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    KarenCee got a reaction from Member9 in My spuse abonded me   
    Touché. Just be prepared for the same when you need help.
  2. Like
    KarenCee got a reaction from Member9 in My spuse abonded me   
    But...as everyone else has stated...you do NOT need to be so rude and give smartass answers.
  3. Like
    KarenCee reacted to Fandango in Toothpaste tube squeezing   
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    KarenCee reacted to Krikit in Toothpaste tube squeezing   
    I wish you would stop using the si man, no man, see man routine. I really do want to read what you have to say, but as soon as I see those words I skip directly over your posts. Please, I sincerely, and nicely, beg you to stop. It is very distracting, and beyond the point of being anywhere close to funny.
    Having said that..... isn't it a violation to advertise and solicit clients to your poll without the express authorization of the OP?
  5. Like
    KarenCee reacted to Penny Lane in Ann Romney slammed for $990 Shirt, Michelle Obama praised for $6,800 jacket   
    Yay, now we're body-shaming women.
    True men we have in here.
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    KarenCee reacted to Penny Lane in Ann Romney slammed for $990 Shirt, Michelle Obama praised for $6,800 jacket   
    Or I must associate with people who aren't asshats.
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    KarenCee reacted to Penny Lane in Ann Romney slammed for $990 Shirt, Michelle Obama praised for $6,800 jacket   
    You know, I never see anyone mention race until someone makes a stupid comment like this.
  8. Like
    KarenCee reacted to Penny Lane in my Izabela will be here friday evening !!   
    Try out? People aren't shopping for clothes or buying something from a catalog.
  9. Like
    KarenCee reacted to elmcitymaven in men i realized we all have one thing in common here   
    Hush, woman. Let the men talk.
    It's easier to let them dig holes deeper that way.
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    KarenCee reacted to Ayman___ in men i realized we all have one thing in common here   
    There is alot of American women marrying men from other countries we could say the same about American men but I won't comment Wishing all of you the best
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    KarenCee reacted to KayDeeCee in men i realized we all have one thing in common here   
    Glad to be hated! If this comment is indicative of your personality and character as a human being, then I doubt you would have to try too hard to have your feelings reciprocated.
    I do not hate American men just because I was married to one before that was a complete controlling jerk(word chosen as to not curse and offend anyone). I never went out looking for someone from another country. I just met and fell in love with a man that was born and lived elsewhere. The immigration process is not fun and quite costly. If I had not just so happened to fall in love with someone in another country, I would never have set out to find someone outside the US and go through this process on purpose.
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    KarenCee reacted to Kazulie in men i realized we all have one thing in common here   
    I guess all the women her could say the same thing?!?! We would never be that trashy, though.
    I'll pray for your mother.
  13. Like
    KarenCee reacted to jundp in Same-sex couple fights to stop deportation, gay marriage ban   
    You skillfully avoided actually responding to anything I said about the sanctity of marriage.
    Interestingly enough we are not a theocracy. Nor should we be. Laws should not be based on religion in our country. There's nothing wrong with believing in traditional marriage at all. There is, however, a problem when religious beliefs inform the laws of our country.
    God does not make the laws of countries.
    And before you think I'm a heathen, I am Christian. But I do not believe my marriage is threatened by another couple's marriage, regardless of their sexual orientation, race, religion, or nationality.
  14. Like
    KarenCee reacted to jundp in Thank God for my foreign husband!   
    USC Ladies, do you ever stop to think how you won the lottery with your foreign husband? There's an awful lot of talk about how great foreign wives are, well dangit, it's time we American women talk about our husbands.
    There are some AMAZING men we married, who treat us like real partners, who appreciate our intelligence, our beauty, our humor, and all that makes us "American." America isn't all fast food, obesity, and femi-nazis as some would like to claim.
    I love being the wife of a sexy, intelligent, foreign man who doesn't feel the need to prove how manly he is -- because he exudes it naturally.
  15. Like
    KarenCee reacted to jundp in Thank God for my foreign husband!   
    I do like it when my husband says snarky things in German to the television during fussball. I don't care what anyone says about German being an ugly language...it's actually rather sexy.
    That, of course, helps
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