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Posts posted by uniquelyJo

  1. 1 hour ago, Coco8 said:

    If you do global entry you just put your GC in a machine, and then you get in. No questions.


    My sister lives in LA (student visa) and she has had an easier time than other airports, like Miami in which many tourists fly into and officers are tired and kind of grumpy (at least that was my experience, I try to avoid Miami).  

    oh wow I didn't know anything about Global entry, this is only the second time I have been out of the country on my greencard.

  2. Hi All,


    Just wondering if anyone has been through Immigration check at LAX since all the Immigration uproar. I am traveling with my son out of the US in a week and will be reentering at LAX. I am a greencard holder with Australia being my original country, so I don't expect any problems, but just interested to see if they are a bit tougher with questions or whatever. I like to be prepared because I am a nervous traveler, so kind of want some opinions, because last time I reentered the officer was nice enough, didn't question me at all, but did ask my son a couple of questions as far as who I was to him and what was my name, nothing out of the ordinary.



  3. We talked every day online for hours, back then yahoo messenger was the big craze. We called each other once a week via the phone. Now my husband emails me from work 3 times a day and if he is on the road for work he calls me constantly to the point where sometimes "I don't happen to hear the phone". :oops::content:

  4. cool ! husband going with you? maybe get him to sign anything he needs to sign, just in case he dies during the trip?

    No just our son and I this time and not a bad idea, maybe I should fill it all out and get his signature, then again he might think I am planning on bopping him on the head during his sleep one night LOL thanks Darnell for your replies :-)

  5. is it feasible to submit the packet after you return to USA?

    I am thinking that's probably the smartest thing for me to do at this point. There is no hurry for me to obtain my Citizenship, so I think that's my best option so I am not sitting here stressing over the time frame. Plus my next trip is only my second time out of the country since having my GC, so that's a total of 5 weeks only, so it's not like I have to get my Citizenship before the trip for any reason other than I am eligible for it.

  6. Hi All,

    I am eligible to submit my N400 on December 20 of this year, my 3 years on my Greencard is up on March 20, 2016. Here is my dilemma, I am not sure if I should submit my N400 or not, the problem is, I was planning a trip back to Australia, in July/August of next year. I read that we have to hand back our GC at the Oath ceremony and that we then couldn't travel until we have our US passports (which makes sense, I get all that). I will be going through the Houston office, so now I am not sure if I should wait until after our trip to file, because I feel like I might be cutting things a bit too close, especially if there are long delays in the process. Does anyone have any time frames from when they filed until they were all done through the Houston office. Thanks, any advice and opinons would be appreciated.

  7. If the woman that your Husband is now involved with, is as bad as you are saying she is, then by coming here to confront him is just going to put your life in danger. The last thing you need is to end up hurt or even arrested, all that would do is add more salt to the wound. Your Husband obviously hasn't worried one bit about what he is doing to you, he may have his own issues but that doesn't excuse him from treating his wife the way he is. So you really have to dig deep within yourself and ask if the whole getting back to the US is about living here and building your life, or is it just the emotional side of wanting him to see you face to face, with the hope that will make him change his mind and come running back to you.

    You say you have your own home in Spain, why not try to rebuild your life in Spain, put your Husband and all that he has done to you on the back burner. The best revenge against someone that has done something so horrid to you is happiness, success and the ability to say, you know what? I don't need you either.

    Instead of using your energy fighting a system that you have very little chance of winning against, use that energy to say "look at me now"!

    I wish you luck with your future and I truly hope that you start thinking about yourself instead of him and what he is doing and whom he is with, all that kind of thought pattern does is bring you down.

  8. Be thankful that you weren't going through the inland checkpoint south of Alpine, Texas.

    I assume they aren't as friendly? My Husband said the ones around Del Rio area are really tough, but with that kind of job I can't really blame them, it's not one I would put my hand up to do that's for sure.

  9. My Husband, Son and I went to South Padre Island Texas today. On the way back there was a Border Patrol Checkpoint that we had to go through. It's the first time I have ever seen one let alone go through it. I was taking some photos and went to take a photo of the Officers Drug Dog, but the Officer asked me not too :cry: he didn't want his photo on the internet (his words), I thought about saying I didn't want a photo of him just his dog hahaha but I didn't think I should so I just put my camera into my lap. He was nice about it and said no photos please! So I am not complaining but it was an AWESOME looking dog lol I have attached some photos, for those of you that haven't seen one of these check points.







  10. BNE Brisbane International Airport, Brisbane Australia. I give a 8, its a strange setup as far as navigating your way through the building to get to the customs and immigration departments, Staff very friendly and helpful.

    LAX Los Angeles Airport, I give it a 1, I hate that airport with a passion, there is always construction going on but nothing ever seems to be improved. The shuttle buses are a joke, you are better off to walk from terminal to terminal the traffic outside the terminals is just crazy. If you are going to fly out or into this airport make sure you are travelling with one of the larger airlines, if you are on one of the smaller ones eg Virgin you basically feel like you are walking down into the bowels of hell to get to the departure gates and then have to take a 10 minute bus ride to another terminal to get to your plane.

  11. Is it just me that finds its extremely strange that a couple would go through the hoops of a K1 only to throw in the towel after a week? Is your fiancé really young? It's not just her culture to be close to family, my family means the world to me too and we are all extremely close, but my husband is also my family so I wouldn't leave him just because I was homesick. It sounds to me like you have the means for her to be able to visit her family whenever she wanted, so it's not like it would be years before she saw them again. Was she disappointed in your style of living or where you live? Just seems like a rushed decision on both sides without something more to the story. I hope you don't plan on continuing to support her once she goes back just "in case" she changes her mind.

  12. Turned out to be a false alarm

    Don't know why you think it was a false alarm Bill hasn't even made landfall yet and Matagorda Bay is underwater with the storm surge. We are in Matagorda County and the rain from the outlaying bands is just starting to hit us now.

    OP: I would step back and give him a lot of space, time to collect his thoughts and most of all, time to miss you!

  13. Possible Switzerland is a fabrication to cover his entry into the US.

    Who knows?

    ^^^ this was my thought too....something sounds fishy and throwing the Switzerland curve ball might give him the time he needs to get into the US using the visa he has in hand. You need to get things rolling here fast to have the visa cancelled, it may already be too late, who knows he sounds like a real piece of work ugh.

  14. Our foreign cash is done through our post offices linked to american express. They offer a much better exchange rate than the banks do with no fees at all.

    They have a prepaid currency card but the reviews are just terrible. I'm unsure if I can post links here but it isn't recommended by anyone.


    Carrying so much cash on you is always a risk but as far as getting a hard time by immigration for having that much on you, I highly doubt they would bat a eyelid at it. I went home to Australia with $3K in my wallet and didn't get asked any questions. They may ask you why you are carrying so much cash, but once you explain as you have here they won't harass you about it. To be honest they hardly even look at us Aussies when entering this Country, well put it this way I have never had any bad experiences and all my Aussie friends that come here have never been drilled with questions, it depends on the Officers you get but most of them just wave us through.

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