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Posts posted by MrsBruce5

  1. I voted no. Why should they get any special treatment ?

    How in God's name can you not know your child is SO screwed up? I know the guy was 23, but this doesn't happen overnight. They HAD to know something was wrong for a LONG time...there has to be some accountability with the parents.

    It's just so sad...


    So I take it your parents know everything you are thinking about and all the things you have planned to do in your life, either good or bad and you have never done anything wrong or stupid that your parents did not know about????? Yes parents should watch for telltail signs of mental problems but some people are very good at hiding their thoughts and feelings from other including their parents....


    Not exactly what I meant...I have a child of my own, and I know him inside out. I see his strengths, and his weaknesses. I know what level of respect he has for what's right and wrong-how he treats others, animals, and how he addresses life in general. As a parent, there is a VERY STRONG sense of what is going on in your child's head. If your child is "off"-you know it, and it is incumbent to take steps to help your child. Like I say, this didn't happen overnight. There HAD to be a history of instability, and it should have been addressed better. This guy should had more parental involvment in his illness. Yes, he was a legal adult, but the guy should have been institutionalized, given his history.

    I am in no way stating that it is completely their fault-but as a parent-you KNOW your child. And as for police protection for the parents...did they do their part to protect the public from their child? I can answer that one quite clearly.


  2. I voted no. Why should they get any special treatment ?

    How in God's name can you not know your child is SO screwed up? I know the guy was 23, but this doesn't happen overnight. They HAD to know something was wrong for a LONG time...there has to be some accountability with the parents.

    It's just so sad...


  3. I think the risk of emulation is quite low. That is, any one who is mentally disturbed enough to want to go on a mass murder rampage is so far gone anyway. And anyone who is not sociopathic and just severely depressed isn't going to be converted by attention *after* death into a murderer. No one decided to hijack airplanes because of the 9/11 coverage.

    I don't know, man. This kid mentioned the 2 kids that shot people at Columbine High School. And there are killers who have confessed to wanting to "beat the record" of some of the serial killers, etc. But I think you're right, it takes a sociopath, not just some depressed person. I saw a few of Cho's videos and believe he was a sociopath, for sure.

    I'm not really saying someone is going to emulate this tragedy *because* of the coverage, just that it adds to the collection of sick heroes kids like him worship...and believe me, they are out there. Notably, this sort of thing has been parodied by the film Natural Born Killers. Sick people make heroes out of killers based on how many they've killed, etc.

    I don't know. It sickens me.

    100% agreed, Ashley. There are many more out there, and it sickens me as well.

  4. Ikea won't ship? I am close to Hicksville and I believe they will ship the item from a different location if they are out of stock...

    I would definitely try ebay though-you may find one under market value. If you aren't lucky, or if IKEA won't ship-PM me, and I will do my best to help you.


  5. My husband was watching this a**hole's video last night. I won't watch it, nor will I give this lunatic my time or attention.

    It is a horrible thing-so many lives have been ruined by this piece of ######. I must ask though, did his parents not see the level of mental illness in their child? I know he was 23, but things like that do not happen over night. I haven't followed this story much, as I find it sickening-but has a statement been released by his parents?

    I agree that the media should not release this-as some other fu*ked up kid may try to emulate such an act. My thinking is that there should be a group formed by all these pathetic a**hole kids that whine about how they are such "misfits" in society-they should just rent a house and just shoot each other...


  6. Historically, Imus is an a**hole. Plain and simple. I had been subjected to his moronic mouth since I was a kid. My step-dad used to listen to him when my folks lived in NY, and he's always sucked.

    A joke is supposed to be funny, and well...what he said was not funny. He's an old, washed up idiot and deserved to lose his job.

    Stern got fined up the wazoo a few years for saying "words" which didn't even hurt anyone, and all this guy gets is a suspension???

    I'd like to see Stern eat him for breakfast. :lol:


  7. I am so sorry to hear you're feeling so much pain.

    Go see your doc to rule out anything-it's a major surgery, and better to lean toward caution. Most likely, it is nothing-but better to have it checked out.

    Good luck-and I hope you're feeling better soon.


    PS-Joshua is getting so big ! I like his new photo-he's such a cutie !

  8. In February, my beloved 11 year old Volvo 850 died. It broke my heart...

    I found (on Craig's List) a 2002 Hyundai Elantra-39k miles, garaged, and nearly perfect. I paid $6k for it, and the wonderful thing is that the Hyundai 100k/10 yr warranty transfers to each owner of the car.

    The car rocks !

    I simply purchased it because it was in my price range, had low miles and was in perfect shape. I have to say, the little car zips around like a charm. The only issue I had was parking it, as I was used to driving a boat and had to re-park it a few times the first few days due to being a zillion feet from the curb.

    My sister suggesed Craig's list (I used to work for a dealer and HATE the bullsh*t) and it was a great suggestion.


  9. While it may be a great thing for some folks, I find that other folks have a tendency to allow it to get in the way of living with purpose. Sitting around stoned doesn't accomplish much or get many things done. I have to say, I don't remember much from 1992 to 1995. The last thing I remember was the Clinton election, and then I woke up and it was 1995...Felt like I never left the sofa. That's when I decided it was time to pull up my big girl pants & get on with it. I was in my early 20's at the time, and it had it's run-but it was time to move onward...

    I have friends & family in their 40's and 50's that STILL smoke on a regular basis, and I see their accomplishments in life. No savings, no retirement fund, dead end job, and live in squalor. They go to work, come home, sit on the sofa, smoke, eat-eat eat, gain weight, etc- in a nutshell-no ambition.

    I also agree with Welshcookie, in that certain individuals which have brain chemistry issues may be adversly affected-ie, paranoid induced psychosis....

    So, I am one of the ones who said, "nae"...


  10. Personally, I don't care what anyone does in their bedroom. Makes no difference to me at all-just as it's no one's business what I do within my own. My "lifesytle" doesn't affect how I do my job, raise my child or treat other humans. And for me, anything that promotes more love in this world is just fine with me. W're all on this Earth, we all bleed the same blood, and we all are human beings. End of story.

  11. Hi All,

    Mr Bruce has been here for nealy 8 months now-and well, things are really good, better than ever in fact-but I am finding that I am picking up an Aberdeen accent with certain words ! I am from Brooklyn, and have always had a thick sort of Brooklyn dialect-but lately more and more people have been asking me if I am am Scottish. My 9 year old has been picking up bits of it as well, although not as much as I have...In my work I deal with many new clients, and over the last few weeks-I am getting asked more & more ...

    Has anyone else had this happen?

    Just curious...

  12. To the OP:

    My husband and I have been married for 18 months-he came here permanently on a CR1. We thought about simply getting married on a VWP and adjusting later, just so we could be together.

    But....Before all of this transpired we thought of the legality and the ramifications of such an act-so, we sought legal advice through a consult with a wonderful attorney. We were concerned over "dual intent", him being able to work legally, and him being able to go back to his homeland if God forbid something adverse happened to one of his parents. Many people have come over on the VWP, and while it's not exactly the "right" way to handle things, it worked out for them- but the hassles and red tape may outweigh the benefits for you. Adjusting to the nuances of a new country and the first year of a marriage is stressful enough !

    Our attorney recommended the CR1, which my husband and I did not even know existed at the time.

    Here is how it works:

    Our attorney recommended getting married on the VWP, sending him back to the UK, and going forward with all of the required paperwork.

    It was by far the best advice I was given, and I can give you as well. It is the simplest way-once you're done and dusted with your arrival at POE, your green card will come in no time, you will have a SS #, you will be able to work legally, go back to the UK as you please-without any issue, and you won't have to deal with USCIS for some time. And furthermore. when you do have to deal with them again, all you have to do is life the conditions on your residency. As I see it, it is the simplest way, and very legal.

    Best of luck to you !


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