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Status Updates posted by one...two...tree

  1. Yes she does, brother. That's why she's our new spokes model for Commies for Christ. I think she'll bring us a lot of converts. :)

  2. You will be missed. :(

  3. Dear Big Agnes, you are an inspiration to all who are challenged by size. ~ J.S. Mini-pants.

  4. Thank you. I'm gonna try Evening of Primrose Oil, Eggplant Parmesan, and 'other' forms of Prostaglandins in hopes that we'll get things started. :)

  5. Do the right thing.

  6. Congratulations, Julie on the great news! Happy Valentine's Day! ...and to sweet Joyce. Tell her I'll come by with a big tub of Cool Whip.

  7. Thank you, sister Caro! Happy New Year as well! Hope yours was joyful one! :)

  8. Thank you, sis, for all the sweet comments! Jinky does look radiant! Very healthy with the pregnancy although her skin is itchy...I think it is from the cold, dry air. Hope you, Gary and Robin have a great Christmas!

  9. You are a great thinker, indeed! :)

  10. Awww...Dan! I didn't know that you that you two have been finally reunited! Big Congratulations, brother! May you both be blessed with love and joy during this season! :)

  11. Hi Sharon! Glad to see you pop in from time to time! :)

  12. You have a nice profile.

  13. Congratulations to you, Sis and Robin, and Gary for your AOS approval! It's amazing how the time has gone when I think of where we all were last year at this time.

    Hope you enjoy your first Thanksgiving here in America! :)

  14. Thank you, sis! Hope yours will be a smooth interview also! Be sure to have duplicate copies of all documents for Robin's file as well...that is one thing we forgot to do (passport, BC, etc.)

    Hugs! Steven n Jinky

  15. Thanks, sis! I found it the other day and thought the song fits! :)

  16. Steve, you are champion of truth, justice and crazy people! Godspeed, brother.

  17. Hey buddy! I just saw your wedding photo of Jacinta in your arms! It is such an aweseomely beautiful photo! :) Congratulatons to the two of you!

  18. Your new avatar makes my gums tingle. :P

  19. Thank you, brother Dean. :)

  20. :) Thank you, Lou Lou!
  21. Thank you, Scott! That's old courthouse in Orange! :)

  22. Thank you, Alison! Life together is so much nicer that life apart!

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