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Posts posted by MrsBruce5

  1. I hope they nail his b*lls to a wooden plank first , and then, one shot with a 9mm to the head ought to do the trick.

    There is NO rehab for these monsters, and if they end up in jail, I see no point in paying for them to eat & sleep. They're not worth keeping on this Earth.

    I have hope that this ingrate will get caught now...

  2. Yeah, people in the US are just waaaaaaaaaaaay too hung up about the evils of nudity. I say, if you're comfortable bein' naked, hang up your clothes instead :P Yes, there is a time and place for everything, but the bigger deal you make out of it, the more self concious kids are going to be about it, which can lead to all kinds of other unhealthy hang ups.

    I think Brittney walking around naked is the very least of her childrens' problems :P

    100% agreed.

    The human body is the human body. My son let me know when he wasn't comfortable anymore b/c he started to change in his room. Personally. I feel that if there is too much emphasis placed on modesty and being ashamed, other hang-ups will inevitably arise from the taboo of it.

    I have no problem being naked, unless it makes someone else uncomfortable.

    For all you know, I could be au natural right now... :whistle:

    : )

  3. No mention in the article if it still "works", huh?

    Furthermore, I really don't think any woman would be fool enough to make such a comparison like that...people in general are very sensitive about such issues.

    If my husband was ever as insensitive as to say that to me, I certainly wouldn't cut off his wand, (I'd probably want to)-but I would indeed cut him off, and tell him to go get some from the woman he compared me to...He'd never, ever get a piece from me again...


  4. Hi Richard,

    Sorry to hear you have had a hard time here in the US. Not to worry-you're not going to get any kind drivel out of me, because I haven't walked in your shoes. I am not going to defend anyone else's actions, simply because they're American, and I am too. I don't know where you live or with whom you've dealt with.

    What I CAN say is this---Some people are horrible here, and on the other hand, some people are wonderful, and do indeed have a kind heart. I have found both types in my lifetime of living in NY , but I suppose this can be applied to ANYWHERE in the world. I tend to avoid the crude ones, and to deal only with the angels that walk amongst us in this world.

    I wish you the best of luck, and hope you are happier in the UK.

    Blessings to you, and May Only Good Things Come to You and Your Bride.


  5. I think if I were to say anything remotely to that effect-he'd divorce me and marry the dog !! I gotta post a picture of her...she's quite possibly one of the UGLIEST mutts around...hmmm, this doesn't say much for me-but then again, I don't play fitba !


    I asssumed that they did suck from things I've heard over the years-but I gotta say-My man stayed loyal despite the suckery ! :lol:

  6. pmsl @ your boxers a** sprawled across the pillow.....sounds just like my cat!! :lol:

    Yep. When I would come back to NY from Aberdeen, I'd be used to having Graham next to me... She used to lie on the other side of the bed-I cannot tell you how many times I have kissed that dog's bum in my sleepy state. It's an eye opener !! Quite revolting !!!

    If you saw her you'd understand even more-she's no beauty queen...Hubby says she's got a face like a bag of smashed crabs ! Although she is his favorite dog because she plays football like a pro...He says she could be on the Dons if she wanted !!!

    : )

    OMG!! hahahahaha i believe ya Rose! kissing the dog's bum in the middle of the night would definately make you want to grab a bucket ...just the thought of doggie drool covering my lips..ugh not going to go there :lol:

    I think Graham would be better signing her up to play for a better team than the Dons!! :whistle: How about Celtic?? hehehe just windin ya up btw G :P


    I know nothing about the Don's, or football for that matter LOL...do they suck that bad??? LOL

    I'm more a baseball fan myself...

  7. Don't worry. It will pass with time-it is completely normal, but I can help you speed it along.

    Rub her ALL OVER with a piece of clothing you wore-old T-shirt, etc.

    Then, give him the T-shirt to sniff and a treat. Do this several times a day...

    I have done this with integrating my new ferrets with the existing ones, and it is very helpful...

    Good Luck...

  8. pmsl @ your boxers a** sprawled across the pillow.....sounds just like my cat!! :lol:

    Yep. When I would come back to NY from Aberdeen, I'd be used to having Graham next to me... She used to lie on the other side of the bed-I cannot tell you how many times I have kissed that dog's bum in my sleepy state. It's an eye opener !! Quite revolting !!!

    If you saw her you'd understand even more-she's no beauty queen...Hubby says she's got a face like a bag of smashed crabs ! Although she is his favorite dog because she plays football like a pro...He says she could be on the Dons if she wanted !!!

    : )

  9. Thank you to all who enjoyed reading this post.

    I think that the next year ahead will bring with it more challenges, more adjusting and a greater understanding of each other.

    I consider us to be lucky and blessed with every day- whether it is a good day or a bad day. No matter what happened during that day, we lay our heads on our pillows at night, and have learned something.

    The best thing is that we are inches away from each other instead of 4300 miles apart.

    On a humorous note-It is much better to wake up to my husband's snoring & drooling on the pillow next to me than waking up to my Boxer's a** sprawled across that same pillow before he lived with us.

    : )

  10. We met on a message board. It happened to be a "sex advice" board where no one really ever talked about sex. It was all joking and stupidity...

    Neither of us were "looking" for anyone-we just became good friends after enjoying each other's wise a** comments to the idiots that wrote in. Soon, we became friends, and it took us 2 more years to actually meet after sharing our days and lives on a daily basis. We "knew" each other's families, and pets through conversing.

    Then, we were moderators on an art board-had a HUGE disagreement and when we made up, we decided that it would be cool to hang out and finally know just who each other was in person.

    Again, we didn't intend on meeting for any other purpose than to hang out as friends-I was long overdue for a holiday, (8 years) and just decided to hang with a friend for some laughs. I was in the process of just finding out that I was being duped by my business partners, and needed some time off to figure out my next move and how to handle things gracefully with my departure from the business I shared with the SOB's...

    When we met, it wasn't exactly love at first sight-but our bond grew by the hour and within a week, we knew we could not be without each other. I was in NY for 1 day, and phoned him to ask him to come to NY and stay with me forever. He accepted my invitation without hesitation.

    We became engaged about 8 months later-got married 10 months later, and another 8 months for his CR1.

    In the interim, I left the old business and began contracting my work out to someone I had worked with in the past, and trusted. It took 3 years to build up my business again, and here we are...very happy.

    He's still my best buddy and he still is a wise a**. :yes:

    Strange circumstances, but I figure that the stars were all in alignment the day he signed on to that stupid board.


  11. Hi Jello,

    It's going to be OK-you're just having a bad day. We all have them, and they do pass. I have been there myself, and it's a sucky place to be. The good news is, this feeling will pass and you both will be OK.

    Be there for each other and make sure he knows how much you love him. Once all of the visa stuff is finished, and he is working-things change, and the daily grind begins.

    Give each other your love & support. You will get through this. (((HUGS)))

    All The Best,


  12. Yeah-It would-but no takers yet... :(

    Well that sucks....ya know..if a lived closer I definately would be there..then there would be 2 scots there :D 2 is far better than 1 goin for a piss-up down the pub.

    Cmon you guys you dont know what your all missin out on :whistle: a piss-up down the pub after a good meal with a scot is NOT to be missed!!

    Kicks all yer butts!!!

    There, Rose maybe that will help ya out ;)

    I hope it does too !

    thanks !

    Where ya originally from?


  13. MrsBruce, I am not questioning your motives, but I think you're using very black and white terms for a situation which for most people would always be shades of grey... twice now you have said you would 'send [someone's] ####### packing'; this may just be an expression, but to me that's unnecessarily harsh and aggressive, and something I would never say (or do, for that matter)... and therefore, if we're already seeing major differences in how we would DESCRIBE our actions, how much more likely is it that we would also ACT very differently?

    I also have major problems with 'my son is my KING' but again that may be a difference in expression... suffice it to say that the OP may well feel, as I would, that he would rather take a softly-softly approach, and try to understand EVERYONE in the situation, rather than send anyone's ####### packing anywhere... however badly this woman may be behaving right now, he LOVES her, and she is feeling vulnerable and displaced; that calls for compassion, not aggression or ultimatums, or talk of 'shame'

    OP, I truly wish you all the best; it will be a juggling act, and you may well find yourself having to make some unenviable decisions in the end, but I wish you all the best with it... you seem kind, which is a lovely trait; don't let that be advised out of you :)


    I agree with you-I defintely think in terms of black & white, my father used to say that to me all the time. :lol: I do understand what you mean, however-and perhaps it is harsh. I have been described as that as well. My apologies for that.

    And I do agree-patience and love is the key here. I appreciate your opening my eyes to shades of gray. Sometimes I need someone to point that out. So, for that-I thank you.

    One thing I will not compromise my is simply my opinion on that my son comes before anyone. He will always be "my king". And I mean that with all the fiber of my being. He comes before any husband, my mother, my father or any of my siblings. I chose to bring him into this world. And for me, in as much as I love my husband-he is not my blood. My son and I shared the same body for 40 weeks. I am his mother-end of story. My husband knew this when he signed on for the job. If my husband exibited any form of jealousy toward my baby, he would indeed be out the door.

    Again, I do not mean to be inflammatory-as I am not that type of person. I DO so understand what you are saying, ad I do appreciate the wake up call-But there is one thing in which I will forever see in black and white, and that is the love and the bond that I have with my child. No one will ever ge between that, or break it.


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