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Posts posted by Brigitte&Luke

  1. 46 minutes ago, Emil0 said:

    Gratz, so far the new bs they pass that is supposed to make it harder to skip interview doesn't seem to have changed anything, they were saying now is supposed to be "almost never waive interview" instead of the old "almost never interview a candidate for a 2nd time after submitting i751", what evidence did you sent if I may ask? And again gratz mate

    Thank you! :) And that's what I was thinking. I was certain I'd get an interview after the changes they made, but as far as I can see/read almost nobody has lol

    As far as evidence goes I sent the following:

    - the usual (forms, marriage license etc)

    - drivers licenses (same residency) and title for 2 cars we own together

    - 2017 and 2018 tax transcripts

    - 7 bank statements for joint accounts and 2 earnings statements for joint residency

    - deed of our house we own

    - Tricare summary and 2 medical bills

    - some Facebook screenshots and scans of postcards/cards written to each other

    - photos of our wedding, the invitation and thank you card

  2. I have that yes, I have this little yellow book where doctors keep track of all vaccines I got since my birth and thankfully he put it in last year at my medical in Munich. I also have those in my records at the family doctor I go to here in KC, including flu shot, so that shouldn't be the problem. I can take a copy of it with me. I just worry that me taking anxiety medication and my scars might be a problem if I have to do a full medical again over here, I know there's a section about mental disorders and that stuff in the I-693.

  3. Thank you everyone for your responses!! I don't have a copy of the DS3025, it was never given to me, so I don't really know if it was completed or not.

    I might have to search for civil surgeons that are a bit of a drive away, I've gone through the list from the link above and called the CVs from the USCIS website as well. Just so frustrating that no one here would do the transcript only :(

  4. Hello everyone,

    I hope someone can calm me down a bit and may have been in a similar position.

    I came to the US on a K1 this April and we filed for AOS in October. I had a medical done in my home country in December 2015, so about a year ago.

    Yesterday I received a RFE asking for a Vaccination Supplement to Form I-693. That means I should only need the vaccinations part right? I already got a flu shot for this year a couple of weeks ago, so I do have all vaccinations required.

    Unfortunately, I couldnt find a single civil surgeon in the Kansas City area who'd do the vaccination transcription only, so I probably will have to do a complete new medical, the cheapest $150 :(

    The "concern" I have right now is following: I am taking escitalopram for anxiety and I also have several scars from self-harming when I was a teenager. Could those two things be a possible problem at the new physical or have any impact on receiving my Green Card now? I passed the medical in my home country, but I was super panicky back then that these things would be an issue.

    Anyone know if I should get a statement from my family doctor as to why I'm taking the medication and that I am no risk to myself/others?

    Thank you so much in advance!

  5. Hello everyone,

    we are currently in the process of filing for my Adjustment of Status, I came here in April on a K-1 and we got married in May.

    We do have a couple of questions concerning the Affidavit of Support:

    My husband left active duty mid May and is now a full-time student (he uses the Post 9/11 GI Bill for school and we receive BAH). However, he still serves as a Reservist one weekend a month.

    Is our poverty level still 100% or do we have to meet the 125% now, since he is not active duty anymore?

    Can we include the BAH and his paycheck from the reserves? Should we write it down as Post 9/11 GI Bill?

    Thank you so much in advance!

  6. Hey you, he wont need the DS-160 for the medical. I had my medical almost a month before I even submitted pack 3 to the consulate in Frankfurt.

    The doc will give him specific papers to fill out if he tells him its for a K1 and he only needs the things you mentioned before, plus the number you got from NVC. :)

    The interview, however, he can only schedule once he got an email from them stating that he can do so.

  7. Glückwunsch an alle neuen approvals!! :-D

    Ich habe auch (mal wieder) eine Frage. In meinem Paket war kein weißer Umschlag. Der Beamte im Konsulat meinte, dass das für AOS benötigt wird.

    Weiß jemand, ob es möglich ist, dass sie mir das nochmal zuschicken und was in dem Umschlag ist? Habe auch schon gelesen hier, dass die Inhalte wohl doch nicht für AOS gebraucht werden!?

  8. Hello you,

    as far as I remember the pack 3 only contained the following:

    - Information sheet about domestic violence (they will give this to you at the interview again as well)

    - Cover letter with info/link to the checklist and case number (you say you have the checklist already right?)

    - Residence history Form

    I think you're only missing the residence history Form, everything else you need is stated in the CL. I can't find it anywhere online to download unfortunately :(

    You should check if the have the correct address, maybe some typo is in there somewhere?

  9. Ich habe eine kurze Frage: Habe eben beiläufig gelesen, dass die Botschaft Frankfurt nur einmal wöchentlich die Post abholt...Weiß jemand ob das stimmt/noch aktuell ist?

    Ob das noch aktuell ist weiß ich nicht, allerdings wurde das Package von mir innerhalb weniger Tage bearbeitet und ich hatte nur 4 Arbeitstage später meine Email, dass ich das Interview schedulen kann. Die sind im Moment ziemlich fix :)

  10. Ah super, vielen Dank!! :D

    Habe im Moment einen relativ günstigen Flug im Auge für Ende April, das sollte ja dann noch locker ausreichen wenn das wirklich so schnell geht. Standesamtlich wollen wir an seinem Geburtstag Anfang Mai schon heiraten (so kann er das Datum nie vergessen lol) nur kirchlich dann erst im Juli. Ich war mir unsicher, ob meine Familie denn schon buchen kann, man liest hier ja manchmal, dass Leute noch Monate im AP festgesteckt sind!

    Vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung :)

  11. Halli hallo!

    Ich habe auch eine Frage. Ich hatte am Donnerstag mein Interview (K1) und wir sind approved. Die Dame meinte, dass ich im Laufe der nächsten Woche mein Visa haben sollte und ich frage mich jetzt, ob das wirklich so schnell geht? Wie lang hat es denn bei euch so gedauert, bis ihr es wirklich hattet? Ich frage auch deshalb weil ich mir unsicher bin, ob wir nun wirklich schon mit der Planung der Hochzeit anfangen können, also Kirche buchen, Einladungen schreiben etc.

    Wir wollen am 2.7. kirchlich heiraten und geplant ist im Moment, dass ich Ende April in die USA gehe.

    Danke für eure Erfahrungen :)

  12. Hello you!

    So I Just had my interview in Frankfurt and they asked me at the embassy if anything changed in the DS-160 I submitted or if I've been in the US since then. My guess is you could leave it like it is and tell the person at the consulate that you visited your fiancé recently...but that's just a guess lol

  13. Hello guys! So I just realised that my fiancé checked intend and put the following in:

    All expenses incl but not limited to her US domestic travel lodging boarding food incidental expenses and visitor medical insurance.

    I'm freaking out about this just now as I have my interview tomorrow. Will this be a problem? I just read online that with a K1 you can ignore this question...

  14. To be safe print out the terms and conditions of the site, some will state that they are not an IMB. People have received RFE's for not including this information.

    Hope this helps. :)

    That's exactly what we did. We printed out the "Terms & Conditions" and the "About us" and sent it with our package - no RFE!! :-)

  15. :rofl: I'm laughing with you as you are so right. You'll haven't really thought about what lies ahead of you after the visa is approved. You have AOS, ROC and Naturalization (if you so choose). Think of as a baby. Some of you are still in the womb with USCIS and like a baby at birth, only mother nature knows for sure when the baby will be born. It's the same her with the process.

    Take it from someone who went before you, and believe when I say this, our times were much longer then most of you are experiencing now. :secret: Best thing to do is go about your life and only check once a day otherwise, your going to keep adding stress to your life. The smartphone app really can help folks. You'll get beep, probably before you even get a chance to check yourself. Details are in my link below. Just my two cents. :pop:

    That's about the best comparison to this whole process I've heard so far lol! Most people, myself included easily forget that this is only the beginning of a very long process, but eventually we're all gonna get there and staying positive and relaxed is very important

    The app is awesome! It's so easy to use and it's gonna be very helpful during the next couple of months.

  16. Has Any of the late august/early september filers heard back anything? I see lot of people here on VJ getting approved in 2 weeks. Our case has the NOA1 of sept 2.. Wonder how much more time before we hear back anything :)

    Did you check the estimated approval time on here? Mine is 3 weeks after NOA1 so I think you should hear something next week hopefully :) you should also get the phone app. It's great and easy for getting updates on your case :)

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