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Posts posted by MrsBruce5

  1. I cannot imagine what self-control and sheer will it took that poor family to stay calm at their mere presence of those fukcsticks at their son's funeral...

    God bless them for their self-control...

    It's not a matter of freedom of speech. It is a matter of compassion and respect.

    Justice was served. I cannot see it being reversed, as it was a military funeral...4th circuit will dismiss the appeal.

  2. Whether you are the only one or not, it doesn't matter. If it makes you uncomfortable then you don't do it. That's all.

    Well said, my friend. That is exactly what I was thinking. ;)

    Thanks for all of the great replies ! For the first time in my life, I am actually looking forward to my "date" with my GYN tonight ! Hehhehehh !

    : )

  3. Thanks Everyone...

    I have one that I am having removed tomorrow night. I have been having symptoms of being pregnant, but 2 tests came back with negs.

    I was wondering if anyone had any difficulties if they did indeed become pregnant while using it. I am planning on having some blood tests to make sure that I am not having a Baby Bruce.

    We haven't ruled out having children-just not now. I have become anemic from having such heavy periods that I was unable to give blood last week at a blood drive, and I feel my hormones are all screwed up as well. I have a copper T right now...and I cannot wait until I have it removed. I hate the damned thing !!! 24 day cycle, and bleeding for 10-12 days. It sucks !

    I have a 10 year old son from my prior marriage, and he is my world-but we DO plan on returning to SCT when he grows up and is on his own. But, the thought of not having my son and grandchildren around all the time has me thinking...

    I do not expect him to pick up his life and move to SCT with us, and I cannot bear the thought of spending my golden years without grandchildren visiting me all the time has got me thinking that perhaps I'd like to continue the growth of our family. I am getting on in years-I am 38, and haven't much time left.

    I DO appreciate all of the responses, and advice.

    Cheers Mates !!!


  4. She's there for a reason. She needs your help...

    Take her inside.

    Take PLENTY pictures of what she looks like, and get her to the vet's pronto....I am sure medical records will provide an account of her health for documentation purposes.

    Then-love her forever.

    IF someone else shows up and says she is theirs-just show them the pics and the medical reports. After that, advise them to take you to court to try to get her back.

    Good Luck...


  5. yep...a first class fukc up. I was on a bus to NJ with my folks in 1985, and there was this IDIOT ranting and raving about how the driver was treating him. Turns out, he didn't pay his fare and was subsequently to be escorted off by NJ police once we were over the GW Bridge. I remember how my father & I could not believe what am imbecille he was behaving like.

    The next summer, my dad comes home from work with the NY Post, shows me the front page, and says-"remember this a-hole? "

    It did not surprise me then, and does not surprise me now.

    What a Cee U Next Tuesday !!!

  6. I would think Ellen would be smart enough actually to read something that she signs her name to. Unfortunately, people who have "people to do things for them", aren't big on details and the bottom line is she breached a contractual agreement.

    The matter should have been handled privately instead of her making a big scene on her show. In my opinion, it was to draw attention & sympathy. So, I guess the big crying/ drama thing was a success. She seemed to have garnered sympathy from fans, which is exactly what she was aiming for. Don't forget, this woman acts as a profession.

    I do rescue work with ferrets, and although I haven't any problems with adopting to anyone with children, it is ultimately the decision of the organization reagrding whom the pet is placed with, and it states so in my contract.

    If I were to place any of my ferrets to a home without kids, and subsequently the pet was "given" to someone with kids, I would have an issue- simply because I would have no idea how the animal interacts with children. Sometimes an animal may not hurt the kids, but the animal may be stressed by the activity level of children.

    I agree with the rescue that if the contract is breached, the organization has every right to remove the pet.

    By the way, most small scale rescues are not shelters, where animals are made to live in cages. They are foster homes-within a home setting.

    Ellen's "boo-hoo, poor me" B.S. doesn't work with me. She had NO RIGHT to do what she did.

    Go ahead, let the flames begin... but I stick to my guns on this one.


  7. He has it through work, and I have it through my malpractice insurance (although no one really knows how much apart from me- Guess I am paranoid-LOL)

    I do have a will, which actually needs updating !!! :help:

    Mr. B literally REFUSES to write a will or discuss anything pertaining to death-which in my opinion is quite stupid-especially if something were to happen to him. I fear there would be a LOAD of nonsense between his family and myself with regard to arrangements.

    My 1st husband did the same thing, and unfortunately died in an auto accident. He wanted to be cremated, but would not write it down or tell anyone else in his family. As a result, his family went by traditional Jewish protocol and he was buried in a Jewish cemetary. No one would listen to me at the time, and I simply did not have the strength or b*lls at my young age of 22 to argue with them. I still visit him on occasion, and it makes me sad that his wishes were not heard.


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