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Posts posted by Beautifulday

  1. How is the boy LEGALLY related to your fiance? I would put cousin myself, and do everything to make it clear that he is NOT my son. I am not certain about god-son, unless he can produce some LEGAL document that designates him as the god-father to the boy.

    the boy is his cousin...it's his cousin's son...but my co-sponsor is my fiance's sister since fiance doesn't make enough for 3....do u think i can be denied the visa cuz of this? or later on, AOS? his sister will have to co-sponsor me on the AOS as well...

  2. Section 8 also has a space for him to list relationship and whether the god-son is wholly or partially dependent on him. If he is listed on the tax returns he has to be listed. Another thing he might to think about is the Obamacare penalities are due to kick in this year so he might check to see if he will be held responsible for the child's insurance requirements or if he might be fined. Either way he needs to get this straight as soon as possible because the I-864 which is needed for the AOS requires tax returns/transcripts as evidence. Good Luck

    well ill have my fiances tax transcript with me for the interview....and i still dint know what he should write him down as, should he just write "god son"? and for the AOS ill have a co-sponsor as well..

  3. guys...so im going over the i134 form with fiance and um...there is a problem...he has claimed his cousin (and godson) on his taxes for 2013 year...so i know that he has got to write him down in nr 8 on the i134...right? he has also claimed him years ago when he had a job...claimed him again just a year ago cuz he got a job then.......the boy isnt fully dependant on my fiance, just partially...my fiance watches him, takes care of him, buys him some clothes/food...boy spends PLENTY of time at my fiance's house....but the problem is that my fiance, years ago when he first claimed him, apparently told the guy at the tax place that he wants to claim his GOD SON but the guy put the boy down as "son" so now my fiance's taxes say he's claiming his son...but the boy is his cousin, not son, fiance doesn't have children....so what do i do now? cuz in nr 8 in i134 u have to put down your dependants....and what should he put..."son" like his taxes say or cousin or godson or what..i am really worried...

  4. 1. If your fiancé was born in the US, then you leave a through e blank. You put the birthdate of your fiancé in the spot "resided in the US since..."

    2. You are the one listed in number 3 on BOTH forms. Your fiancé is sponsoring you, so he lists you. Your co-sponsor is also sponsoring you, so you are listed as well on your co-sponsor's affidavit of support form.

    3. Your fiancé will list you on number 10 of his form, and the date submitted would be the NOA1 date of the I-129F form. Your co-sponsor will write NONE.

    4. Number 11 does not apply to K visa cases. Both your fiancé and co-sponsor will leave it blank and write below: N/A K-1 VISA PROCESS.

    You can follow the example form here: http://www.visajourney.com/examples/Form-I-134.pdf

    so i do leave 11 blank? i was sure i saw someone talked about this...

  5. hey guys, my fiance is mailing me a package of documents today but before he does i want to make sure that he and my co-sponsor, his sister, filled out everything properly!! would u please answer me these..asking specifically about the form I-134, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/files/form/i-134.pdf here is the form if you guys would look at it and tell me please!

    1. at the beginning of the form it says "if you are not a US citizen based on your birth in the United States..." and there is A to E to fill out and then number 2 also, but my fiance is a USC by birth and so is my co-sponsor so they clearly don't need to fill that but do they just leave those blank or write "none" or what?

    2. then there is nr 3 on the form and it says "this affidavit is executed on behalf of the following person" so i know for sure that my co-sponsor writes me down but does my fiance too? or does he leave that blank? im just a bit confused, we got a co-sponsor cuz his finances aren't enough

    3. then nr 10 it says "i have submitted a visa petition to USCIS on behalf of the following person - so here it's just my fiance, the USC and petitioner that writes me down and my co-sponsor states "none", right?

    4. ok so my biggest question is about nr 11 on the form...it asks to state how you will support the person basically, as far as it comes to my co-sponsor, do u think putting this would be good?

    " I will assist my brother, the USC petitioner, with any financial need that may arise regarding his alien fiance and her stay until she can get her own job" what do u guys think about this?

    if it's not good, what else can my co-sponsor write there?

    and also..what should my fiance write in his nr 11 on the form?? what about something like "i will provide my foreign fiance with room and board and support her financially" or no?? i have no idea how to put this! i would really appreciate you guys' help!!

  6. U.S. Embassy in Riga - I imagine things will be slightly different for you, but I I would think the policies and practices are comparable. I would bring those past passports with you to the interview just in case.

    You could wait until you get your interview letter to determine what they'll really need. Check out: http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/files/form/i-864instr.pdf for documents required for the joint sponsor - if it's not listed in the requirements for NVC, I don't think they'll suddenly require you to have it for the interview, unless it's listed on the letter.

    I have no idea where my old passport is but it's only the new one that has American visas.

    I did get my interview letter but most of it was in Russian, prob an accident. But I have read the requirements on the embassy's website, it even said that the i-864 isn't required. And what does nvc have to do with anything? i'm super confused

  7. She can make a copy of her US birth certificate and email it to your fiance for him to print out and mail you. Or, she can email it to you, and you can print it out. It only needs to be a copy of the document.

    Oh ok good. I will have them e-mail it to me and I will print it out.


    no, the only ones she can submit are the ones that I mentioned to you.

    are the documents for the interview, because the affidavits of support are needed for the interview, so as said, she can scan and email them to your or your fiancé

    Yes, for the interview. He will mail me the originals of the I-134

  8. You should Some instructions specify this and some don't. It is a requirement for the I-864 and since a lot of consulates follow those guidelines, even for the I-134, they may ask for that proof as well. Copy of any ID is not proof of US citizenship. Proof is a copy of US birth certificate, naturalization, or bio page from US passport. Permanent residents use a copy of the front and back of their green card as proof of being an LPR.

    Well, dang it...ok, how does one get one? I mean, my co-sponsor lives in a different town that my fiance does and she is right now in his town, with their family. She was raised in that town, too, can she get one from there? Does it cost? I would ask either one of them but they can't really talk right now...

    Driver's license is a no either? Guess that doesn't prove the citizenship..so the only things that prove would be birth certificate or passport thing? she doesn't have a passport.

  9. We just had our interview in Latvia(I am petitioner, attended for my wife's interview). On our interview form the "Petitioner's Original Birth Certificate" was marked as not asked for by NVC. We brought it just in case - they never asked for it, or really anything else for that matter. As far as the employment letter, it looks fine. Ideally it would be on company letterhead, which I can't tell from your picture, but I doubt it's an issue if it's not. I feel like being prepared for your interview beyond the minimum they ask for sounds like being over-prepared (but still good to do). Since my wife encountered some issues with her U.S. travel and had had a new passport since then, they asked if she had that passport, and asked for it just to double-check that she never overstayed, so if you have one with U.S. travel you may want to bring it just in case. If you check my post history you can probably find the post I did of all the questions they asked. If you are able, I would try to schedule a day free from work/school/anything after your interview. After we were approved we had this surreal, what the heck do we do now, and super lazy feeling as all the worrying for months washed away.

    Latvia? What embassy was it for you???

    Well i am using a co-sponsor so now im worried ill neeed her birth certificate.............nobody has told me that and i never read that i needed one.

    i have a passport that ive got since 2008 and my first US travel ever was in 2009, so ive got all the US visas in this one passport (3 overall, 2 student ones - exchange student, and 1 tourist one).

  10. No IRS and W2 are two different things.

    The IRS is a couple pages for each year but the W2 is like one page I think.

    I don't have the co-sponsor's birthcertiicate or employer letter (got lost by UPS), so she will send me a scan of it. I can let you know if they asked for it if you want. My interview is tuesday

    Well, where can they get the one that is needed (taxes) ?

    well i wasn't aware that the birth certificate of the co-sponsor was needed...just mine.

    btw u are not going to the Warsaw embassy are you

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