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Posts posted by RW365

  1. ATTENTION ALL MAY FILLERS TO TSC...I JUST GOT AN APPROVED! !!!! I filled my i129f and got my noa1 may 20th and when I checked my status it said account not found so I called and was told to wait 45 days and call back if still not noticed. The lady at USCIS told me that it will be 5 months before I see anything. Today I just decided to check and it said approved july 3 and a letter has been mailed to me with further instructions. So there may be hope they are speeding things up!!!!!

    HUH!!?? Er...congratulations, and everything. But is there ANY method at all to this, or is it purely madness!? I think this is making me feel worse rather than better. Surely, the US government cannot be SO appallingly incompetent

  2. Thanks everyone :yes:

    No we did nothing special, we did not contact anyone. We did review our paperwork over and over again, ensured all the supporting documents, passport copies, airline tickets, photos and whatnot were all dated and signed. We credit our luck or success to Visa Journey and all the knowledge and experience that is shared here. Our paperwork was organized in a way we thought would be appealing and manageable to the adjudicator, we used small binder clips so that if anything had to be reorganized or changed it would be easy for whoever was working on our paperwork. The letters of intent, birth certificates, passports were together so so the person could basically treat the packet like a checklist instead of going through all my information for one person tne having to go back to the other and check everything again. Did any of this make a difference, who knows? We are very happy and we would have been just as happy to someone else get a RFE or NOA2. With all sincerity, we hope this is just the beginning, maybe it is time for the folks at the CSC to wait while the TSC folks get approved quickly. Ideally everyone would be processed in the same amount of time, but lets not forget this is a government operation.


    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! You guys must be over the moon! I sure would be! :dancing:

    But on a slightly more selfish note, I am SO SO SO hoping this is not a one-off aberration. And that TSC has FINALLY, ACTUALLY and FOR REALLY REALLY REAL got it's act together.

    Although I won't lose sleep over it.

    What am I saying, of course I'll lose sleep over it!!! :)

  3. YES, YOU CAN VISIT while K1 is pending. Quite easily, even.

    I just wanted to share with the forum my experience of coming to the US to visit my fiancée. I was freaking out like hell for weeks, having read all sorts of nightmare stories about being asked by the immigration officials to turn back and go home. I did follow the usual advice here that you should come prepared, belt and braces - so I got all sorts of documents I could manage to get to prove my ties with my home country. BUT -- and I am hoping this will give some reassurance to people -- I AM NOT WORKING AT THE MOMENT, SO I DON'T have an employer letter to show that I will return. All I had was my rental lease, which expires in September and my bank statements, plus a couple of utility bills. [i also brought along my K1 application pack, just in case...]

    I planned my visit to be 2.5 months.

    At the airport, the guy asked me what I was here for -- I said, to visit my fiancé.

    When was I returning? -- XX of August.

    That's all. No questions asked. No evidence of ties to the home country. Nothing.

    Further reassurance: I do not have a visa waiver i.e., I am here on a B2/Visitor visa.

    So, if you were wondering if it was possible to visit your fiancé during this long and horrible separation that K1 visa is, then yes, YOU CAN. And it is not nearly as harrowing and horrible an experience as we fear it is.


    I just wanted to share with the forum my experience of coming to visit my fiancée. I was freaking out like hell for weeks, having read all sorts of nightmare stories about being asked to turn back and go home by the immigration officials. I did follow the usual advice here that you should come prepared, belt and braces - so I got all sorts of documents I could manage to get to prove my ties with my home country. BUT -- and I am hoping this will give some reassurance to people -- I AM NOT WORKING AT THE MOMENT, SO I DON'T have an employer letter to show that I will return. All I had was my rental lease, which expires in September and my bank statements, plus a couple of utility bills. I planned my visit to be 2.5 months.

    At the airport, the guy asked me what I was here for -- I said, to visit my fiancé.

    When was I returning? -- XX of August.

    That's all. No questions asked. No evidence of ties to the home country. Nothing.

    Further reassurance: I am not a UK national - i.e., I am here on a B2/Visitor visa.

    So, if you were wondering if it was possible to visit your fiancé during this long and horrible separation that K1 visa is, then yes, YOU CAN. And it is not nearly as harrowing and horrible an experience as we fear it is.

  5. I know it's only been a little under two months since I filed, but seeing how tsc is reacting to November & December filers inquiring on their cases & how far behind they are, it just seems like they don't care...at all. I fear I won't see my love again until next year...5 months would be September, but if they continue on their route, we won't be approved until December. The thought of waiting this long hurts so much...and seeing CSC filers who filed after me getting their noa2 already makes me want to fly down to Texas & punch someone in their face. They should be processing February/March now. Not November/December. They were filing October/November when I first joined this site in March. So in 3 months they've only gotten through not even a month of applicants???

    I contacted 2 senators about the discrepancy (yes, that was my intent, even though other filers got mad that us newer ones tried this) & the one mentioned Vermont. Vermont doesn't even process them anymore, so it shows that they don't even know what's going on at all with the centers.

    And then when us "new" filers complain about the backlog we get "yelled" at by filers who have waited longer because...they've been waiting longer. Yes, I get it. You filed before me. I'd be a March filer if documents hadn't gotten stuck in international mail (that I still haven't received, forcing Matt to send me new ones). But just because others filed before me doesn't make my pain hurt any less. I KNOW I won't see him for an eternity & it's not fair. It's not fair to any of us to be punished just because we fell in love with a foreigner. I didn't mean for this to happen, but it did & all I want (& all any of you want) is to start a life with him.

    I can't talk about this with anyone I know in person cuz they just don't get it. They see my staying at home & playing video games with him & waking up early to talk over the mic as weird & me being a "hermit". I just want him here & not seeing any movement in the months before mine just makes it worse. None of us can do anything. I can't do anything until September & from the looks of it, they'll just be mean to me when I call. But I'll keep calling. Every freaking day if I have to. This hurts. And I had to say something. I feel helpless in this process. And I know many of you do too. It doesn't matter when you filed, if you're not with the love of your life, it hurts. I hope to god tsc suddenly gets a fire lit under their asses & starts going through the petitions at a faster pace instead of being mean & not caring that it's taking over half a year to process these. If it were my job, I'd actually care & feel good about helping people, not getting mad because two people want to get married & be happy.

    SO TRUE!

    Well, here's some tiny bit of consolation for you (and all of us): there's a mid-January filer who got his/her NOA2 yesterday, which means there IS hope that we can get ours in 5 months. This is paltry hope compared to the CSC guys, but hey, any port in the storm...etc...

  6. Hi All,

    As it is appalling to see the discrepancy between the TSC and CSC for the time between NOA1 and NOA2 for the K1 visa process, I wanted to ask about something collateral on the lines of processing delay at TSC.

    For applicants routed to CSC, proof of ongoing relationship is not likely an arduous task as time between NOA1 to NOA2 is usually short. As they reach the interview stage, usually not much time has elapsed in between, so the interviewer probably doesn't need as much proof for the length of the ongoing relationship.

    But what about TSC? As the time between NOA1 to NOA2 is usually 130 to 170 days, burden of proof of ongoing relationship is a reality due to a longer duration. My fiance and I are very much in love, he is an civil engineer (who is 32 years old) and I am a surgeon (27 years old), we are of the same background and culture. We have met for over a month in total time over two separate visits, along with our daily video conversations, phone calls, and emails here and there. His family knows my family from before. So, based on this, will our daily video chats, emails, and phone calls be enough to show proof of ongoing relationship at the interview stage? Maybe a bit paranoid, but want to make sure everything goes smoothly.

    Thank you for your thoughts and help!

    Yes, that would suffice. Just don't ever delete your Skype/FaceTime/Email history. Screen shots of those can be used as proof of ongoing relationship.

    (If they make fuss, you can maybe smack them in the face and tell them that's all relationships have been reduced to because of this %£$^(*&^)(" USCIS delays!!!)

  7. You guys ever notice all the TSC threads lately mostly dealing with the TSC backlog? These threads usually give filers stuck at TSC a place to share their pain and stick together...

    Right? Right. So why does there always have to be the one d-bag THAT COMPLETELY MISSES THE WHOLE [censored] POINT OF THE THREAD, and they're all like:

    ~~~yay I got CSC expecting fast approval yay me yayyyy I'm so luckyyy~~~

    Yo. Like. For one, [censored] those guys. Like, are they blind? Is it just me?? I set one of them straight recently and I got reps from them for it? That was weird. It's bad enough we have to deal with people who don't understand the difference between a lockbox and a service center messing up Igor's list. Don't even get me started on the filers that filed right when we did but went through CSC, never mind the masses that have had interviews already, quite a few have their beneficiary here and are already filing AOS. I don't really blame that lot for much of anything, they just got lucky. STILL MAD THO.

    Whew, that was a lot of rage there! I've been wanting to post that for weeks, I needed to get it off my chest.

    I hear ya, bro!

    I hear ya, bro!

    Bro being a unisex endearment, of course! :D

  8. Some of us have written to the powers-that-be. Maybe that might make some difference. But we must keep the pressure up. Maybe write to the TSC Director and flood her office with our grievance. This discrepancy is simply unacceptable, and it depresses me to think I should temper my plight with feeling good for the CSC filers. Frankly, I don't feel good for them -- I don't really have the time; I am too busy being appalled at the discrepancy!

  9. Ever wonder where your petition will go? CSC? TSC? Well, this question is asked by many new members here, and there are many mistakes made while filling out timelines. I decided to throw together a map that will help answer this question. Now, as with everything, there are exceptions to every rule and nothing is perfect (especially when dealing with the government), but after the research I have conducted and after comparing my data with a list recently provided from a immigration attorney's website, I believe the data is very accurate.

    The map has two colors and applies to the home state that the petitioner lives in when the petition is filed. A red state will be processed at the CSC and a blue state will be processed at the TSC.

    *** - Please understand that each petition is mailed to Texas. This is NOT NOT NOT the TSC. Understand? :) The lock box in Texas (NOT the TSC) will then screen the application for errors and ensure the payment is there and then "accept" the petition. They will then route (NOT TRANSFER) the petition to the service center that applies to the state you are a resident in. You will then receive a NOA1 which will include a file number which begins with 3 letters and has several numbers after them:

    WAC = CSC

    SRC = TSC

    The NOA1 will also include a Notice Date and that is the date you begin counting from.

    NOTE - This only applies to I-129F petitions for K-1 Visas. This also applies to NORMAL petitions and not expedites as far as I know. There may be a different process for determining where those are processed but I do not have any data to accurately support that.

    I hope this helps clear up the where's and why's and if your particular situation is different, please don't kill the messenger. Like I said above, there are exceptions to every rule and only the USCIS (maybe) knows why.

    If the mods determine this is accurate enough to sticky..please do. Thanks all and good luck on your journeys :)

    And I'm glad you coloured east coast blue! :thumbs:

  10. Well, if you don't believe the petition is worthy of your time, no one is forcing you to sign it. People who are signing it are doing it because they in their wisdom, think it's the right thing to do.

    If you think it's such a useless idea, why not just have a chuckle privately and let people do what they are doing? And refrain from giving out unsolicited and dispiriting advice?

  11. There's one applicant in the April Filers thread who seems to have been transferred to Nebraska Service Centre. This is very odd, because to my knowledge, only TSC and CSC process 129F applications. Is this a one-off, or does this mean more sharing of workload?

    Please can anyone else who has had their file transferred to Nebraska let the forum know, so we can try and figure out what's happening?

    Thank you.

  12. All the approvals on TSC's list with "CSC transfers" make me so mad. In reality TSC isn't doing that many approvals...

    That's right! There has to be a way to separate out CSC transfers from TSC data. (A) Because it is not TSC data really. and (B) So many people write TSC service centre first before saying "transferred to CSC" thinking the lockbox to which they sent the application is TSC. NOT the case!! :-/

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