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Posts posted by DearJohn

  1. Congrats on your case complete!! So happy for you!!!!!!! :)

    Thank you Stacey (F) I'm with you, waiting on line to get my interview date scheduled. Hopefully we'll hear something next week :idea:

    The thing is that we still didn't receive the IV fee invoice... and when I'm explaining on the phone about the yellow triangle, i get the same answer, yes i can see but you must wait for you IV fee invoice mail and wait 30 BD, madnesssss

    Omg I'm so sorry this is taken so long for you. Have you tried to talk to a Supervisor?. It seems like they really want you to wait the full 30 business days!! That's so unfair, I waited 23 calendar days after submitting the DS-261, it was a really long wait compared to most timelines here, but yours is so unacceptable. Call and talk to a supervisor!

  2. Question ladies and gentleman ........could i use the same translation i used on the i-130 with the marriage certificate or would that be a red flag?

    Yes, you can. But, you don't need to send a translation to NVC if your marriage certificate is in Spanish (Dominican Republic language). That's only needed for USCIS.

    Case completed today finally! Now waiting for interview. I would like to thank everyone here especially Saylin.

    Off to the next stage now.

    Congrats!!! :dancing:

    Congrats to all the Case completes today !!!! YIPPEEEEEEE

    Thank you girl (F)

  3. Thanks to the Lord, we got Case Complete today!!! No checklists or anything!!! Woohoo!! :luv: :dance: :dancing:

    After I got the news from NVC I called my baby and he was so excited when I told him the great news!! :dancing:

    Many thanks to Saylin (F) and every single person in this thread (F) for all the helpful information and also for the good times I've had when reading the good sense of humor that you all have while going through this long and hard process.

    Good luck to everyone else going through this, I hope you'll have a very smooth NVC process! :goofy:

  4. Case completed this morning... 2 wks and half a day for them to review the IV checklist.. They're taking longer than they were a few wks back.. Good luck to all!

    I called today, and got news of my case complete.

    Super excited, but I'm surprised that the operator told me my case was complete on April 15th.

    I had called on Monday the 21st, and was told I was still in processing. Is there some delay in putting this into their systems, like with everything else at the NVC?

    Congrats antpx and przyjaciel!!! So very happy for you! :dancing:

    I called on Monday and last night expecting to hear the magical words Case Complete. I was told that our case is under the last review since Apr. 18th. Supposedly, our case looks complete since that date but it's not official yet? :blink: I'm calling back later today, fingers crossed ^_^

  5. Finallyyyy!! Just got the approval for my I-130 yday for my husband in Pakistan! I absolutely have NO idea what I'm suppose to do next . Someone help me... Pleaaaaase

    Congratulations!! and welcome to the NVC thread ;)

    All what you need to know is in the first post of this thread and in the NVC wiki guide made by Saylin. Make sure you read them more than once and always go back to them if you forget something, they will answer most (if not all) of your questions and doubts :yes:


  6. Sooooooo, I called NVC at 10:00pm, was on hold for 27 minutes. I spoke to Lee and she told me CASE COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!

    :dance::dance: :dance: :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:


    I am so happy and relieved! I feel so blessed to have found this website. I would have never made it through this process so quickly and easiy ( even with a checklist) without my VJ family. And everyone here truly is like family. We support each other through the good times and bad, we disagree and sometimes even fight with each other but at the end of the day we are still there for each other. (just like family) Thanks Guys!!!

    And a very special thanks to Mrs. Saylin! Without you were would any of us be? Your the Godmother of this huge family. :luv:

    I totally share your happiness! Congrats!! :goofy:

  7. Someone asked me this question I pray someone can help this person and I'm sending them the link here.

    My question is does required my Birth Certificate to attach with any documents like AOS or IV packages? If yes, is it original or a copy?

    Another question that is in DS-260 form what is the below meaning.

    1. Document ID = is this meaning passport number?

    2. Country/Authority that issued document = is this meaning passport issued country?

    3. Issuance date = is this meaning passport issue date?

    4. Experation date = is this meaning passport expire date?

    - IV packet requires Original or Certified Copy of beneficiary's birth certificate.

    Yes to question number 1, 2, 3, and 4 :)

    Dear john let me know how that goes! Fingers crossed we have the same dates for IV package. I was going to wait until Tuesday to check the status

    Oh yes, we do!... I'm going to post the good news for sure as soon as I know we have case complete. I'm going to keep an eye on you too!! Fingers crossed ^_^

    Just say to yourself, everything is for a reason and God willing you will get a great counselor for the interview. Just take a deep breath know it will be soon and in it's time. I know it's not easy because I'm living it still and am not as close as I would like. (F)

    Thank you Soloenta! I know everything is in God's hands and one day not too far from now, this is going to be just a memory for everyone in this thread. I'm glad we can share our progress here, at least we know there is hope for all of us! :yes::star:

  8. CASE COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!

    :crying: (with happiness)

    THANK YOU each and everyone of you, for although I may not have posted much, I've always found answers to the questions I've had, and It has been a saving grace to know we are not in it alone and to read the help and support from fellow visa applicants. I know it's not over yet, but this is a huge hurdle which could not have been achieved without you...thank you. My best wishes to everyone and fingers remain continually crossed for all enduring this awful process. Best of luck and thanks again xxx

    It's not over yet, but you're very close!... Congrats!!! And good luck with the interview :goofy:

  9. Awwww thank you, it was difficult but Skype made it so much better to be able to see them that's for sure.

    By the way Viva Colombia, Viva Ecuador! ;) hahahaaa Good luck to you I'll be praying for you. (F)(L)


    :lol: That's so cute, you remind me of my husband saying Viva Colombia! with that gringo accent, love it!

    I appreciate your prayers! I'll do the same for you to have a smooth NVC process and a prompt interview (F)

    Viva America and Egypt too!! :dancing:

  10. It's the South American way girl and I am the same, lived with my parents all my life and left only to marry my husband and it took two years to see them again. But Colombia isn't that far from the USA and just turn on your Skype put on some Cumbia's and dance. Also have them turn on Skype and leave it on so you feel your there with them and for them the same. It's amazing how much better you will feel. Good luck with the interview. (F)

    Aww thank you Soloenta! Happy to know that you're a daddy's girl and a momma's world too, so cute! I'm sure it was very hard on you and your parents not to see you in two years.

    I like the cumbia dance idea lol. We plan to skype daily and also have my parents apply for tourist visas so they can go visit me and my husband soon. Thank God we're in the same continent and thank God for skype!

    Good luck to you too! :goofy:

  11. Apparently NVC was just waiting for me to lose all hope, sit back and get comfortable before throwing us for a loop. Yesterday evening we received an email notification for a May 19 interview in London. We're very surprised, very excited, and also a bit stressed as we accelerate the timeline to get ready for the move ;) I feel a little bad line jumping out of the June interview group, because I know how left behind I felt watching others do the same. I wish I could assign you all interview dates myself. The wait sucks, but you're so close to the end now. I can't wait to see each of you sharing your good news as it comes :)

    Bit of a tangent here, but something I've been thinking about... with our interview date scheduled and everything suddenly so near at hand, I'm finding myself more and more in awe of the incredible sacrifices all the beneficiaries (or applicants, to use the NVC-appropriate term!) here are making for their spouses. I'm so full of love and appreciation for everything my husband is doing to bring our lives together, and I know many of the members here are bound to have even more difficult situations and transitions than we're expecting. I give you guys all the credit in the world. You're amazing. The love and commitment it takes to survive this process and THEN give up everything you've known in life except your spouse is incredible. I hope you all have wonderful, supportive, thankful partners, because you sure as heck deserve it.

    Yeah, I'm feeling warm and fuzzy :luv:

    Congrats on the interview date and good luck to your hubby!!!

    Thanks for those beautiful words. I'm the beneficiary and I've been married for more than two years now. The last time I saw my husband was on our second anniversary in January. I have lived with my parents my whole life and it breaks my heart knowing that I'm going to have to leave them soon :cry:I knew this will happen eventually but only God knows how much I'm going to miss my family.

    In the other hand... I miss my husband more than words can say and I'm happy we're finally going to be together soon!!! Everything in God's own time...

    Genesis 2:24 "Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother, and will join with his wife and they will be one flesh".

    I have not been the same since I got case complete.....

    Tears...joy....called everyone I knew.....turned the music up way to loud....

    then did a 180 off the treadmill with my air guitar and almost hit the ceiling.... :dancing: ....


    Lol you're so funny :lol:

  12. Hi everyone. We got a check list yesterday. I'm thinking it's a false one. Just wanna be sure though:

    ______F - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE:______________________________________
    We received your Immigrant Visa Application; however, we have not received an Affidavit of Support
    form. You must submit an Affidavit of Support form before we can complete your case.
    Please go to our website immigrantvisas.state.gov for instructions on how to obtain, complete, and
    submit an Affidavit of Support form.
    When responding to the National Visa Center, please include the bar code sheet that came with this
    letter. Failure to include the bar code sheet may cause a delay in the processing of your case. The bar
    code sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to the
    address provided.


    We got the same false checklist the day NVC accepted our AOS. I've seem some other members saying the same thing. That's a good signal!!

    There's no word I can express my happiness right now! I really had this gut feeling so I called the NVC, and I can't believe I heard the word "CASE COMPLETE"! Wohoooo!!! I'm sick right now but I felt so much better hearing that good news! Thank you dear Lord God! :)

    Congrats!! I only imagine that great feeling :goofy: Get well soon!

  13. Anyways, so finally she did confirm that i do have a case complete.

    Time to say good bye to NVC (well almost). Case Completed today. Waiting for interview scheduling. :dancing::dancing:

    Too overwhelmed right now. Actually, I don't mind sharing that I am crying now as I am typing...

    I am so happy that I found you guys (a very supportive family I might add). Always helpful with very clear suggestions on what to do and what not to do.

    I would like to name a few people and would like to say that I am so fortunate to have you by my side helping me all the way - Saylin, Kaylara, Changnoi, NLR, BOS_LHR, Waiting____, Peace500 and many more... Please keep doing what you have done for the rest of us so tirelessly and without any personal benefit. A BIG Thank You.

    Now let me go say hi to folks in the next room - May 2014 Interview forum.

    Congratulations!!! Very happy for you :goofy:

  14. Case Complete!!!

    Thank you God.

    Thank you VJ family.

    Congratulations!!! :goofy:

    I can only imagine...may interview......one more thread to go.....case complete...can somebody point me in the right direction

    We are Saylins graduating class.....I am not leaving this thread without you...........

    I will update as soon as I know more....keep fighting the good fight

    Oh yeah! don't leave this thread now, you help many people here. You're pretty much Saylin's Assitant B-)

  15. Just got off the phone with NVC. Case Complete as of yesterday. Thank God (L)

    Called NVC just now after reading Changnoi's case complete message and guess what, we got a CASE COMPLETE as of yesterday. Woo hooo!!!

    Me and my hubby :dancing::dancing:

    CASE COMPLETE!! Just called for an update and Rick said "Well, today's your lucky day! We finished reviewing your documents today and you have a case complete!" I was so ecstatic I didn't even ask about interviews in Dakar but will call back to do so tomorrow. Alhamdulilaahi!

    Thanks everyone for your help, especially Saylin!

    A few things for people who might be curious. We had no checklists, but lots of places where we thought we'd have problems:

    -for the IV package, we sent in copies of the marriage translation and copies of the marriage certification (instead of originals with the bright red stamp) and we got no checklist, so maybe copies for translations are okay?

    -The joint sponsor only gave last years taxes, and no proof of employment.

    -The AOS forms of myself and the joint sponsor were full of blanks. I pretty much followed that example on VJ that has a bunch of blanks and had no problems.

    -as a USC living abroad with only foreign-based income, I wrote my current income as 0, wrote a letter explaining it and sent no employment letter.

    -The DS260 was full of strange addresses due to lack of street names, etc and we had no problems

    ...so whether we were a case that happened to squeeze by with errors or it's just NVC doesn't care, we don't know, but for anyone stressing over little errors, you might make it!

    Good luck everyone!

    This is so awesome!! Just what I wanted to see today!... It's raining Complete Cases :dancing:

    Congrats to all of you!!! :dance::goofy:

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