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Posts posted by crazyworld

  1. He didn't really. What you're seeing is the election version of a temper tantrum. Trump isn't to blame for this. The folks who allowed him to get this far are.

    Had the GOP stood up and denounced his rhetoric and actions, they would have lost voters, but it was the group they didn't need. They could have shown everyone that the party of principles and morals was just that. And put forth someone who could actually go toe to toe with Hillary. But that's the problem when you have a minority person running for office. They always underestimate them and put forth folks who aren't ready, then cry when they lose.

    I agree but everybody knew who Trump was at the beginning of the republican race, they thought he was a breath of fresh air that would bring in more and new voters to the party because of his popularity and as it turned out, he was just a smelly narcissistic fart that cleared out the room!

  2. This is what a narcissist does if you have read the definition I posted. He is a text book example! A narcissist does not care about anybody but himself and will attack anybody who he feels is a threat to his world. They strive to have all inclusive power and can do no wrong in their mind. They alienate everybody around them eventually unless you follow his rules. His statement on if he loses it will be a complete waist of HIS time and HIS money is a good example. It should of been something like I could of made America great again. A narcissist attacks their threat with no regards to morals or boundaries. He has disrespected or offended just about every culture to some degree, most women,veterans, religions, fellow republicans, and some his own staff that have packed up and left. It is truly scary to have a narcissist as commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world! He does have some interesting ideas but no clear road map on how to carry them out. Not saying I hate the man as he was fun to watch on his reality show as he was in again complete control of everything but he needs to be kept in check. I'm not a big Hillary fan but she is not a narcissist, at least to his extreme.

  3. Hotchkiss' seven deadly sins of narcissism

    Hotchkiss identified what she called the seven deadly sins of narcissism:

    1. Shamelessness: Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.

    Magical thinking: Narcissists see themselves as perfect, using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to dump shame onto others.

    Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may reinflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.

    Envy: A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person's ability by using contempt to minimize the other person.

    Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can triggernarcissistic rage.

    Exploitation: Can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other person is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.

    Bad boundaries: Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist, there is no boundary between self and other.

  4. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A 2012 book on power-hungry narcissists suggests that narcissists typically display most, and sometimes all, of the following traits:

    Sound like the Chump to me!

  5. My wife is from Swindon and she is keeping very busy volunteering as a dog walker at local shelters.

    She also found a forum called: britishexpats.com that might help you.

    She is not a fan of Walmart, she calls their stuff #######! She likes to cook so I am gaining weight lol

    We live just south of Cleveland, Ohio so you guys are not that far from us.

  6. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-black-panther-party-says-to-carry-arms-in-cleveland-if-legal/ar-BBugUZR?li=BBnbcA1

    I live about 20 mins outside of Cleveland and this doesn't sound good. With so many hate groups coming here and most of them hating each other and with the open carry permit here in Ohio it sound like a recipe for disaster. This isn't even talking about the thugs and low lives who just want to cause trouble and the possible terrorist threat. Cleveland has gotten a lot of bad press over the years and has struggled to make it a nice city by the lake and this could give it another black eye! Were a hoping for the best but ready for the worst is what a friend of mine said who is a cop for Cleveland. My new wife and I would love to experience the flavor of the convention but we are not going anywhere near downtown next week.

    I'm thinking that the state should have some kind of clause in the open carry permit law that you can open carry or even concealed carry if you are going to protest or demonstrate with a large group of people.

  7. My husband is waiting 1 year and online status still says "we received fingerprint fee on..." Very frustrating, especially that I called and e-mailed whomever I could and still no answer.

    Sorry to hear that. Thinking the country has something to do with that!

    Its a shame because I find that 99.99% of the people in the world are the same and just want to live their lives together and governments sometimes make it hard!

  8. Hi All,

    Just check government web site for field offices processing times for the I-485.

    Boston is on September 2015

    Dallas is on June 2015

    LA, Miami, and Atlanta is on November 2015

    Phoenix is on December 2015

    Cleveland (Me) says "4 months", 2 down and 2 to go maybe

    Only checked a few big cities and just wondering how true this is, has anybody got their I-485 completed faster then the government web site says?

    If like me, I know your patience is in short supply!

    Good luck everybody!

  9. Wow what a game!!!!

    Wow, What a come back in the series!!!

    Wow, What a celebration We had in Cleveland last night!!!!

    A 52 year drought was broken last night!

    When Lebron started the NBA right out of hi school he was a awesome!

    When he left for Florida, he was lower then dirt to us!

    When he came back, he was on probation!

    When he won us the championship last night, he is KING JAMES!!!!

    Note - He actually doesn't live to far from me and the guards were out in force around his house last night!

    Forgot one thing:

    YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :dancing::dance::dancing::dance::dancing::dance::dancing::dance:

  10. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-growing-concern-in-cleveland-chaos-off-the-convention-floor/ar-BBtvyRb?li=BBnbcA1

    Well, my wife and I will have a front row seat for this and it is going to be interesting at the least!

    Had Cleveland known about what was going to be coming, they probably would of passed on this one! Even though they are getting 50 million dollars for security from the government, its going to be a mad house downtown. Dozens of groups big and small, for something and against something, pro and anti pro, and anything else you can think of will be here planning rallies and parades.

    It seems wherever Trump goes, riots and kayos follows!

    Will be watching this one on the local news even though I'm not a fan!

  11. The waiting game can be very tough to win!

    Got the misses a car so not she isn't waiting for me to get home from work or a friend to pick her up to go out. We got her a used 2007 Chevy Malibu and a satnav so she can go out on her own. This way if something happens like a fender bender no big loss on the car. She is very good on driving anyway, just some small issues with intersection lanes and some signs. You know in England, they are used to driving on the other side of the road! She has wheels now so she doesn't feel like a shut in anymore!

    My wife is volunteering at two dog shelters and now is volunteering at a hospice care center to console the terminally ill. They were very happy that she is a vet and has experience in care giving for the disabled so its a win win for us and them. She has to get biometrics for the care center which is funny. Hopefully when she gets her green card, this stuff will look good on her resume and translate in to a job.


    She goes food shopping

    She like working in our garden,

    We have two shelter dogs ourselves that she spends a lot of time with,

    She goes to bingo with my mum a couple of times a week,

    She likes to make candles as a hobby,

    She likes to cook, I have never eaten so good,

    And she has made a couple of friends on her own and has made friends with the wives of some of my friends so that is very cool!

    For me, she is having me paint and remodel the whole house so now I very busy now myself lol

    She got a care package (English Foods) the other day which included Hula Hops so she is very happy!

    It's nice that we don't have to worry about her having to go back in three months anymore so now finely we're living our lives together!

    How does your foreign spouse stay busy until the green card arrives now that you guys can stay together?

  12. What I have found that works good a least for us is going on cheapOair.com and then we go directly to the airline and usually find the same flight a few dollars cheaper.

    The nice thing about going to the airline directly is if you need to make a change for one reason or another, it is usually cheaper to do so.

  13. Thanks guys, we were hanging out on the region specific thread for uk to complete the K1 visa. Now will hang out here (April fillers) and may be a little on the May fillers TOO for the AOS. My wife can't wait to start working, now she is doing a lot of volunteering and animal shelters and retirement homes to keep herself busy. Now that we got her a car she can go out on her own to explore.

    Good luck to everyone, your journey is almost done after filling lots of paperwork and paying fee after fee!

    Thanks guys, we were hanging out on the region specific thread for uk to complete the K1 visa. Now will hang out here (April fillers) and may be a little on the May fillers TOO for the AOS. My wife can't wait to start working, now she is doing a lot of volunteering and animal shelters and retirement homes to keep herself busy. Now that we got her a car she can go out on her own to explore.

    Good luck to everyone, your journey is almost done after filling lots of paperwork and paying fee after fee!

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