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Posts posted by pri

  1. Hi All Vjers

    Travelled yday from Toronto to JFK with the expectation of getting a EAD stamp in the passport, but it totally skipped my mind that my POE would still be Toronto.. my fiancee's place is closer from LGA then JFK spent $20 more on Cab..

    well at the immigration counter the officer seeing my canadian passport was just scanning my passport and allowing me to go till he asked the reason why i am going and i said to Marry and he was like Hold on here what visa u hv and then he looked at my K1 visa and then asked whn are u getting mrrd and i said probably this week and he was like congrats

    then he asked me for the packet and opened it and then said he will chk with sum1 and be bck then he put all the docs in another yellow plastic folder and he pointed out to go the seconadry inspection area..

    There they took my fingerprints and picture stamped my passport wrote the A# behind I94 and said i was good to go. :dance:

    another thing the officer @ YYZ put only 3 months :help: validity on my I94 so my I94 expires on Sep 11, I asked him for the EAD stamp and he said he is not aware if you can get it with K1 but said once you get yr ssn# you are eligible to work??? :unsure::unsure: bunch of ####### if thts the case then why apply for EAD..

    This morning got my marriage license from the city of clerk in Queens and shall Marry there on THU you all are invited to witness this one great event :D:yes:

    Also i told i need extra copies of my Marriage certificate so i get 2 for $25

    The other thing that i tried was the DMV no one is interested to wht u gotta say,,, transfer licence BOOM comes oyt he form with all instructions and those stupid POINTS reqd.. so the Licence is not happening till i get my SSN# which i shll apply or try to apply next week...

    So it was pretty much smooth all the best to all u there waiting


  2. Hi All,

    I am planning to keep my mailin address for USCIS as my inlaws address which is in NY, while we wld be physically staying in NJ.. now is this feasible that i stay in Jersey and my mailin address is NY or shld i keep them same.. as I am finally planned my trip this Mon and then we are ready to AOS..

    I am taking up a rental lease of my friend in Jersey so am not sure how long i will be there or move

    So to keep the USCIS mailing me at my Inlaws wld be best for me..

    Please advise



  3. I don't think you can provide this copy with your AOS. You will need to take it to a USCIS designated civil surgeon who will transfer the info onto the I-693A in a sealed envelope which you can submit with the AOS.



    I agree but they use the one from the K1 so thts wht i was thinking if it is the same sealed envelope..and if my sealed envelope is not there so they might issue an RFE

    The sealed envelope with the visa which the consulate issued wht the hell is there in tht packet my medicals Rt??


  4. Hi all

    Under I864 Part 4 B. Sponsors hshld size

    1. no.of Persons related 2 you by birth

    Now Pri has her Mom and Sis who stay with her but are not dependent on her so still i shld be putting there as 3

    then that makes the total incldng me as 4 is that how it shld be or it should be only dependents

    Part4 D determination of Elgblty bsd on Income

    I believe i shld be Ticking the first square??

    Any comments are welcome



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