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Posts posted by luv2uallday

  1. a lesson to the moderators. FREE SPEACH ISN'T JUST PROMOTING IDEAS AND STATEMENTS YOU AGREE WITH BUT PROMOTING SPEACH THAT YOU DON'T AGREE WITH AS WELL. not biasly lifting one side up and opressing and censoring the other side just because you don't like what you hear and hide behind TOS. this cancer that grows in forums is what kills forums or nueters them at the least. good day. FREE SPEACH LIVES!!!!!!

    Is graffiti "free speech"? Not if it isn't your wall! :whistle:

    Your right to free speech ends where it infringes on the rights of others. "Free" doesn't mean "free of cost". You have the right to say whatever you like, providing it's not libelous or slanderous, but you don't have the right to use somebody else's podium to say it. If you want to exercise your right to free speech, then lease your own server and put up your own forum or blog. If you post here, you do so with the permission of the people who run this site, and you agree to abide by their rules when doing so.


    I agree with you on encroching on others right and disagree with you on the rest. I just think people should be allowed to voice their opinion whatever they may be We all are members in the "Arena of Ideas"

    I feel here the forums have been too "Sanitized" where if you put an opposing statment you will be punished and to me that is wrong. I'm not the only one who holds this view I believe.

    Now belittlling someone because of race, sex orientation etc is wrong no matter what you feel, but being blunt and honest about a subject is just as an important as being nice and cordial. withouth both ends of the free speach spectrum there is no free speach. just preching to the choir. The trick is finding balance between the two..

    This is my opions agree or not. They are mine just as yours are yours. God bless you all. :innocent:

  2. You were not "slapped" with a 221g. You received a 221g because you were not prepared for the interview. Do you expect them to waive the rules for you because you are special and give you a visa anyway? Most stress in life is caused by unrealistic expectations. You unrealistically expected her to get a visa when you didn't prepare and didn't follow the rules and instructions. Big surprise.

    We are aware about being "iffy" I cannot count the times I have said that if you are borderline on the financial requirements to get a co-sponsor. This is a subjective decision by the consulates, it varies by consulate, by counsulate officer and by case details. Unless you are comfortable above the guides, get a co-sponsor. YOU and only YOU can make that decision, YOU decided not to. So, thank you for your example. The financial support requirement is NOT a pass/fail test, there is NO finish line where you win. It is a subjective decision made by ONE person who does not know you or your fiancee and has about 30 seconds to review what you give him. so for others...go to an interview with borderline financials an this is what you can expect. You reap what you sow.

    The other document is specific to the consulate you are using, you did not study the needs for that consulate. What do you need to do? Get a co-sponsor. Go to the regional forums and study about this other document (do a search of the forum which will give you answers for the last several years on this topic) If that doesn't get you your answer, email or call the visa section directly and ask them.

    ---------------------------------------------------END OF QUOTE---------------------------------------------------------------------

    Thank you for being honest and to the point with people that try to deflect their failures and failure to take responsability for their actions or INactions. And redirecting the true blame right back where it belongs. Too long people here sugar coat the truth hoping it will go down better. But in the end it just turns the truth into a lie. you are 100% right in your evaluation and hope more people will be like you when statements like these come up in the forums

    a lesson to the moderators. FREE SPEACH ISN'T JUST PROMOTING IDEAS AND STATEMENTS YOU AGREE WITH BUT PROMOTING SPEACH THAT YOU DON'T AGREE WITH AS WELL. not biasly lifting one side up and opressing and censoring the other side just because you don't like what you hear and hide behind TOS. this cancer that grows in forums is what kills forums or nueters them at the least. good day. FREE SPEACH LIVES!!!!!!

  3. Please help anyone that knows anything about this or the process to fix it.

    This being my first post here, I hope it isn't too long. I have asked a lot of people and am trying everywhere for an answer. Feel free to ask me questions or clarification as the only thing I really want is my family here with me, like normal people have.

    I am a US citizen. I'm 26. My wife is 28. We have 2 children and have been married for over 6 years. Currently they are in Mexico staying with a relative until this situation is worked out. I had only been out of the country once before the trip to get my wife's visa in Juarez - I really can't just go live there. I have 2 jobs and a business here, one of them in the government. Unfortunately, my wife came here illegally in a car in 2001 not knowing english. She was in the back seat posing to be 16 years old, the resident of a citizen mom who was driving. Her 2 younger sisters were also there in the car.

    We knew that if the visa was approved, we would need to file a hardship waiver. That was all ready until my wife came out of the Consulate and told me she was denied. Section 212(a)(6)©(ii) ... when I read this, it was like I fell off the planet.

    The unfortunate part is that we had a lawyer with 30 years experience who gave us no forwarning to this possibility or of her needing to have found out the details of certain things before going into the interview and having to answer "I don't know" to one of their questions.

    At the visa interview last week, she was asked how she got to the US. She explained how and everything. She said the only thing she said to get across the border to the border patrol was something with the word citizen in it. The consulate official then asked her if she had said "US citizen" and my wife responded that she didn't know. So she got a denial with no possible waiver.

    We consulted with here middle sister who was in the car and 15 years old when they came over together. She remembered that they claimed to be residents of a citizen mom. They never touched or saw documents. The didn't get stopped or interviewed at the border. This sister is willing to write a notarized affidavit, risking deportiation. She was in the car at the time of the supposed violation. As far as the probable situation of her coming in as a citizen with no documents, I assume that since she claimed to be a resident, that the coyote driving (her mom supposedly) showed some documents, but my wife didn't see them or pay attention to them as it wasn't really her issue as she posed as a minor, they probably weren't going to question her.

    Now I am trying to see if there is a motion, appeal or other waiver that is possible. I have been told no by the Visa information line. It seems that until laws change, there is never in my wife's life going to be a chance she can come in the US. I have only been told by the visa call line that there isn't any reversal. I don't understand this. If it is really true that there are no motions, appeals or waivers, then this isn't a democracy. Who governs the government? This is why we have a 3 part government - legislative cannot enforce and police cannot make laws - there is always a court above the last court. It seems as if these interviewers are the judge, jury and excecutioner. The issue is that I am not looking for a waiver. I am specifically stating that this interviewer speculated based on the lack of information available during the interview on the part of my wife. The issue was the judgement of this interviewer. My wife is not guilty of their supposed crime - Even murderers have appeals.

    I feel like the country is guilty of treason against me. The penalty for treason I believe is death. ...And that is about how I feel about a country that will force the seperation of a young family with 2 kids. This country is dead to me. If this isn't resolved, my life is over. People say marriage, divorce and buying a house are the most stressful and biggest things that happen in a life. They haven't even fathomed anything like the forced seperation (similar to divoce) or forced move (into a poverished country where a very white american like me can't even think about working in a decent paying career).

    PLEAS HELP. I am being destroyed and have never felt this unstable or cried this much in my life.

    Unfortunately, people are right. There is no waiver or ways to reverse this decision. save one. A private bill submitted in congress by your representative and voted yes for can grant your wife a reprieve. BUT those are rare and for extenuating curcumstances. You can try but write to your rep and senator. see what happens.

    You may also both can plan to move to canada. You two can have a nice life there. That's an option. Again I'm sorry for what has happened. But the crimes of yesterday can change your life today. it is what it is. I just wish it wasn't this and a better world but it's not.

  4. K-1 visa is a single entry visa meaning after the first entry the visa is no longer valid for re-entry unless you have an adjustment of status and a re-entry permit or a re-permit. if you try to enter with a single entry visa you run the high rist of beingstuck best secure a re-ebtry permit or adjust your status and apply for a re-entry permit. best not gamble and risk greater headaches and possibly have to be re-petition all over again good luck

    I think the OP meant when he uses his K1 to enter the country. Not that he's planning on trying to use it as a multi-entry visa ;)

    whoops my bad sorry.

  5. Hi,

    After a very shaky entry into the US recently under the visa waiver program (where the officer let the guy in front of me in without an ESTA!), where I was nearly turned around for no good reason at all (2 interviews and treated like a criminal), I was curious to know if boarder guards have the authority to turn you away with an issued visa? (k-1 or otherwise).



    K-1 visa is a single entry visa meaning after the first entry the visa is no longer valid for re-entry unless you have an adjustment of status and a re-entry permit or a re-permit. if you try to enter with a single entry visa you run the high rist of beingstuck best secure a re-ebtry permit or adjust your status and apply for a re-entry permit. best not gamble and risk greater headaches and possibly have to be re-petition all over again good luck

  6. I don't know if this is the right place to rant and express how upset i am.

    I'm a Filipino girl, 21 years old from a political clan in pampanga. My loving fiance is an american, 22 years old, from stockton. We met in the states 3 years ago in a coffee shop in bay area where he worked at as a waiter, became friends and fell in love. I was 18 that time and in spite of his small disability (his left eye is smaller than the right one) and status in life, i knew he was my prince charming and the only guy i'd like to spend my whole life with. I always visit him in the states as i have the means to do so. If it's his birthday, i buy him a ticket so we could celebrate his day here in the philippines. My father didn't like him at first but things get better between them on his second and third visits. We're always happy and in love.

    December 2008, i received a call from an unknown number and figured out that it was my fiance asking me to pick him up at the the local airport! I couldn't be happier when i saw him waiting for me and i was so touched when he said he's been saving up for his little surprise. We spent the holiday together and he proposed to me which i gladly accepted. We decided to apply for a k1 visa because we were told that that's the fastest way we can get married and settle down in the states. My fiance went home with all the necessary papers and started processing my visa right away. We're lucky because his parents are very supportive and they helped him since day 1. Everything went well due to my fiance's hardwork. I received the packet in the mail on october 2009 and was schedule for an interview on the 12th of november. Of course my guy wanted to come with me to show his support so i bought him a ticket and came here 1 week before my interview.

    Ok. November 12th, 2009. The pre-screening was perfect minus that fat lady. I smiled with all my heart, gave the papers she needed and answered her questions. She then looked at me for few seconds which i found very awkward and i slightly got shy or intimidated or whatever so i asked why she was looking at me that way. She didn't answer, as if she didn't hear what i said but at least she was waken up and asked me to sit down for a moment. Well, i didn't have a clue why she was staring at me that way until a tall guy who looks asian but not filipino approached us and directed me to the CO.

    This middle-age american CO, who looks like jack nicholson's skinny version with a half-blonde/half-gray hair, started it by alternately reading the documents n his hand and looking at me. He was in that position for a minute and yes i finally had a clue and felt something is not right. But i stayed cool and smiled at him like we know each other personally. He turned to his computer and started to type something. He's still typing when we proceed to the actual interview. Ok. I'm not exaggerating things here but 90% of his questions are weird, funny and pointless. His first set of questions consisted of my fiance's age, birthday, zodiac sign, school, previous relationship, siblings, pets, house, body tattoo. He stopped typing then proceed to the second set of questions. I noticed he started to speak slowly and changed tone and looked real serious and that made him look like he was confronting me for some kind of crime. Well, we eventually had a small confrontation when he asked (in a very sarcastic tone) if i am aware of my fiance's eye problem, his failure to reach the required salary in his affidavit of support, how low his average salary could be for being a college drop-out, living in stockton all his life which according to him is the worst city in america in terms of government, poverty and crime, and few more stupid questions that made me feel upset and mad i raised my voice to defend my fiance the best way i could. The old skinny man tried to calm me down and called another american grandpa who immediately came inside the room and started to type something in the computer. Well i don't really mind seeing two or twenty american grandpaps in corporate suit around during my interview so i asked the CO if there's anything else he needs to know about me and my fiance. He didn't say a word and requested if i could bring my fiance inside the room so i stood up and went out i'm not sure if the he was still saying something and then i saw my blonde guy at the same spot i was sitting at earlier. I dragged him and while heading back to the room i told him i was sorry it's not our lucky day.

    This time it looks like the second grandpap was finished typing because he's already standing at the back of the CO and they were both looking at my fiance. I can't explain that kind of look i can't say if they wanted to cry or laugh or pass out or if they just happened to be gifted that kind of face. I felt my fiance was embarrassed (he's a very very shy guy) so still with a pissed tone i interrupted and introduced him to them. The CO asked him simple questions like some info about his family and their background. Meanwhile i caught the second grandpap looking at me every once in a while like he was checking out my expression and it got me irritated so i returned the favor and stared at him and his bald head until the CO is done with my fiance. He asked my guy to excuse us and when he's out, the CO turned to me compiled some papers and said this.

    "Are you sure you're marrying that guy? I'm sorry young lady i'm afraid i can't give you a visa. We'll send you a letter.....".

    I got so pissed and told him to stop under estimating my fiance's capacity i know him more than anyone else his eye problem is a result of a bike accident when he was a kid but if it's that big of a deal then i'll bring him to the best eye surgeon then bring him back to that embassy with or without their k1 and that my fiance's not a lazy drop-out he just had to quit college and get a job instead to support himself and if i would have to transfer everything i inherited under his name then i would be willing to do that within 24 hours no questions asked just for that embassy to stop humiliating my guy! Of course they tried to calm me down but i was too carried away to listen i knew it was the end of it and i may be banned from entering the states for the rest of my life and just when i was about to leave the CO suddenly said "Ok young lady i think the US changed his mind and approved your visa. Congratulations." Well, i was still pissed but i felt happy inside when i heard him say that. I thought they were just playing games on us but the CO looks serious. I didn't see them smiling or any sing that they were just joking and pretended that my visa is denied. He attached a form stamped on some papers and place them to my folder before handing it to me. The second grandpap said "You two will be monitored until you get married." I just threw them a look and left.

    People, i swear it didn't intend to make a scene but no way i could let anyone humiliate my fiance like that. In the first place, my fiance had no business in that room. Of course we rushed to a legal consultant and he said that it could be a fraud interview. He verified my papers and confirmed that everything looks normal. The visa will be mailed and we can leave after that. Until now we're clueless if the second grandpap was serious when he said our marriage will be "monitored". And that's exactly what I'm worried about. What are they going to do? Why do we appear fraudulent even if our engagement is genuine (God knows it is) genuine and we love each other)? What made them think we're fraudulent? Why did the CO treat my fiance like that they're both american in the first place? Will the state police chase us even if i have a K1? What can we expect upon arrival in the US with a K1? What will the Immigration people do to us? Should I bring a lawyer? Is there anyone we can contact if something goes wrong on our arrival? Like an immigration lawyer a consultant or a specialist i don't mind whoever he is i'm willing to pay for the help..

    Right now, my fiance is worried yes we're both worried but pretends he's not and that the wedding will be okay. He doesn't want me to tell my family about it as it could just delay our wedding and i completely understand what he feels. We just want to go and get married and establish a family. I don't mind living in his city even if it's the worst place in the planet. So I decided to do some research on my own before making a decision whether or not it's still okay to go to the states.

    Thank you for reading i feel better now.

    to me it sounds like the CO had some minor doubts on your case, maybe the facts of the case had some red flags, He wanted to measure your responce when he told you he was going to deny you. When he saw your sincerity that gave him enough proof to convince him. You may not of liked it but he was just trying to test you. I went through this too somewhat in Texas office. A tactic used to measure true sincerity.. Remember you know how much you love him but you must prove that or (convince the CO) of that. Good luck now it will be easier path fron now on

  7. I'm asking if you've used their service before. 100% success rate? It's entirely possible. I don't think they deal with a huge amount of clients.

    I have had consultations with services that you speak of and what they promote is a dead giveaway of a rip off scam. Only deceptive business practices will promote such BS. Immigration attorneys are qualified and specialized in their fields and one of the first things they tell you when petitioning is nothing is 100 success rate. that it's based on the facts of the case. But, if you are willing to trust them Well, its your time and money and heart you are willing to put on the line. If you want to use a service that is trusted and qualified Use a good immigration attorney. That is your safest credible route (though there are some bad attorneys out there as well, nothings perfect)

    There are these quick and easy visa services that are just laymen who fill out forms, But when they make a mistake or don't follow the right procedure YOU pay for it with a denial, administrative process and all these equal to more time and more money down the drain and potentially a breakup of the relationship. Is all that worth it for alittle cheaper price? I have seen scores of these services get people deported, denied, or have to restart all over gain and wait years to repetition. They have done more damage to people's lives than you can ever imagine. And they will tell you anything and promise anything to you just to get your money. And when there is a problem their the first to run leaving YOU the mess to clean up.

    many many years ago I was ignorant to try to have a consultation with one. Luckily i new enough about immigration law and procedures to know the advice i was given was completely false. If I trusted this visa service my ex would of been deported. After catching them in a lie. I went to a good qualified attorney and my ex got her Green Card.

    The choice is yours I hope you make the wise one. If you use the service and succeed well you got lucky if you fail well the process just gets harder and more painful and you will have to hire a lawyer and pay 3 times the amount to get the mess cleaned up Good Luck and have a nice day =0)

  8. Hi,

    New here and hope to post here through the process. :)

    I'm from Texas, my fiancee is from Toronto, Ontario.

    I've been researching this whole process for awhile now and have thought that the fees are quite extreme and have come to realize that they went up substantially this year. From $190 to $455? From $350 for AOS to $930?

    To me this sounds crazy and it's awfully hard for my fiancee and I to afford those fees all at once delaying the process even longer. We make good money to live off of, but not so much to drop that much extra money all at once, so we are quite stressed out by this whole process.

    Why did the fees go up so much from what they were and has there been any benefit to this?


    The fees went up to help USCIS hire more people build new facilities one example USCIS just built a new facility in California just for i-601 waiver petitions from juarez mexico, it was taking 6 months to a year in addition to the waiting time for the -130 or other petitions processing times. Now the i-601 timelines have shortened drmatically. Also, they have increased staffing in all their service centers, built more service centers example texas used to only have one in dallas now they have two. These hikes are designed to cover the growing demand of petitions. They were also increased to revamp their systems and to clear the backlogs due to fbi background checks.

    Now USCIS is a goverment agency but it isn't a true goverment agency. It is a quasi goverment/corporation type agency simular to the post office. USCIS doesn't get most of its money from the goverment to fund it's operations. It gets its funds from filing fees. When the current pricing model is not sufficient to cover it's expenses or expansions USCIS can't go to the goverment per say and ask for money they have to generate profits to keep operatiing That is the reasons why filing fees continue to rise. In 2010 the fees will rise again because USCIS is undergoing further expansions and personel changes thus needing more profits to fund these projects.

    As much as it hurts to say this I beleive USCIS is justified in their plans because without it USCIS would be like the old INS we would be suffering from massive backlogs from months to years with no relief in sight.

    Also, USCIs model is built on this premis Immigration Benefits are just that a benefit not a right. So the costs are born upon the customer requesting the benefits not the taxpayer. u may not like that idea but that's what it is. Thus why the customer shoulders the burden of an ever increasing prices to do business.

    People complain about the price. but if the price was right people would complain about the waiting times. so either way people will always complain. Best USCIS triple their prices and be efficient. Versus keeping prices low and increase waiting times.

  9. How did it work for you?

    Since vaccination is, by the constitution in the US, only voluntary and not at all legally obligatory, I assume for the visa it is also possible to refuse vaccination completely.

    I read you can wait until you get in the US to get them done for your AOS. I guess it would be easier THEN to use that part of the constitution to say no to do it.

    Has anyone done it at their medical in their country? said they'd rather do it in the US?

    Im in Paris just called the doctor to ask just FMY and she said yes i can say no, but since it will be asked in the US i might as well have it done (PS she doesn't know i intend to use a couple ammendments lol)

    She also said they could REQUIRE it for the visa. Does anyone know if i can do like they do in schools in the US just say I don't legally have to and they just ake me sign a waiver?

    Anyone knows the legal ways one can use?

    PS please no need to tell me how great and useful it is to get vaccinated and how i am crazy not to get it. lool

    Have a wonderful week everybody

    your fiance DOESN'T have to get vaccinated if she doesn't want to. But INS doesn't HAVE to grant her a Immigration Benefits..

    Just because you think u don't like the idea of getting vaccinated doesn't mean you are entitled to the benefits that the majority of others get by following procedures. If you don't like it stay in your fiance's native country and live there have a happy life. but if you want to stay here and have a happy life be willing to follow the rules and procedures everyone else must follow Don't hide behind the constitution. It's a document to uphold our principals not to be used to circumvent the law. have a nice day

    have a nice day.

  10. If the CellPhone Company MetroPCS is in your area, it pretty cheap.

    You can text to PI for free, and for $5 per month you make unlimited calls to PI Landline.

    The monthly cost for MetroPCS for unllimited talk, text, and internet is around $45 per month

    hey i checked it out metropcs utility said philippines is not included in the international plan here is what the utility spit out

    Based on the information provided above your destination is:

    Philippines -- Not currently available with the Unlimited International Calling Feature

    MetroPCS offers great rates with International Long Distance Calling Cards. Find out more about our competitive rates on this and other calling destinations using our International Long Distance Calling Card

    and I used a landline number as the input. I'm thinkin like most other carriers philippines is excluded. I have yet to see phils included in any unlimited calling plans even the new vonage world plan phils is excluded.

    You may be correct, Since I don't call the Philippines. But last time I checked, you could call the Philippines landline for unlimited

    Here is a link to see if it would work


    ummm... that is what i used to verify if phils was under the plan or not. Also, I used a landline number from the beginning to verify and it's not covered...... my theory as to way phils is always excluded is because it's a high rate per min country so it would be too expensive for a carrier to put it on an unlimited plan. Usually the cheap countries are used because the connection costs are low enough that carriers will not lose money on an unlimited plan. Phils will not have cheap ratees for years to come, though they are getting cheaper be the year.

  11. If the CellPhone Company MetroPCS is in your area, it pretty cheap.

    You can text to PI for free, and for $5 per month you make unlimited calls to PI Landline.

    The monthly cost for MetroPCS for unllimited talk, text, and internet is around $45 per month

    hey i checked it out metropcs utility said philippines is not included in the international plan here is what the utility spit out

    Based on the information provided above your destination is:

    Philippines -- Not currently available with the Unlimited International Calling Feature

    MetroPCS offers great rates with International Long Distance Calling Cards. Find out more about our competitive rates on this and other calling destinations using our International Long Distance Calling Card

    and I used a landline number as the input. I'm thinkin like most other carriers philippines is excluded. I have yet to see phils included in any unlimited calling plans even the new vonage world plan phils is excluded.

  12. just want to say if your in america and want to call your family,fiance,etc in the philippines , there is a company called [pinoy tawag] i used for 5 months now and it is 44$a month and you can call there unlimited all day and nite long.they send your filipino family etc a chip for there phone and it has an american local number and a philippine number in it,when you call from usa you dial the usa local number and your filipina recipients phone rings and you talk all you want.there is no contract either very good to have

    The initial cost of this seems pretty high and you are limited to one phone in the PI from what I read, I just prefer to use Google Voice and pay the 17 cents a minute for cell and less for land lines. I can use any phone or call any phone, free sms, can record calls or save sms messages. Using magic jack is cool but you need an internet connection so buy the thing to begin with when you can talk for free anyway.

    just want to say if your in america and want to call your family,fiance,etc in the philippines , there is a company called [pinoy tawag] i used for 5 months now and it is 44$a month and you can call there unlimited all day and nite long.they send your filipino family etc a chip for there phone and it has an american local number and a philippine number in it,when you call from usa you dial the usa local number and your filipina recipients phone rings and you talk all you want.there is no contract either very good to have

    The initial cost of this seems pretty high and you are limited to one phone in the PI from what I read, I just prefer to use Google Voice and pay the 17 cents a minute for cell and less for land lines. I can use any phone or call any phone, free sms, can record calls or save sms messages. Using magic jack is cool but you need an internet connection so buy the thing to begin with when you can talk for free anyway.

    the best and cheapest way to call phils is of course Magic Jack and devices like it.

    But there is another alternative to that called Tk6000 by nettalk www.tk6000.com it is simular to a magic jack but you don't need a computer to use it just plug it into a router and a phone on the other end and you got a phone line. price sched is 100$ for the device that includes 3 yrs of service after that it's 20$ a year. send that to your fiance and boom free calling. life is easy. nettalk even has online call tracking.

    Now if you insist on spending money min to min then there is startec www.startec.com they have call rates to phils of 9.9 cents a minute that's cell and landline. good luck

    another alternative is smart's plug n talk (www.plugntalk.com) smart has introduced a new device for ofw's it is called plug n talk (www.plugntalk.com) it is a usb device that will allow you to call and text anyone in the philippines at local phils domestic rates. so basically you can be here usa call or text your fiance @ philippine domestic rates BUT here is the bonus all INCOMING calls and text are FREE so if your fiance calls YOU it is free to you or if she texts you it's free to you. Only outcoing calls and texts are charged.

    the rates are as follows calls going to

    post-paid smart customers pre-paid customers all non smart customers

    php 6.50 php 7.50 php 8.00

    all rates for texting are as follows

    smart customers non smart customers international customer

    1.00 php per message 2.00 php per message 15.00 php per message

    startec long distance


    smart's plugntalk


    net talk's tk6000.com


    magic jack


  13. just want to say if your in america and want to call your family,fiance,etc in the philippines , there is a company called [pinoy tawag] i used for 5 months now and it is 44$a month and you can call there unlimited all day and nite long.they send your filipino family etc a chip for there phone and it has an american local number and a philippine number in it,when you call from usa you dial the usa local number and your filipina recipients phone rings and you talk all you want.there is no contract either very good to have

    The initial cost of this seems pretty high and you are limited to one phone in the PI from what I read, I just prefer to use Google Voice and pay the 17 cents a minute for cell and less for land lines. I can use any phone or call any phone, free sms, can record calls or save sms messages. Using magic jack is cool but you need an internet connection so buy the thing to begin with when you can talk for free anyway.

    the best and cheapest way to call phils is of course Magic Jack and devices like it.

    But there is another alternative to that called Tk6000 by nettalk www.tk6000.com it is simular to a magic jack but you don't need a computer to use it just plug it into a router and a phone on the other end and you got a phone line. price sched is 100$ for the device that includes 3 yrs of service after that it's 20$ a year.

    Now if you insist on spending money min to min then there is startec www.startec.com they have call rates to phils of 9.9 cents a minute that's cell and landline. good luck

  14. Due to persistent public demand,I now present to you the issue and thus, take side. :thumbs:

    marriage is most definitely a gamble..

    No matter how much you know your significant other. You never know how your life together is going to turn out. The only choice you have is to live life and see what happens One thing i found out in marriage love is not enough.

    Some people here will have happy marriages others here will get divorced the question is no on knows who's it going to be.

    as forest gump always said "life is like a box of chocalates ya never know what ya gonna get"

    When two people get married its like going to vegas and rolling the dice and crossing your fingers at the same time. lol

  15. Hi,

    My wife and I got married last week after she entered the country on a tourist visa about a month ago. She is divorced with two kids at the age of 17 and 13 who are currently in their home country. Can someone direct me to a site where it shows what forms to submit and the instructions so I can sponsor my wife and her kids for permanent residency status?

    Do I have to sponsor and submit a form for each of her kid?

    thanks in advance for the help

    here is something you should consider.

    souce : http://www.san-diego-immigration-lawyers.com/K-visas.htm

    30/60/90 day rule

    Marrying a United States citizen after entry thru the Visa Waiver program or through a B1/2 tourist visa

    Of course it is perfectly proper to come to the US on a tourist visa or visa waiver to marry a United states citizen if AFTER the marriage you intend to return to your home country.

    However ifs such a person does not return home and subsequently applies for a 'Green card' in the US -thru the adjustment of status process-then the visa fraud problem could easily resurface and cause that person real problems.

    In essence, the Immigration service normally applies the 30/60/90 day rule as it relates to fraudulent intent.

    The rule is if you apply for adjustment of status within 30 days of entry, there is an almost unrebuttable presumption that you had a nonimmigrant intent when you entered as a tourist and hence are deemed to have committed visa fraud. Between 30 and 60 days, the presumption is rebuttable. Between 60 and 90 days the rebuttable presumption reverses and unless the Immigration service has knowledge that the intent was preconceived, it will grant the adjustment of status. After 90 days, the issue is hardly ever raised.

    Don't apply too soon. you will be in possible trouble if you do. Because by your timetable it would seem that you are trying to circumvent the immigration laws I would venture maybe this whole thing was premeditated. It's legal but unethical. so many people wait while you guys skip ahead of the line. Also this will come back to the consulate office that granted the visa which makes it that much harder on those with hopes and dreams of getting a visa. I wish you guys a happy marriage just wish you guys did it the honest way have a nice day.

    disclaimer i am not a lawyer just a man with opinions seek the advice of a qualified immigration attourney on matters such as thess

  16. Yeah I am hurting constantly because I still love him despite all these. And it breaks my heart to see him having a communication with that girl. And he is planning again to visit her january next year. he is really torturing me emotionally because he knows that I love him. Thank you anyway for reading my concern. Somehow it eases the pain when you voiced out your problem. Because he wanted to keep this as a secret especially to our parents, he threatened to leave me on my own if i will tell them. he is so childish.

    in most cases love is a strength that carries you through most things but in cases like this love is a weakness that followed will lead you blind.

    I'm sorry to say you married a piece of trash who is too self centered and too cruel. You will be cursed to hang onto someone who wants so readily get rid of you. Your best bet is to let him go and move on with your life. No matter what the consequences your self respect and your heart are too precious to lose for a cheating fool.

    Maybe one day his heart will turn from stone to something that feels but until he changes within. Until he sees what he has done and has found love and life and compassion for himself. Your love is lost on him. There is a saying "if you love someone you must let them go" That is so true. Stop torturing yourself. Give him his wish, and be at piece with God. If this marriage is to be God will mend it. If not, God will take care of you.. Just let it go to him have faith in him and let his will be worked in your life..

    I'm so sorry for your pain been there know it. It really sux but you must be strong if you want to see clearly what what lays ahead for you in life.

  17. i know it just sometimes i tell myself he's just in a bad move and will not happen again. he's a nice person but his mood fluctuates a lot and one never knows. i continue to hope we can work things out.

    you are justifying what he has done to you. this is a common symptom of abuse. You need to get out like everyone else says because things will not get better they will just get worse.. Good luck...

  18. my fiance just left the Lagos consulate and was denied based on the fact that the pictures we attached to the form were our engagement pictures. The CO said in Nigerian the engagement i considered marraige and I should have filed a K3 visa. I dont have any marraige certificate to do this bcuz we didnt do any registry. WHAT DO I DO NOW?? pleaase help me

    your question doesn't make any sense. But I will try to answer it the best i can. What kind of visa petition was filed? If it was a visitors visa then what you have done was given intent of immigrating to the USA. Thus, the denial. For a visitor's visa your fiance must prove without a doubt she will be returnin to Nigeria. ei. good job. owns land, owns business, good income etc Now what you have done by giving the CO those pictures is told him she has intention to immigrate and not return home when her visa is done. THat's the only reason I can think of because you have provided NO details on the petion that was filed.

    Plz provide more specifics so we can give you a more accurate response thank you.

  19. my friends filed their i-130. after they filed the wife(usc) passed away.

    since the application has already been sent, does he have any rights?

    is there any way to follow through to get a visa?

    thanks for your comments....

    the replies you have gotten saying the beneficiary has no rights after the death of the petitioner is wrong.. There is one act of recourse you have it's called "Humanitarian Revalidation" Basically it states if the petitioner dies before the benificiarty recieves a visa the benefiecary still can get a visa based on the late petitioner's petition under certain situations. I forgot the exact situations but basically hardships.

    That is the only way to keep your case alive after the death of the petitioner. But you must find the situations eligable and if you fit into any of those then you have a change to have your petition re-opened and processed. What I understand you must still find a sponser for the affidavit of support in order to execute it.

    It is a law that was passed some years back Immigration Attorney Micheal j Gurfunkel speaks about it often on his immingration show "Citizen Pinoy" Good luck and hopefully things will work out

  20. Hey,

    Bad luck I had to find the jerk of all jerks. All the visa processing was going ok and all of the sudden he flipped out, turned out to be a real piece of work!!! How can I do to withdraw his pettition and maybe take legal actions on emotional and physcological abuse.

    Anyways, if you could please help me, and if I meet someone else, am I banned to go because of what this sensless man did to me?

    Im desperate, please help me!!! Does he go unpunished and can do this to some other woman? I do not think all this is fair!!!


    first rule of life nothing is ever fair. get used to it.

    second, it is a God given right for people to be jerks or whatever they want. if he wants to be a jerk so be it doesn't mean you should be compensated or retribution in any way for your inconveniences. if he didn't beat you then just get over it and move on with your life.

    only the petitioner can withdraw your petition just write a notorized letter to uscis with all the identifying info stating that you want to withdraw your petions be sure to write it for each petition you have submitted

    if you don't go through with the petition it will not count against you in any future petitions.

    good luck

  21. I was researching some different satelite service providers for Philippine TV stations in the U.S.A and was wondering if anyone in VJ has recommendations. The service company I am most interested in is http://www.filipinotvchannel.com/. Has anyone used this service provider? Share other experiences with other providers if you have any.

    I saw some post's regarding Philippine channels via Satelite a while back, but I couldn't find them doing a search.


    Wyatt and Kugeng

    the filipina channel (TFC) has whats called TFC Now it is an online video streaming service where you can watch filipino shows via windows media player.. premium edition is 13 a month other packages are less down to 6 a month. Direct Tv has TFC also but you have to have basic package then buy the TFC package in addition. Dish has VIVA network as well. You can buy a stand alone satilite system but that will cost 350 at least (since the last time i had it installed)

    the cheapest seems to me is the online video streaming option

  22. Hello!

    My fiancee was told by a friend of hers who also used K-1 Visa process that she must purchase her ticket from an government approved travel agency. Is this true? Is so maybe you have a link for those agencies? I want to of course make sure she can travel to the states with me on the same flight and sitting next to each other! :) Arranging flights and seats can be a little challenging when buying tickets from two different places. I will buy mine over the internet once I find the lowest fares. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Grace & Steven

    that is not true you can buy it anywhere. That rumor could come from a law that states that you have to purchase DOMESTIC airline tickets in Philippines. You know how things go a rumor always changes from person to person

    I tried booking a domestic flight from manila to cebu from a US travel agent and found it couldn't be done the itenerary was on the system but THe agent was blocked from booking the flights after an hour of trying to get it booked found out that domestic flights can only be booked in phils or by a phils travel agent not foreign

  23. with no more jobs to offer, professionel with degrees who had their jobs shipped to india now working McDonald's jobs, no health care for their citizens, the country going down with trillion$$$ in national debt. Unhapiness among the US population is skyrocketing compares to other nations. Over spending on luxuries we can't afford and greedy corporations who back us up with sub-prime loans, growing gap between the struggling middle class and the riches, the exhausting rat race for having more stuff than the Joneses now become a race just to stay above the water, broken families and children idolazing studid rock stars and models over their prozac filled parents who are drowned in credit card debt and over valued estates, China loaning us money so we can buy their own produced ####### at Walmart who hires illegal workers at discounted salaries.

    Is it the end for our beautiful USA?

    one factor i believe is we as a country have removed God out of our society and along with him values, morals, and anything that is good. We as a culture have become so superficial and materialistic we forgot that the most important things in our lives is the one thing money college can't buy. That is family.. Look at the institution of marriage it is being attacked on all sides by all different groups and pressures of our day. Divorce stats are higher than marriage stats its so prevalant divorce is almost normal.

    We as a nation used to be the promise land because generations before us did the right things and took the resposability as citizens to ensure we were on the right track. But as time gone by and USA had no serious trials sinc e wwII we became complacent and "spoiled" taking everythjing we have for granted not thinking to pass the values and history of our forefathers before us to our children after us. Soon enough their children thought about "themselves" instead of thinking of the nation that has allowed us to have this great promise land.

    We are soo busy trying too hard not to offend anyone that we end up standing for nothing. you will find these nut cases on this site all the time.. You can't say what you believe because it might offend someone. If you do. some nut case will come and flame you for being honest. Because you could "offend" someone. Political correctness is another factor to the destruction of this promise land....

    This country isn't a country of people anymore it's a country of self interest groups whose only interests are themselves... The american people are too busy putting their collective head up their butts to see what is happening around them till now people are starting to wake up from their empathy and rising up notice the tea parties that is one sign of anger from the people..

    Hopefully there will be more. I hope one day we can kick out all the political correct people to cuba let them rot that country inside out and i pray this country will be the promise land yet again

  24. My husband visa was denied,they said this is a fake marriage I called my congressman they told me they will call me back, I try to keep the papers in Madrid to reschedule a new interview, anyone please with a case like that, tell me what to do.

    this is crazy, I don't know what is next step, help please

    2 things happened.

    a) your husband botched the interview

    B) or it really was a fake marriage

    Your assertion that the embassy is out to get your husband just because it is far fetched.. Your claim gives no evidence why the embassy was "biased" against your husband..

    Something happened weather in his response to the questions or in the evidence presented to give the consulate a reason to doubt the legitimacy of your marriage.. Just because you were denied doesn't mean automatically you were wronged and they are viilians.... We only hear your side of the story I'm sure if we had the consulate here now there would be a totally different side with evidence..

    What's your evidence besides they were laughing at him? give us something substative and concrete thank you

  25. If she's the USC then she has to prove she can support you financially, either alone or with a co-sponsor. Receiving government assistance for herself and her 3 kids now might prove problematic at an AOS interview.

    Sorry, but that's the best information I can give you based on what you've said.

    Why would we need a sponsor if im making around 35k? Also why would it be problematic for the AOS interview?

    if you are sponsering her you will not have a problem getting the petition but the fact she's on public dole there might be a problem... The INS frowns on anyone taking goverment money because it says that she cannont support herself. Talk to a lawyer for the best advice thank you...

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