republican National Convention   
    I guess the sobbing self pity and excuses go a long way. Say like a ***** boy in ** that spends every single day here crying about a religion that they hate but moved into a country dominated by it. Couldn't be for love since a person in love wouldn't act that way, so it might be about money. Guess some people's soul sell real cheap.
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    alexandaaron reacted to We Keep Receipts in Cleveland buying prisoner vans more body armor for Republican National Convention   
    Just like it's amazing that someone could NOT grow up in said environment but still turn out to be a waste of a human being. I mean unless, someone here is black and hiding it.
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    alexandaaron reacted to ready4ONE in Cleveland buying prisoner vans more body armor for Republican National Convention   
    I don't remember those incidents either. But I do recall the 8 plus years of racist ranting regarding the Kenyan/Muslim/Anti-Christ/Manchurian Candidate who lives only to take everyone's sacred 2nd Amendment rights and ruin the beautiful Nation built on good old fashioned Conservative values as God intended.
  5. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to We Keep Receipts in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    Ain't nothing little about me except my patience for ignorance. But please explain for us non 141 IQ folks what's practical about guarding a bathroom stall.
    Same as you on the right do. Or do you want to have your hypocrisy pointed out?
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    alexandaaron reacted to Janelle2002 in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    Looks like to me we have a case of some men scared to see there are women with bigger balls than them.
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    alexandaaron reacted to smilesammich in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    pretty sure we've all been in a public restroom at the same time as a transgender person and never even knew it.
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    alexandaaron reacted to Rich and Wen in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    North Carolina's HB2 law was passed in response to Charlotte's passage of a law allowing such self-identification, thereby nullifying it. Presumably, the voters of Charlotte, in their wisdom, elected forward thinking legislators. AND, should the law not work out, have unintended consequences, or other scary things happen, I assume that the duly elected legislators of Charlotte would change the law, tweak it, or enact supplemental laws to provide for all rights to be honored. Also, should the legislators not do the bidding of the Citizens of Charlotte, they could be replaced by ones who would.
    But the legislators of North Carolina, in their "wisdom", decided that they knew what Charlotte wanted better than Charlotte did. So they created this horrible law, preventing LGBT people from suing for discrimination, among other things. (Like preventing any locality from enacting a higher minimum wage than the state)
    Hopefully, the backlash from companies doing business in NC, and the boycotting by musicians, sports teams, and conventions, will convince North Carolina's legislators of the error of their ways. Unfortunately, being politicians, they cannot admit a mistake, so they probably won't.
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    alexandaaron reacted to Rob L in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    Republicans are prepared to take a wide stance on this issue

  10. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to yuna628 in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    They could have said that before.
    It's called common sense.
    If a trenchcoat flasher decides to run up to me and let it all hang out, does he get a pass by saying ''I'm sorry I totally forgot I wasn't wearing clothes'' or ''someone stole my clothes from me''. Laws against indecent exposure don't stop people from doing the exposing. A transgender person is entering the mens/ladies room to go to the bathroom, not to gawk at others. However, a perv is there to gawk and do other things. You can clearly tell through such a ruse, and making a transgender person the brunt of your excuse doesn't change anything but make a flashy headline. The person in Seattle was a nutcase, perv, or most likely trying to make a pointless point. He was a man. He dressed as a man. He had never identified in their life as a woman. Was never born a woman. They were not transgender and their 'feelings' were imaginary nonsense. Investigate and charge appropriately per the complaints of those affected. Transgender persons have been entering into bathrooms and store dressing rooms as long as I can remember. No one cares.
    Who exactly will be checking what's under the person's dress when they enter the ladies room?
    And again, when will we stop parents from bringing their 'pervert' sons and daughters into different sex bathrooms/dressing rooms?
  11. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to yuna628 in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    This thread is kind of silly, who cares if an artist doesn't want to play in a certain state? How does that make them 'spineless'? Nothing has stopped perverts from using the women's room since.. forever. Nothing has also stopped mothers from taking their sons into the women's restrooms and dressing rooms (shall I count the numerous times when a young boy has poked his head gleefully under the door just so that he can observe a naked lady for giggles and the moms see nothing wrong with it?) Shall we prevent this from happening? Can I file a sex assault claim?
    Nevertheless I don't see a country-wide epidemic of men pretending to be a woman running into women's bathrooms for fun times. There are some cases of perverts from time to time. If a transgender person wishes to use the ladies room, I don't have a problem with it. There have been however, numerous attacks on transgender individuals who are simply trying to pee, what thought is given to their protection? I don't believe women are the ones that are attacking them when they enter a restroom.. it's the men. So it seems the men are the ones with the problem in sharing a bathroom. Can we all just fit into our tiny filthy bathroom stalls and pee in peace without over-regulating idiots getting in our lives?
    We don't need bathroom laws. If you identify as a female use the ladies room. If you identify as a male use the men's room. If you are a perv wanting giggles get reported and arrested. If you attack a transgender person for needing to pee in either room, you are scum and should be arrested. If men get pee-anxiety at the thought of a transgender person walking in, hold it until you get to the loving comfort of your own bathroom. Women can do the same, but I suspect the majority of us women won't give a second thought to it.
  12. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to smilesammich in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    so what's been stopping pedophiles and perverts from using female changing areas and bathrooms up until now?
    i didn't say my dear, dear.
  13. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to Rich and Wen in Charlie Daniels sends message to spineless musicians canceling shows   
    While I like a couple of his songs, I refuse to listen to Charlie Daniels pontificate on American culture. The same arguments anti-LGBT proponents use today were once used by segregationists to deny people of color their "inalienable rights"
  14. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to Ban Hammer in US university takes down 'disgusting' cheerleading poster after backlash   
    i think his computer language reset to "texan"
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    alexandaaron reacted to We Keep Receipts in US university takes down 'disgusting' cheerleading poster after backlash   
    I'm confused TboneTX why are you speaking like this? What language are you speaking in this post?
  16. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to ready4ONE in Protesters Force Donald Trump to Abandon Motorcade, Walk to Hotel   
    Having a number of Hispanic friends and aquaintences over the years, legal, illegal and not to forget most born and raised in the US, I simply don't share your knee-jerk fear Lost. Nor do I agree with Herr Drumpf in both his fear mongering disrespect for Hispanic people or his frankly stupid, impractical and never going to happen Great Wall of Drumpf solution.
    The Drumpf campaign has already publicly stated that the campaign was an act thus far and anyone who thinks that suddenly the Real Drumpf is now here is delusional.
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    alexandaaron reacted to ready4ONE in Protesters Force Donald Trump to Abandon Motorcade, Walk to Hotel   
    I am certain that most of the people acting like idiots at Herr Drumpf ralleys are genuine idiots, but there is nothing genuine about the Drumpf campaign, so no, I think it not beyond impossible that sprinkled among them could be some paid Drumpf-ers to nudge things along since the campaign has decided that these protests work in Herr Drumpf's favor.
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    alexandaaron reacted to yuna628 in Muslim convert in France refuses to sell clothes to women on weekdays   
    If individuals in this thread are perfectly happy with persons using bathrooms according to their genitals and the rights of persons to refuse to make gay couples cakes, and the rights of persons to refuse to give their employees access to healthcare that may provide birth control, and you believe a woman's place is in the home - then you should be jumping for joy over the right of a shopkeeper to not serve a woman on a particular day no matter what their particular faith is.
  20. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to Rob L in Three Current Events Involving Politics and Religion [edited title]   
    Of the Seven Deadly Sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over your tongue the prospect of bitter confrontations still to come, to savor to the last toothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back--in many ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you are wolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you.
    -Fredrick Buechner
  21. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to Rob L in Three Current Events Involving Politics and Religion [edited title]   
    Let's put some rational definition on this BS
    Anti-Muslim hate groups are a relatively new phenomenon in the United States, most of them appearing in the aftermath of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Earlier anti-Muslim groups tended to be religious in orientation and disputed Islams status as a respectable religion.
    Anti-Muslim hate groups are a relatively new phenomenon in the United States, most of them appearing in the aftermath of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Earlier anti-Muslim groups tended to be religious in orientation and disputed Islams status as a respectable religion.
    All anti-Muslim hate groups exhibit extreme hostility toward Muslims. The organizations portray those who worship Islam as fundamentally alien and attribute to its followers an inherent set of negative traits. Muslims are depicted as irrational, intolerant and violent, and their faith is frequently depicted as sanctioning pedophilia, marital rape and child marriage.
    These groups also typically hold conspiratorial views regarding the inherent danger to America posed by its Muslim-American community. Muslims are depicted as a fifth column intent on undermining and eventually replacing American democracy and Western civilization with Islamic despotism. Anti-Muslim hate groups allege that Muslims are trying to subvert the rule of law by imposing on Americans their own Islamic legal system, Shariah law.
    Anti-Muslim hate groups also broadly defame Islam, which they tend to treat as a monolithic and evil religion. These groups generally hold that Islam has no values in common with other cultures, is inferior to the West and is a violent political ideology rather than a religion.
  22. Like
    alexandaaron reacted to We Keep Receipts in Three Current Events Involving Politics and Religion [edited title]   
    Actually the proper greeting would be Hello, how are you? Welcome to the forum. But manners aren't well known in some parts. Don't worry, I'm here to help.
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