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Status Updates posted by one...two...tree

  1. Congratulations on your interview! May you receive your visa soon so will be reunited with your fiance!

  2. Thank you, Lou Lou! Boy, I just looked at my last comment and my grammar is horrible! hehehe...

    Hope all is well with you...hope you were able to dig your car out of the snow! :)

  3. Thank you, brother Daniel! No more hanging by my nads waiting! hehehe...

  4. Thank you for the well wishes! The interview was a success and we are approved! :star: Best wishes with your journey!

  5. Thank you, Lewis! Keep your fingers crossed for this Friday morning is Jinky's interview!

  6. Thank you! So far I feel a sense of renewal with this new year, and new sense of hope about a lot of things.


  7. Rey, it's good to see you posting in OT. We needed some more 'left leaning' people to balance things out more.

  8. Hey! Long time no hear! Congratulations on your upcoming interview...we just got ours - Feb. 16th! Best wishes!

  9. Great posts! I always enjoy reading them! :)

  10. You are a rare voice of reason among cacklers. :)

  11. Reinhard's got the cutest baby pictures on VJ! :)

  12. Hey there! Long time, no talk. :) Hope all is well!

  13. Mark - he puts the 't' in cu-e! :)

  14. A thorn in the side delusionment. :)

  15. I think we came from same peapod. :)

  16. Thanks Stina, for always being fair minded. :)

  17. Are you really a Dr.?

  18. Leave the bag of 100 unmarked dollar bills under the bridge by 8pm Thursday...and make sure no one else reads this!

  19. I'm not what to comment on but I felt I should add one here since you have none yet. :) Thanks for all the support and advice!

  20. Hey Capt.

    Thanks for the upgrades but I'm not so sure about the friends list. I feel compelled to add everyone that knows me because I don't want anyone to feel I'm snubbing them. I don't think it should be a popularity contest. Just my 2 cents. :)

  21. You are alright, Ric!

  22. I'm not sure if this means I'm commenting here on my profile? I'm lost

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