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Posts posted by BaronB

  1. From my time spent here I have noticed that VJ is similar to High School. A lot of people with similar views will band together and go out of their way to make others feel unwelcome or belittle them. This is especially true amongst the long timers, the mods and so on. If a newbie rocks up with a different point of view, they will be shunned and humiliated. Fair enough, you people control this place. But please don't labour under the illusion you are doing good in this world.

    My Visa was approved, no thanks to any of the mods or long term members here.

  2. Modify your resume to suit the job application. Leaving out information on a resume is not illegal. Pretending to be more than you are is. I'm getting tired of people telling others that they shouldn't look for a job beneath them. Nothing is beneath you, especially if you are doing it to put food on the table.

  3. I'd be very surprized if it came up and if it does, you just answer honestly. You were denied because you didn't have close ties to home, but that is no longer the case. Don't worry about this, I know it's easier said than done but you are not in danger of being denied a K-1 because of the previous denials which were completely different visa applications.

  4. In 1948 the minimum wage was $0.40

    In 2010 the minimum wage was $7.25

    The "adjusted for inflation figures in 2013 dollars" are:

    1948 - $3.87

    2010 - $7.75

    Therefore I assume this UNLABELED graph is using figures adjusted for inflation.

    My problem is that the adjusted for inflation minimum wage appears to have peaked sometime around 1968 at $10.78.

    So where is this "peak" in wages on the SIMPLE graph you posted?

    It's also impossible to accurately measure "productivity" over these years due to technological advances. Yes, we can get more done today but we do so with the help of computers, automated processes and so on.

    I'm sure you'll come back with some argument that this graph is not about "minimum wage" but other wages. If so, link please.


  5. Gap ain't big enough yet. The Teahadists will be happy only when Americans are reduced to serfs for the upper crust.


    So productivity and compensation were zero in the 1940s? Who makes these stupid graphs?

    I find it hard to believe that people in the 1960s people were only half as "productive" as people in the 1980s. What is "productivity" anyway?

    This graph is pure BS in my honest opinion. Bait for the uneducated.

    Rather show a graph of how hourly compensation has been reduced over the years due to inflation - that means something at least.

  6. Here is my take...

    Use immigration attorney...

    1. If you have unusual and/or difficult circumstance

    2. If few thousands of dollars is insignificant

    3. If you are not good at or interested in reading and following instructions

    4. If you have ADD/ADHD and immigration paperwork is not in your interest

    5. If your English is limited

    6. If you are lazy and don't like dealing with paperwork details

    7. If your IQ is way below average

    WOW, that is quite insulting to people who have used attorneys to handle paperwork for them. Not all of us have the time to handle this process. Some people are a couple of working professionals. I suppose 2. applies to me but don't you dare think any of the others do. What a cheek!

  7. I didn't say every case, but there is a huge majority that do.

    You believe there are no genuine relationships at all? Or are you talking about the men who are crib snatching the women the day of their 18th birthday?

    Janelle, you are entirely correct in your assumption. Which by the way is more than a mere assumption. The huge numbers of old fossils finding young pretty brides in the Philippines disgusts me. We can argue that it is a two way street but the fact remains that these men are nothing more than dirty old men who could never find a pretty young bride in the US.

  8. Many cases are being completed in as little as 30 days or less!!..Have you checked the CEAC website for 3 N/A's..

    I welcome you to this amazing topic regarding scan dates, case completes, and interviews thread. We have over 300+ people on our spread sheet. Not only do we inform one another with helpful tips and advice, but we also support and encourage one another during this stressful process.


    Above is the link for the tread.


    This is the CEAC website.

    Good luck with your journey.

    Regardless of your tiny VJ sample, the NVC is under NO OBLIGATION to process anything in less than 60 days. Deal with it.

  9. I still think that part is completely unnecessary and whoever came up with the guidelines assume people don't tell the truth. I think the questions about ever having an STD and the blood test for syphilis is sufficient. Though I am naive and think the best of people.

    I do agree with you, I have masculine features and a beard. I don't think there was a need to check my genitals. That's why I assumed it may be for STDs. lol

    It is a nice feeling to be done with the medical and move on :)

  10. Firstly, let me apologise to everyone here who has jumped down my throat. You are right and I am wrong. You know best, I know nothing.

    I'll continue my LEGAL pathway to citizenship and I won't comment on any further questions that go against my "morals".

    How you choose to run this website is your own business. How I choose to interpret it (or for that matter, anyone thinking of committing fraud) is my/our business.

    Best wishes.

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