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Posts posted by js0622

  1. On 8/11/2021 at 12:36 PM, christophec said:

    My dad I485 was approved yesterday, and green card is in production, without interview.

    Waiting on mom now, I130 was approved two weeks ago

    Came across your post here. Wow so your father wasn't required to have an interview? I applied for both of my parents last January and waiting for the next step now which is the interview. But I had no idea they approve some cases without an interview! 

  2. My parents just now finally got their letter for the biometrics appointment which is on August 10th. Here is the weird part... 

    Online status changed to "initial evidence requested and letter sent" this was on like July 15th, so they were awaiting a letter telling them what kind of evidence is need but instead my dad got his biometrics appointment letter today August 24. 

    Anyone had the same happen? 

    Do they ever consider bio taken as initial evidence? Or maybe there will be another letter coming? It's strange.. But still happy it's moving somewhere! 

  3. Hi everyone,


    I am in the process of immigrating my parents to the US. I applied for both of them separately by submitting i-130 which have been approved and now my MOTHERS case was approved first and she has already received the NVC case number and everything. However my father has been approved later and has still  not received an NVC case number. Will they somehow connect them later? Will I have to fill out an affidavit of support for both separately? Or will they add my father in the system. Will they have to attend the interview separately? They are married and live together. Is there anything that has to be done to insure that they are processed together.


    Thanks in advance for your help. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, aaron2020 said:

    Dual citizens can indeed do what you described.  


    Your parents are not dual citizens.  So, what you described does not apply to them.  The terms of being LPRs applies to them, and those terms requires them to make the US their primary home.  

    not sure when I said anything about them become dual citizens. ( I only gave a "scenario" in reply to the Canadian healthcare thing because I didnt exactly agree with that post) it was unrelated to LPR... but I get it. Thanks!

  5. 53 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    So they need to be in Canada at least 6 months of the year to receive healthcare, and they need to live in the US for at least 6 months of the year if they don’t want to jeopardize their green cards. Are you starting to see the problem here?


    US looks at intent, not just letter of law. Using healthcare in Canada as a resident is in itself enough to lose them their green card as it demonstrates intent to be resident outside the US. You have to intend to be resident in the US to maintain LPR status. 


    no point getting mad at everyone here for pointing out that what you want to do skirts with legalities at best, and is impractical.

    Never said I want to do that..... Fyi

  6. In addition. I am not bragging that I entered USA and applied from here to adjust status and it work so now everyone can do it. THAT'S WHY I'M ASKING ON THIS POST OBVIOUSLY. I couldn't afford a lawyer at the time and my husband and I didn't want to split for a long time, I didn't even know it was "illegal" so please keep your judgement to yourself when you don't even know the situation or anything. This website is for questions that people are not sure about right? So i'm comfused why you are all freaking out..... 

  7. Ummmm I am not the one getting mad here. It's you people over exaggerating and saying I am already doing things illegally like I am this terrible person. When in fact I'm not doing anything yet. So everyone can just calm down and just try to give options instead of judging the person about lying and trying to bypass laws. If you are here to do that then ur on the wrong website. This website has mostly helped me with immigration stuff so this attitude I'm getting is quite surprising to me. Did I word something incorrectly? I don't think so. Im simply trying to find out information. Did I ever SAY that my parents will for sure live in both places? Did I ask about citizenship? Did I ask about Healthcare? About suggestions for my brothers education, work? NO I didn't. Actually I didn't need any of this EXTRA  information and assumptions from you. I asked specific questions and in reply I got judgement and accusations. Almost feel like I'm going to jail tomorrow or something.. Calm down people its going to be fine, I will figure it out. Don't worry so much. 

    For those who gave me some straight up valid info about what I actually asked about in my question I want to thank you.

  8. 29 minutes ago, js0622 said:

    Ok thanks for your replies everyone. I AM NOT trying to do "everything" illegal so please, I would appreciate if youdon't accuse me of such thing. I'm simply trying to clear up some questions I had. I appreciate the suggestions about one parent doing the ppw and then the other. FYI my brother is done with school and either way it's home school so he would be fine, thanks I did think of that myself prior to writting this. 

    This is not very true, please check the facts before advising... A person can receive Healthcare benefits as long as they are in Canada for at least 6 months and getting the green card doesn't just cancel that. Just saying... This is informative from the official websites. 

    I am aware that dual citizenship is allowed. Where does it say that you cannot reside in both? Let's say 6 months here and 6 month there? I would love to read it myself if you could provide a link. Thanks! 

  9. Ok thanks for your replies everyone. I AM NOT trying to do "everything" illegal so please, I would appreciate if youdon't accuse me of such thing. I'm simply trying to clear up some questions I had. I appreciate the suggestions about one parent doing the ppw and then the other. FYI my brother is done with school and either way it's home school so he would be fine, thanks I did think of that myself prior to writting this. 

    29 minutes ago, NikLR said:

    As a note as well, once your parents activate their green cards thry are no longer Canadian residents and cannot use healthcare in Canada.  You cant even fill prescriptions from either direction. 

    This is not very true, please check the facts before advising... A person can receive Healthcare benefits as long as they are in Canada for at least 6 months and getting the green card doesn't just cancel that. Just saying... This is informative from the official websites. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    Definitely not your brother. He will not be an immediate relative of a citizen (as per uscis definition) during the immigration process so he will have to wait for a priority date. He cannot do this from inside the US as he won’t be able to remain in status all the time while waiting for his priority date. He won’t be able to adjust status if he doesn’t have a legal status to adjust from, and he will overstay by a matter of years - incurring a ban on entry - if you try to do it this way.  Also,  I assume being minor your parents will want to remain living with him in Canada as long as possible. So it also makes sense to do this they proper way, have them stay in Canada and await their immigrant visa. Once they are LPRs they can apply for him as child of LPR, which depending how old he is at that stage will likely take 2-7 years. NikLR’s suggestion of staggering the parent visas makes a lot of sense if he is too young to be left by himself.

    Thanks! But why would my parents have to leave my little brother for a a long time once they get approved for the green card? If they apply and do the interview in Canada, they would just have to enter the USA to receive the cards correct? Then nothing is holding them back from driving back to Canada and staying with my bro while they are sponsoring him. Or my brother entering the USA as a Canadian in the visa waiver program he is allowed to stay in the USA for 6 months out of a year anyway. 

  11. Hey! 

    It doesn't matter if it's flu season or not at the time of your interview. I remember going through this myself, for me it wasn't flu season and I was against the shot, by the doctor kept insisting on it until I showed the part about it in the form. As long as the time when ur vaccination medical form was done during a NON-flu season (april) then you are fine, you don't need any extra documentation 

  12. 4 minutes ago, NikLR said:

    Depends if you intended to do it or not.  While Canada allows for intent to immigrate the USA does not.  So being 100% truthful with the CBP officer would get you denied entry. Lying to them is illegal.  


    To be honest it may be best for you to sponsor one parent and then have that parent sponsor the other and your sibling.  It will take longer but then the sibling can be a derivative of the other parent's petition and it takes about 2 years.  This way your sibling isnt left in Canada by himself. 

    Thanks for the info! My question is, say my parents go through the process while they are in Canada and get approved. When they enter the US, can't my brother enter with them for just the time that it takes to petition him too? Just under the visa waiver program as a Canadian? 

    3 minutes ago, kzielu said:

    First question - are you a citizen ? 

    If not, you can't sponsor your parents until you are.


    Once you are a citizen, you file for your parents visas, they can't come with the intent of adjusting the status. Minor brother has much much longer wait if you petition for him, much shorter if your parents sponsor him after they immigrate but still few years.

    Thanks! Yes I am US citizen 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Khallaf said:

    1. Your parents can not enter into the US with the intent to adjust status from USA that is illegal and no one here is going to advise you do that.


    you can petition for your parents to come over while living in Canada there is a petition for each parent.


    from my understanding you can petition for your brother or sister, it can takes years depending on when a visa is available for them, the brother can't come in with parents he will need to have someone petition for him.


    Once the parents are here and are permanent residence they can submit a petition for your brother, and once a visa is available he would be able to come over, as long as he is unmarried and under the age of 21.

    Thank you for the information! I appreciate it. I did marry a US citizen, in Toronto Canada and entered the US normally with out any visa afterwards, then adjusted status with out any problems, got my green card, that's why I was asking if my parents Or my minor brother could do the same

  14. Hi everyone, 

    I have several questions about bringing my parents from Canada to US. And doing it the right way. I understand there is a choice of doing it while they are in Canada or doing it from US, hopefully someone can help me with clarifying somethings. 

    1. If I would like to petition for them after they enter the US, can they go through the boarder normally (Canadians don't needs a visa) or would that be illigal? If so what's the best way to do it? Would it affect their adnace parole later to leave if needed? 

    2. I also have a minor sibling brother. If they do the process from Canada can he enter the US with them once they get their visa? What the best way to go? 

    If you know any info or have been through this, specifically Canadian  because sometimes it's easier. please comments below!! Thank youu

  15. 15 minutes ago, missileman said:

    Their policy is to stamp your passport if it is about to expire and if it is needed for travel.  Have you explained that your planned trip requires you to be out of the country at the 30 day point?

    Yes.. I even asked her if there is anything else I could do, and she just looked at me and said no ma'am you basically just cant go traveling.

    I am thinking I will just get an infopass again right before I leave and maybe get a nicer officer this time who will give me the stamp.. 

  16. Hello

    Hoping someone else had this experience or can help me out.. 

    So I filed my i751 February 2017, my card expired April 27th 2017. I received the one year extension letter which I have traveled with several times with out any problems.

    Here is the issue though, I will be leaving the country with my husband February 27th and come back end of May....  and I pray i get my new card BEFORE i leave but if I dont then my letter will be expired will I not be able to get back in the country?  

    I understand I could get the 551 stamp to extend another year BUT the lady at uscis told me they ONLY give it 30 days before expiration and i wont be here at that time.... That would be march 27th... We have to leave march 19th. 

    Please help. 

    Also what if I get my new card mailed to me while im out of the country? Will i have issues getting in? 

    There is really no way i could be denied  while away, because my marriage is legit (5 years) and I moved from Canada (Canadian  citizen) , my case and interview everything has been pretty easy this far. 

    Thanks sooo much for all your help I appreciate it! 

  17. Hi,

    What kind of copies are you suggesting to bring?

    Also, is it ok to have pictutes on the paper? or is better to bring just standard looking pictures? I have two pictures albums which I was going to bring with me but I do not want them to be taken away. Would be ok to show them but take it back,and leave those printed pictures?

    I had a copy of all the documents I submitted together with i485 just in case that includes marriage certificate and birth certificate. Also a copy of tax returns and proof of marriage, like insurances together, phone accounts and bank accounts together and leases of places u lived together with ur names. I also had confirmation emails printed when we traveled together including our honeymoon itinerary.

    For the photos I think that would be fine if you just bring the copy on paper incase he wants to keep it. In my case he didnt keep any photos at all. From other cases I heard they might keep only one or two.

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