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Posts posted by seldi

  1. considering the NOA2's from before imbra are still waiting for their RFE's seems like it will be longer than normal for them, since you are essentially backed up behind thousands of people waiting for the RFE.

    That is assuming they go in order....

    See, that's what's unclear to me. How are they going to handle the applications with NOA2s, the older applications with NOA1s and the new applications? Are they going to stop working on my application and put it aside for a while until they take care of the thousands of people who are way ahead of me, or are they going to work on all of them at the same time, or what? :unsure:

    well if they were fair, they would yeah put you aside and wait for all the other noa's that are ahead of you. But there seems to be no rhyme or reason here with imbra, so I dunno.

    I mean I know the last thing you want to do is wait, but think about it if you were in our shoes, had your NOA2 back in april, a wedding planned for august and are waiting for an RFE, meanwhile someone applies months after you and gets to go ahead of you? bleh ;o;

    I agree, of course they should take care of those ahead of me first! I would probably go insane if they did that me. I feel like those with NOA2s should be exempt from this. It is not your fault that they didn't think ahead and approved your petition and now are basically taking it back :o Is that legal?

    I know it will probably be a while until it's my turn, which is why I have absolutely no expectations :(

  2. EVer heard the expression "Love is patient"

    All you seem to care about is getting the US as FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY can....If you love your fiance...which you should since you want to marry him...then you will wait like the rest of us did...there are HEAPS of people on here who have been denied and have had to wait through waivers, through Administrative Processing, through denials and appeals and months after months...sometimes YEARS of waiting...but people on this site do it because they are in love and will do anything to be with their SO.

    So far as I've seen no one decided the wait was too long and called off the process. If your only interest is to get to America...rethink the family migration route....if you truly love your fiance...then you'll wait just like the rest of us.


  3. considering the NOA2's from before imbra are still waiting for their RFE's seems like it will be longer than normal for them, since you are essentially backed up behind thousands of people waiting for the RFE.

    That is assuming they go in order....

    See, that's what's unclear to me. How are they going to handle the applications with NOA2s, the older applications with NOA1s and the new applications? Are they going to stop working on my application and put it aside for a while until they take care of the thousands of people who are way ahead of me, or are they going to work on all of them at the same time, or what? :unsure:

  4. Hello all !!!

    How do i respond to the question "if i met through a international broker"?

    I met my fiance on Mate1 which is a online dating thing. I had to pay to sign up

    but do i answer yes to that question? Thanks for your help.

    Just because you paid doesn't necessarily mean it is considered a marriage broker. What is the purpose of the website? That also comes into play

    I really do need more input on this question....seems like a very important one.

    At this point all i am seeing is just speculations as to the proper answer. What if

    we answer "no" and it because a problem? What is really the correct response.

    Mate1 does charge a fee to men for signing up...is this really considered a IMBRA

    . More Input PLEASE. I am sure many are in the same boat....what response did u


    Just because you paid for your membership doesn't necessarily mean they're considered a marriage broker. You should probably contact USCIS, they can probably answer your question better than all of us.

  5. Question about 'proof of meeting' for the 1-129F:

    The boy and I have been together since March of 2004, and between the two of us we probably have about 10 visits, all told. We're probably getting engaged in August and then starting the process in September.

    We don't, however, have primary evidence for half of those trips -- an engagement wasn't immediately on our minds, so the primary evidence I have starts in July of 2005 (passport stamps) and March of this year (no entry stamp (don't ask -- Edmonton airport at midnight with 500 other people), but an exit stamp, plus boarding passes receipts.), plus my upcoming visit in August (where we'll document everything, of course).

    So, clearly, we have enough primary evidence of meeting, and we have loads of secondary evidence with pictures and things. I can probably even dig up secondary itineraries & credit card bills for those flights. Not worried about that.

    But my question is what to do about the meetings where we have no primary or secondary evidence (our first one and a few of his trips here.) or just limited secondary evidence. I don't want to leave out the meetings because they're pretty important to give the sense of the nature of our relationship. But will it be confusing to mention that say, I flew there in 2004 but as I a) entered with my birth certificate and driver's license and B) didn't save my boarding pass and c) we took pictures of the scenery in Banff and Jasper, not of us together, I am including neither primary nor secondary evidence for this trip?

    Did anyone else have a similar situation?

    I had a similar problem. Who would have thought that I'd ever need my plane tickets in 1998? Eventhough I explained that we met in 1998, I just included evidence that we have at least seen in each in the past 2 years, eventhough it wasn't the first time we met. I really have no way of prooving that we met in 1998, but I can prove that we've at least seen each other in the past 2 years.

  6. Hello all !!!

    How do i respond to the question "if i met through a international broker"?

    I met my fiance on Mate1 which is a online dating thing. I had to pay to sign up

    but do i answer yes to that question? Thanks for your help.

    Just because you paid doesn't necessarily mean it is considered a marriage broker. What is the purpose of the website? That also comes into play

  7. Now after reading so many people's opinion I totally lose hope that I will ever be able to return to the US...I will talk with my fiance about hiring an attorney and see what happens....

    I know it is a good question why I left on first place....it is a long story but now I totally regret it.... it was very spontaneous decision....:unsure:

    But unfortunately I can't turn back time and now I guess I have to face the consequences ....and I guess this is the denial....oh well ...thanks anyway for all of your replies..... :crying::crying:

    I'm sorry :( But it's not the end of world. Like someone suggested maybe you can try migrating to another country, maybe Canada or the UK.

  8. Ifyou have a digital camera, why don't you ask a friend or so to take them, then go on the computer and resize them so they will match the requrements.

    Just think about the white background...take a few shots and then take the one that comes out best.

    Basically, that's what the photographer did when I got my pics taken.

    (If you decide to try it: He had me sit on a barstool type of chair, told me to put my hands on my legs with the fingertips pointing towards each other. Like that, he said, the shoulders coming up a little and it looks better (it did). Also, chin up and slightly forward.)

    Good luck, it's for sure the cheapest way if you have to have a lot of pics. (Ok, not sure how much good photo print paper costs.....)

    Mine were free :)

    I followed the passport photo guides, used my 5 megapixel digi cam, a tripod and my sister. I cropped the pic to the correct dimensions and printed them out on my dad's hp ink jet printer and free kodak glossy photo paper that came with said printer.

    We shall see if Vermont likes the pic as much as I did :lol:

  9. Hello everybody,

    I hope somebody here can give me some advice here regarding my situation:

    I am 25 year old f .Me and my fiance (he is 64) filed a I 129 F petition and it was received by Nebraska Service center on March 10 th.

    1) I received a notice that it has been transferred to California service center and received on June 14.My question is :Are they going to start the whole process all over again or they will keep the original date (march the 10th) ??

    2) I also have worries because I have lived in the US illegally for 3 years.Now I am back to my country.Do you think they can deny my K1 visa for this reason? :help: Do they know at the embassy I was illegal for so long?

    3) Another worry: do you think the age difference could be also a reason for denial?

    I would appreciate your replies and advice to my questions .I feel really desperate and worried.What are my chances to go back to the US again?

    Why did you leave the US in the first place? If you had stayed and married your fiance here, you at least had the chance to file for adjustment of status & pay the fine for overstaying. Now that you're out of the US, your chances of being allowed back in .legally ,any time soon are slim to none.

    Oh and I wouldn't recommend that you try to lie your way to a k1 visa. You should never lie to Immigrations /The US goverment in general. Do you have any idea what the consequences are?

  10. Why would it be unethical?

    I dunno, maybe because they should be working and not surfing the web :P

    Why wouldnt they read these types of boards, especially the likes of VJ? Many ways to connect ID's to petitions. There is one specific case I recall from the old site where a member directly had something asked of them relating to something that was said on this board.

    Yikes, that's kind of scary. I'm pretty sure they could easily identify. My first name always gives me away. Uh-oh, maybe I should change it :unsure::ph34r:

  11. I haven't had any touches since the 24th either, and I have yet to receive the actual RFE, they take a while to mail them out after you get the e-mail.

    I think there's a way to get the RFE by e-mail, I think someone who got deployed was able to do that. Check this topic out http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19353. You might want to call/e-mail Vermont and ask them. I don't know if they do this for everybody.

  12. hello everybody!

    i hope somebody help me about how i act k1 visa fiance.

    i'm 28 years and moroccan.

    and my fiance have 35 years.

    and we know each other 9 month ago.

    and we met in person 2 time.

    wish everybody help me and advice me about how i act k1 visa fiance.

    and thanks .

    The biggest advice I can give you is to start gathering evidence of having met & of your relationship. This is probably the hardest part of the K1 process. Well, for me at least, I tend to throw away everything!

  13. We had the same problem. In Argentina, they usually take your picture with a digital camera and then crop it to THEIR correct dimensions. What my fiance did was to ask the photo place to give him a digital copy of the picture in a CD before they cropped it and then cropped it to the correct dimensions himself.

    This sounds a little complicated, I know. Parece que todos los paises latinos hacen la misma cosa :lol:.

    I bet if you go near the US Embassy you will find at least a few photo places that know how to take "american" passport photos.

  14. Paranoia, paranoia, everybody's coming to get me.

    No, I do not work for USPS. I am actually a USCIS agent in charge of denying petitions of I'm-better-than-everyone-know-it-alls. Even if you do not state your name or your location, we can track your location and take satellite pictures of your internet activities.

    Uncle Sam's watching

    ohhh SNAP

    You guys are a barrel of laughs. I just prefer to be anonymous, like so many other people on this site.

    Further, I don't claim to know it all. Yet , one thing is clear, I know more than you on the K-1 topic.

    Yeah well, I've got connections at USPS. My mail man calls me everytime I have mail from USCIS. Can you beat that?

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