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Posts posted by TagTeam

  1. Awww your very welcome sweetheart and you know it's good your taking the classes and just keep in mind you can stop when ever you want. It makes me feel better when I'm in control and on this you have full control to take or not take any more classes. But still congrats on getting through this one and no matter how many more or not taking anymore I for one am very proud of you. God willing soon there will be great news for you. Prayer does work so let's keep praying for each other. :)(L)

    Oh God bless you for thinking of us and just because your not here all the time you and the rest are still in my prayers. Thank you again for thinking of us and your prayers which mean the world to me and everyone. I pray you are happy beyond words and that you are at peace with all you have been through.

    I pray that you and your family will always be blessed in all you do. (L) (L) Much love and hugs. :yes:

    I thank you so much for your love and support and for thinking of my family at a time when you are still dealing with everything you have dealt. Many people believe after immigration life gets easier. I can say thats not always the case. My spouse has had the hardest time adjusting to living here. Given what I know now Solenta I would rather give someone like you a chance to have your family together and to be happy. Only God knows why things are the way they are and I pray that God will move and give a miracle to your family by granting your husband a visa. I pray you will find comfort in the those who love and care about you the most until that time comes. I really do ask God to bless you due to the many ways you have been here to encourage and support others who come and go on this thread.

  2. Its been close to 3 months. Typically green cards take 4 to 5 weeks from poe to be produced and mailed that's if its been paid. another VJ member I know came around the same time as OP and already received hia green card last month. I have also had officers quote me 45 daya to 1 year. My point is if OP is concerned about the greencard they definitely need to follow up whether its on Elis, infopass or by phone. You can't always wait on immigration to take action when they are always all over the place.

  3. Hello VJ members!!!!

    I couldn't log on this site for a while now & have been battling to get back on & finally here I am again with my troubles. I've been in the U.S. since 17th Feb 2015 and till date I've not received my plastic green card. How long does it usually take? We paid the fee before I left Nigeria & my U.S citizen spouse paid it through state.gov before I left and got this message.

    Your payment has been submitted to Pay.gov and the details are below. If you have any questions or you wish to cancel this payment, please contact National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

    Application Name: Integrated Operating Environment

    Pay.gov Tracking ID: 25XXXXX

    Agency Tracking ID: 32XXXXXX

    Transaction Type: Sale

    Transaction Date: Jan 17, 2015 8:51:29 PM

    Account Holder Name: KXXXXXX

    Transaction Amount: $165.00

    Billing Address: XXXXXXXX

    City: XXXXXX

    State/Province: TX

    Zip/Postal Code: XXXXXXX

    Country: USA

    Card Type: Visa

    Card Number: ************XXXX


    Is there something we missed somewhere along the line? I don't want to be taken unawares as time does usually fly pass when one pays less attention so I wanna get the green card sorted out quickly. I already have my SSN & DL. I'll be glad if you guys can be of assistance as you've never failed. When I tried to register on ELIS with my alien number it says something like it's already in use.


    If everything was entered correctly including your A number you should have received your green card by now. What I would do is schedule an infopass print all your documents and speak to an immigration officer to see if you can find out whats wrong. we had issues because of some incorrect information and had to complete an info pass to get them to take action on our case and get things worked out.

  4. You to my dear and I wish the same and that those waiting in AP finally get their Visa's!

    No matter your faith please take a moment today to say a prayer for all those struggling in this nightmare of a process and special prayers for

    EOC, BRosa, Natasha&Noor, Maharosa, nicholemariev, Janelle2002, Crazyheart, me Soloenta and so many others, sorry if I forgot someone but please also say prayer for the peaceful good people of the Middle East suffering because of the few power hungry SOB's and the worst countries for AP Egypt and Nigeria.

    Thank you in advance. (L) :yes: (L)

    graphics-love-909133.gif smileys-praying-931534.gif t5063.gif

    Hello Solenta, I will continue praying for you all. If I had the power to take away the pain of what you all are going through I woull do so in a heart beat. Although I don't post much I try to keep up with the threads. I did read about where someone was making fun of what your going through. But I will say never be discouraged by people like that. It sounds to me as if some are jealous and envious of the love and support you get from so many VJ members. What they don't understand is you reap what you sow. I believe God will surely reward you for all the love you continue to show towards others in spite of your circumstances. I will keep you all in my prayers. Have a blessed day.

  5. No one cares unless they are in it, how many people that came to this thread said they would come back but never did? Mind you I don't blame them but don't say something if your not going to do it. Only a handful of have come back thank God and I'm so grateful to them. I can imagine wanting to go back to normal but please don't stop helping in making this process better and just. We have asked for videos to get more people to understand our plight , I think we only have five of all the people that have come through this thread. Doesn't matter if your out of the woods or not people, help those still stuck in this quagmire.

    Solenta I absolutely agree. To take months to reunite a family is one thing. But to take years and have to go through so much disappointment is another. Even when finally together it cannot make up for time lost and the additional pain that is caused. We all do need to stick together. Because its gowing to take all of us standing together to let the powers that be know that this not ok and to change the system. So for those who promised to come back and have not its a disappointment. Sometimes showing love and support is enough action needed to help someone along the way. You all are in my prayers.

  6. I suspect there is more wrong with the relationship than how to file taxes

    That is one of my points. If OP is going to be removing conditions, which is why he is so worried about his tax filing status so he can use as evidence he may have to be concerned about whether or not his wife will actually cooperate thorough the ROC process. However, if I were OP I would be scheduling an infopass.
  7. Hello Solenta

    Many of us here on VJ can. Understand how our feel. Especially those of us who have battled depression and anxiety. I will say this I completely understand how your husband could have forgotten important information. My husband actually told me several times during his interview he had forgotten important information we had gone over shortly before his interview. It was only by the grace of God the VO interviewing him would cut him off when he began to answer questions, as if the little information he began to tell her was enough to satisfy her. Had your husband lived in a different country the outcome may have been different. Unfortunately, VOs have stereotypical views which very much affect their judgement. In spite of what your going through please be encouraged and be of good cheer. When man says NO, GOD can always say YES. I pray the love and support from friends, family and here at VJ will be enough to uplift you during your time of need. I am praying for you and others who are separated from their spouse due to immigration. I feel in my heart you will see each other again. and when that happens thank God, hold on that much tighter to the ones you love and never let anyone including the government come in between and separate you from one another. Please stay encouraged and know there are people here on VJ who genuinely care about you all. Take things one day at a time and this nightmare will soon be over.pink-happy-heart-smiley-emoticon.png[/urlhappy-butterfly-smiley-emoticon.gif

  8. Well, I called the visa center in Lagos and they told me to write an email to the embassy, which I did and already got an automated form letter back from them. My fiancee' received a letter from them this morning stating that she must reapply and re-pay the $265 fee. And the soonest appointment is April 30th, which is more than a month after the priority date expires. I just can't believe this is happening to us. I will be filing a complaint with the local USCIS office when they open here in a few minutes. I KNEW they were trying to scam us. I know that there should be some accountability here, somewhere, but this is the US government we are dealing with. Will filing a complaint with the USCIS cause the US embassy in Lagos to stonewall us altogether (worse than they are doing now)?

    Sorry to hear that you have to pay again. Most of us here on VJ understand how much the gov. Fees suck co pared to the service you get. I absolutely agree about there being accountability, which it seems like immigration has zero accountability when you see how much heartache families go through. If you feel like filing a complaint I would certainly do so. You can try reaching out to your congressman to see if they can help resolve things since that's what they are paid to do (represent you).


    The embassy cannot retaliate against you because you filed a complaint. Otherwise it could very well lead to lawsuits. I would certainly be in contact with my congressman if you have sufficient evidence to prove they are in the wrong. I would also call the embassy again to see if you can get a different official. Immmigration officials are known for giving out different and wrong information. I would ask more questions to see if you can avoid paying additional fees. Sorry for your troubles. I know how frustrating immigration can be. May you be blessed on the rest of your journey.

  9. Did you check out the Nigerian Embassay information page available here: http://www.visajourney.com/consulates/index.php?ctry=Nigeria&cty=Lagos

    On this website there are specific instructions which state Email LagosIV@state.gov for your interview date. (This applies only to K1 Visa seekers.) At this point, if you cannot reach the Lagos embassy by phone, I would be emailing them ASAP and explaining to them your specific situation, where they will be able to further advise you on what to do.

    Also, there is a forum on Nairaland where a U.S. Visa officer answers questions. You can also try to post your question to see if the officer can better advise you based on your situation. The link below is to that forum:


    I hope this information helps.

    In addition to the information above, this information may be helpful when it comes to the K-1 visa process.


    If you followed the instructions on the ustraveldocs website when you scheduled your previous appointment I would not consider your circumstances a scam. http://www.ustraveldocs.com/ng/ng-niv-appointmentschedule.asp#

    Nevertheless, I would still be contacting the embassy to ensure you don't have to repay the visa application fee. Especially since it sounds like you have to reschedule your interview. If you don't have a receipt showing that you paid the fee, then I would definitely be concerned about this being a scam.

    Either way you need to be in contact with Lagos embassy to get things resolved ASAP.

  10. My fiancee' had all her paperwork in order when she showed up at the US embassy in Lagos, Nigeria this morning. However, they said that she applied for a B1 interview and not a K1. It did not matter to them that there was no way to select the K1 option when she made the reservation and that their website clearly stated that B1 and K1 would be treated the same for interview scheduling. They told her to reschedule. Two problems here - her account is locked out - she cannot cancel the appointment she just made this morning, nor will she be able to select K1 since that option was not available assuming she signs up again (and possibly is charged the $265 fee). Right now I can't afford an immigration lawyer. I tried most of the day calling the US state department, but the non-immigrant line refuses to help me, and the immigrant line will not take the call - they say call again later. I'm guessing that they are trying to get us to re-register and extort us for another $265. Anyone have any ideas on how to get her a K1 visa interview?

    Did you check out the Nigerian Embassay information page available here: http://www.visajourney.com/consulates/index.php?ctry=Nigeria&cty=Lagos

    On this website there are specific instructions which state Email LagosIV@state.gov for your interview date. (This applies only to K1 Visa seekers.) At this point, if you cannot reach the Lagos embassy by phone, I would be emailing them ASAP and explaining to them your specific situation, where they will be able to further advise you on what to do.

    Also, there is a forum on Nairaland where a U.S. Visa officer answers questions. You can also try to post your question to see if the officer can better advise you based on your situation. The link below is to that forum:


    I hope this information helps.

  11. Solenta, I don't have the words to express how unjust this process has been for you. I will pray that God will intervene and make this right. I pray God will comfort you and your hubby in your time of need and that He will bring you all out of this more than conquerers. I am sending you so much love knowing it will not be enough to make up for the hurt you must be feeling right now. But I will send you love all the same hoping you know you are not alone. Please know God always has the final say and the enemy will not win this battle.

  12. Solenta how are you!!!!! I am praying things go well with your interview as it has for my hubby. The funny thing is he was approved at his interview and we are planning for him to come in February. Even though that would mean we still have to wait a little longer to be together I am now more hopeful knowing all we have to do is plan his POE. Thank you for all your love and support. May you and your spouse be just as blessed for all the good seeds you have planted here and may your harvest be bountiful :)

  13. Congrats

    If all of them are sent to consulate then you need not to bring them , please read it again to make sure you did not miss anything.

    Most people only need to bring Passports.

    Thank you! I would say even if you don't need to take copies I would take them anyways just to have it. You never know if documents may get lost in the procees as itbhas happened to other VJ members.If this happened to you ich I pray it doesnt, iit would avoid delays in gettng your visa when you are approved if you can give them what they ask for the day of the interview.

  14. I am so grateful to God we have been approved for a visa!!!!!!!!! My hubby had a very good interview experience. He was not asked a lot of questions by the immigration officer and the few questions he was asked he was often cut off by the officer when answering because she already seemed satisfied with his answers. He took a binder full of forms, copies and evidence and the officer did not ask to see any of it. I also sent 3 photobooks I made with him and the officer only looked at 5 pages of 1 and was satisfied. I'll be posting a full review later. I just wanted to take the time to thank Dwheels, Solenta and other VJ members who have been such an amazing support. May God bless you all as much as He has blessed us.

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