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Posts posted by raphael7546

  1. Hmmm Think I'll write up my resignation letter right now and keep it handy.

    Just had a huge blowup with one of the co-workers that's giving me grief. I absolutley hate this place! Too bad everywhere else pays such low wages compared to what I make plus the benefits. Sighs! Still applying for jobs while I work for this company.

    When I do walk out of here I won't be leaving quietly, I can assure you that!

  2. My Office is pure hell!

    There's 15 of us and out of the 15 only 2 of us aren't Mormon. Me & the young maintenance guy ( he's the only one who is nice to me.)

    They have all grown up together & went to the same school, know the same people, have the same friends. It's impossible for me to have ANYTHING in common. All they talk about is their Stake, Church events, etc... Every staff meeting ends in one of them reciting Mormon scriptures. It's infuriating.

    There's a girl that was hired after me to work noon to 9pm in the office . I was hired to work full time 8 to 5pm monday to Friday. Then they changed my schedule to work one Saturday out of the month ( 10 hr shift alone) I was ok with that, but now they just informed me that I will be working Wednesdays noon to 9pm , 2 Friday nites a month and 3 10 hr shift Saturdays a month.

    I am so peeved ya have no idea. They did this because the new girl that was hired to work nights decided she now doesn't want to work every night. Doesn't help that her Daddy is best buds with my boss, and her kids teacher is my bosses wife.

    I was also informed yesterday that she is goning to rearrange MY desk. She said she doesn't like where it is. She also put up a bunch of pictures on my desk. Now I have to explain to people that NO those are not my kids ( Ugliest kids ya ever saw) . I have one picture of my hubby & daughter thats a wallet size. It's thumbtacked to a cork board by my desk. She has 4, 8 X 10 pictures of her kids on MY desk!

    I moved the pictures to the side of my desk and she threw a fit and told my boss. He called me into his office and said that he understood I didn't like Katrina's kids pictures. Geez!!!!

    She only uses my desk for an hour when I leave. She rearranges everything. Goes thru my files, and drawers and reads all my stuff.

    I can't say a damn thing though, cuz they'll make my life hell. (As if it isn't already.

    Mother's Day is coming up and I was told that since my 12 yr old doesn't live here with me ( She's in Canada until we can get her Visa) that Mother's day weekend isn't really important to me, so I have to work it so Katrina can have it off. #######????!

    I can relate to everyone here who has a ####### office job!

    OMG, what a bi-atch! excuse me for the language. That lady had my blood boiling just by reading your post. Would you consider finding another job?

    She reminds me of my co-worker!! :girlwerewolf2xn:

    I wish I could find another job, but everything here has such low wages compared to what I make plus my benefits. I am looking though. But like my husband says, If I quit, then they win!

  3. My Office is pure hell!

    There's 15 of us and out of the 15 only 2 of us aren't Mormon. Me & the young maintenance guy ( he's the only one who is nice to me.)

    They have all grown up together & went to the same school, know the same people, have the same friends. It's impossible for me to have ANYTHING in common. All they talk about is their Stake, Church events, etc... Every staff meeting ends in one of them reciting Mormon scriptures. It's infuriating.

    There's a girl that was hired after me to work noon to 9pm in the office . I was hired to work full time 8 to 5pm monday to Friday. Then they changed my schedule to work one Saturday out of the month ( 10 hr shift alone) I was ok with that, but now they just informed me that I will be working Wednesdays noon to 9pm , 2 Friday nites a month and 3 10 hr shift Saturdays a month.

    I am so peeved ya have no idea. They did this because the new girl that was hired to work nights decided she now doesn't want to work every night. Doesn't help that her Daddy is best buds with my boss, and her kids teacher is my bosses wife.

    I was also informed yesterday that she is goning to rearrange MY desk. She said she doesn't like where it is. She also put up a bunch of pictures on my desk. Now I have to explain to people that NO those are not my kids ( Ugliest kids ya ever saw) . I have one picture of my hubby & daughter thats a wallet size. It's thumbtacked to a cork board by my desk. She has 4, 8 X 10 pictures of her kids on MY desk!

    I moved the pictures to the side of my desk and she threw a fit and told my boss. He called me into his office and said that he understood I didn't like Katrina's kids pictures. Geez!!!!

    She only uses my desk for an hour when I leave. She rearranges everything. Goes thru my files, and drawers and reads all my stuff.

    I can't say a damn thing though, cuz they'll make my life hell. (As if it isn't already.

    Mother's Day is coming up and I was told that since my 12 yr old doesn't live here with me ( She's in Canada until we can get her Visa) that Mother's day weekend isn't really important to me, so I have to work it so Katrina can have it off. #######????!

    I can relate to everyone here who has a ####### office job!

  4. Avs are Joining the summer golf tour!! Not much of a series there. Rangers stayed alive. Which is fine, more hockey to watch!!

    it was 8 -1 Redwings when I couldn't stand it anymore and turned it off. Too bad the "real Avs" weren't there playin. They were terrible! Sighs! :crying:

  5. thanks, his lil brother Ziggy keeps walking around the house calling for him. I feel so bad for him.

    I miss having my lil Peeps sit on my lap while I read the morning paper. Mornings just aren't the same without him. :(

  6. Drinking for 10 minutes at a time just dosent sound so good.

    I know :(

    He is pretty much staying the same. My hubby talked to 2 other vets and they told him IV fluids would water down his blood. ( I've never heard of that before) I thought blood thinners would do that, not plain water.

    They said to just keep what were doing. Feeding him the baby food, the nutrical and letting him drink the water.

    I told my husband that if Peeps doesn't improve after the weekend that I think we should really talk about euthanization. My hubby disagrees cuz Peepers is still eating & drinking and recognizes us and even tries to purr when we pet him.He isn't in pain But I don't think he has much of a life if this is all his life is going to be.

    I feel so sad. I don't want to lose him but I don't want him to suffer either. :crying:

  7. Hi, well lastnight my hubby put some eye ointment in Peeprs eyes and this morning they weren't gooey. He was a little more responsive though I'm wondering if the low red blood cells has done some sort of damage to his brain cuz ya kinda hafta remind him to put his head down to drink the water. Only if I splash my fingers in the water, tell him it's water and to drink it, will he drink. Then when he starts drinking it its like he forgets to stop. He drank again for a good ten minutes straight.

    I'm happy he's drinking the water. His nose & ears have a slight pink tinge to them but his paw pads are still pretty white.

    He still had trouble walking . He is very weak and can only walk 5 or 6 ft at the most. I usually carry him into the kitch, wrap him in a warmed towel, feed him his baby food thru a syringe, then give his NutriCal supplement with my finger. (He usually bites down pretty hard on my finger lol ) Then I'll sit him in front of the water bowl and coax him to drink.

    Then its back to his bed under our bed where the heat register is nice and warm on him.

    I'm gonna get some pedialyte to try him on that. I had to drink that and Ensure when I had Stomach cancer.

    My hubby has had this vet for 10 yrs now and has taken all of his cats to him. I don't like him at all. I don't feel he is doing enough for him.

    I told my hubby that if peepers didn't improve over the weekend I was calling another vet for a second opinion.

    I'll keep ya posted.

  8. I was in the same boat. My hubby until recently worked nights, I worked days. My 12 yr old daughter is still in Canada ( ex was a butthead and decided at the last minute he wasn't letting her move)

    I had my mom do an affidavit

    and I had my boss who met my hubby many times, thru work functions , phone calls etc... I also had our neighbour write one she can attest to me living in the house, seeing me doing the gardening, taking out the trash etc...

    Good Luck!

  9. Thanks for all the well wishes & advice you guys are awesome as usual!

    Peepers is a little more awake now, he sat at his water bowl yesterday and drank for a good 10 minutes straight. He still has problems walking for more then a few steps. He's a lil wobbly so I usually pick him up and put him on his warm blanket by the heater so he doesn't use alll his energy trying to walk.

    His eyes were a lil gooey so I cleaned them up a bit with a Q tip. I'm still feeding him the baby food thru an eyedropper ( this takes me a good half hr) He eats about 3 table spoons at a time and I feed him every couple hrs when I'm home.

    Unfortunatley I have to work today so I fed him this morning before I left. My hubby gets home before me and will feed him as soon as he gets home and then I'll feed him again once I get home.

    Hubby is calling around to other vets today to see if we can get a second opinion.

    I'll let ya know how things go.

  10. I think if you can't be honest and tell your fianc`e about what your doing with Jeff then obviously there's more to this story then what your saying.

    I've had tons of male friends when I was back home I would hang out with them but my husband knew all about it. I also told him where I was going and with who. In fact, on many occasions he talked to my male friends on the phone when he called. I never kept anything from him , there was nothing going on so there was no need to keep it from him.

    Obviously this Jeff guy has feelings for you, otherwise he wouldn't be upset you have a fianc`e . In fact, he would be happy for you, as my male friends were with my engagement.

    I would distance myself from Jeff. Re-asure Eric of your love and if Jeff comes around your home I would make an excuse to leave. Go for a walk, go to a park go to the store whatever it takes to keep away from him.

  11. Absolutely. A cat can only survive 3 or so days without water - any longer and the kidneys shut down and suffer irreparable damage. A cat can, however, last up to two weeks without food.

    Well he is back to drinking water from the water bowl so to me that's a good sign. He is starting to like to eat the baby food too. Were feeding him Veal, chicken,turkey, ham ( no onion powder, all meat, water & cornstarch , no preservitives)

    His nose is getting a little color to it, and so are his ears. His foot pads still look white. He is still very weak tho. My hubby is going to call another vet and have a second opinion because I don't like this vet at all. I think he could've done alot more for him. He should have at least gave him an IV with fluids. in my opinion!

  12. what i dont understand is if she already has her green card, why does she need AP? :unsure:

    I was actually thinking that as well... she couldn't have had her GC already.

    This is a so-called "reality TV show." Perhaps this is all made up for character development and the writers don't really know a whole lot about the immigration process?

    Movie Stars and Athletes are given special treatment by immigration all the time.

    Funny how Forsberg from Sweden was able to come play hockey for the Avs within 2 months of signing on with the NHL again.

  13. My husband called the vet and he said that Peepers bloodwork was sent

    out & checked for Hemobart, feline aids, leukimia,poison toxicity and

    all came back negative. He said that he has no idea why peepers isn't

    producing red blood cells but that he doesn't want to give him

    anything bucasue he has no answers.

    My husband asked about the blood transfusion and the vet said that he

    doesn't do them, that he would be sent to Salt lake city for that (40

    minutes drive away) He doesn't want to give him anything. He doesn't

    want to give him any meds until he knows whats wrong. He wants us to

    keep feeding him the baby food (I checked the baby food to make sure

    there isn't any onion or onion powder. Its all natural, chicken, water

    and cornstarch.) Onion depletes red blood cells in cats. He won't eat or drink on his own. His eyes are really glassy and he just sleeps. I feed him every couple hrs when I'm home. I'm off work early today so as soon as I get home, I'll feed him. He responds to my voice and stuff but he is soooo weak.

    I am so mad at this vet. It seems he just wants us to wait and let him die.

    My husband said he will look into calling another vet and see what

    they say.

  14. Have you noticed/did the vet check for blood in peepers stool?

    My husband talked to the vet and he said that the its a congenitive issue. He checked him for lead, toxic poisoning, all kinds of things. He said that the only thing he can suggest is that they give him a blood transfusion. He said that may help him but, we could find in a few weeks that he is right back to the same spot again. He suggested we get him baby food ( liver, chicken, turkey, ham etc...) feed that to him and see if it helps him gain his strength. He said we can check in a few days to see how he is doing and then consider the transfusion.

    No idea how much the transfusion will cost tho. Were not exactly wealthy.

    My hubby gave him some baby food and he ate some of it. He is drinking lots of water and seems to be in better spirits.

    His little brother Ziggy, keeps calling for him. He's a real charterbox and always calls out for him and we have to let Ziggy know where he is or he'll wander all over the house looking for him.

    One good thing the vet said is that this is not contagious. We have 7 other cats.

    Bumpin this up in case there is a Vetrinarian on here.

    i don't recall ever seeing a vet on vj, but mags will probably be your best source of info regarding cats.

    Well, I had to feed the warmed baby food thru an eyedropper cuz my daughter must of taken the bottle that I used to use to feed orphaned kittens. I can't find it anywhere. :(

    He doesn't want to eat but I managed to get 3 tablespoons of food down him. He's sleeping now. I'll get up early and give him more baby food. I used to mix iron fortified baby pablum with milk supplement for the orphaned kittens and feed them that with a bottle. I'd mix it thin enough that it would go thru the bottle alright. I'm gonna buy that tomorrow. plus a new bottle.

    Please say a prayer for peeps if you can! Thanks!

  15. Have you noticed/did the vet check for blood in peepers stool?

    My husband talked to the vet and he said that the its a congenitive issue. He checked him for lead, toxic poisoning, all kinds of things. He said that the only thing he can suggest is that they give him a blood transfusion. He said that may help him but, we could find in a few weeks that he is right back to the same spot again. He suggested we get him baby food ( liver, chicken, turkey, ham etc...) feed that to him and see if it helps him gain his strength. He said we can check in a few days to see how he is doing and then consider the transfusion.

    No idea how much the transfusion will cost tho. Were not exactly wealthy.

    My hubby gave him some baby food and he ate some of it. He is drinking lots of water and seems to be in better spirits.

    His little brother Ziggy, keeps calling for him. He's a real charterbox and always calls out for him and we have to let Ziggy know where he is or he'll wander all over the house looking for him.

    One good thing the vet said is that this is not contagious. We have 7 other cats.

    Bumpin this up in case there is a Vetrinarian on here.

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