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Vic and EJ

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    Vic and EJ got a reaction from 888888 in I-130 and I-129 filers, LET'S GET THE PARTY STARTED!   
    My family and I were talking about this recently. I could not agree more.
    I would not be opposed to writing a letter as well - I should have just recorded the discussion we had recently and sent it to these decision makers!
    I admire your passion and courage to speak up - it just might inspire many to make a dent in an age old problem. Good work my friend.
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    Vic and EJ reacted to CHarvey80 in I-130 and I-129 filers, LET'S GET THE PARTY STARTED!   
    Hi everyone!!
    First of all, I want to congratulate all of you that got your I-130 and/ or I-129 approvals these past few days! We are all getting closer to the end!! Yay!!! But, this is not what this post is about.
    I'm feeling a little unhappy today since I came across a few articles explaining how the US government is making things better and easier for illegal immigrants to become lawful permanent residents, which I don't completely agree with, since I feel that those who are doing things right should get the help. Oh well, that is just wishful thinking. Anyways, I feel like it's unfair that we have to go through this whole process without any consideration for our situations. We all miss our spouses and family in the US and would like to be with them as soon as possible, but we still decide to do things the right way, and I know it will pay off in the long run, but, wouldn't it be nice if the government did something for all of you, US citizens, trying to get your families back together doing things the right way? I know the illegal immigration issue is now a big deal in the United States and that it needs to be addressed but, come on! There should be some compromise from the authorities that shows people that following the law is the way to go but they make it seem like is the other way around.
    I talked to my husband today and told him that I feel that we should send a letter to our congressmen and complain about this situation, let them know how we are also afflicted but this situation, that it also hurt us to be apart from our loved ones, not only the people that willingly decided to break the law and stay illegally in the US. We count too! And I know that most of you think that writing a letter wont change anything, I often thing that way about many things, but reality is that if we don't say anything, things won't change. I'm writing this post to ask you, US citizens, filing for your spouses, parents or children to step up and do something. Write a letter and speak up your mind, complain, tell your congressmen how you feel, what you think and what you'd like. The change starts with us. This might not change our situation, but it could mean a change for those behind us.
    People, we have more power that we thinks we do, lets use it! I hope you compromise too, I'm sure that one person won't be heard, but but all of us can make a lot of noise!
    Maybe I'm going a little crazy today, maybe I miss my husband too much, but maybe, just maybe, this crazy idea could work!
    People, good luck with your journeys! Now, let's make some noise!
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    Vic and EJ reacted to codeblue20 in Heartbroken, she left me   
    sorry about the status of your marriage. not all Filipinas are like that. i feel ashamed that someone from my race could treat anyone like that most especially her husband. it's because of cases like this that the USCIS is becoming stricter. isn't it ironic for instance to have your petition approved fast, pass the interview with no issues and then when you enter the land of milk and honey, and marry the petitioner, you suddenly turn into a complete stranger, who does not know how to compromise. i assure you that not all of us are like that - cunning and predatory. when we love someone sincerely we do so with a passion, and we will do anything for our loved one. again sir pls accept my apologies in behalf of my fellow filipinas who might be put in a bad light because of what happened to you and your wife. may God bless you.
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    Vic and EJ reacted to bob&maegy in Heartbroken, she left me   
    I am engaged to a white guy too from US.. I am a filipina and I dislike filipina that uses american men a ticket meal just for them to get what they want when they arrived in the US... I'm blessed to have found a Christian man. we both have the same beliefs and church goer too. I am 100% sure that I am marrying this man for LOVE and not other else.. I hope your wife will realized what she did and let go the most important man in her life that loved her whole heartedly.. but for me mister, i would encourage you to file a divorce... and cut all the benefits that she may be getting from you. someone like her doesn't deserved a good man like you..
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    Vic and EJ got a reaction from G & V in About to return to US while waiting for my wife's Visa   
    Hi G & V, I was in your situation a year ago, when I had to leave the PI due to high risk pregnancy (I am US Citizen). After my husband and I were married October 2011, we decided we'd try for our first baby...we did not expect to conceive right away, but alas, God has his timing and we were pregnant!
    For USCIS, sending the I-130 and its supporting documents is fairly simple, compared to the NVC stage. The instructions provided in the I-130 are simple and straight forward. Follow them closely though. I did and our petition was approved in normal processing time.
    I would send in a copy of the NSO certified Marriage Certificate if I were you. That is what I did, because apparently, anything else is not considered a real marriage certificate (even the originally signed one).
    NVC however... prepare yourself brother. Make sure you have these things ready, or they WILL delay you guys:
    1. NSO Marriage Certificate: Order a few copies, so you can take 2 and leave one with your wife
    2. NSO Certificate of Live Birth: Your wife should order a few copies of this too, so you have 2 couple and she has one.
    3. Police Certificates: For ALL places she lived more than 6 months in the PI and anywhere abroad. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!
    4. Passport: Make a few copies of your wife's passport
    5. Passport Photos: You know this one already...
    6. Adoption Decrees: If this applies to your wife, you will need the original documents for NVC.
    7. DS-230: She can fill this out ahead of time, but you will still need to wait for the NVC barcode page to send it to NVC.
    8. NBI Clearance: This is more needed at the time of interview. Make sure any aliases are stated on the NBI clearance and states for traveling abroad, or for US Visa. She can work on this after you already sent in your I-130 to USCIS.
    I don't have all my paperwork nearby me at the moment, but these are the ones I remember very clearly! The things like applications are useful to be filled out ahead of time, in lieu of no expected changes in the upcoming 9 months. I am sure you and your wife have no issues with filling out applications carefully, thoroughly and accurately, but I cannot stress it enough!! READ CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY. In the midst of anxiety and excitement, it is easy to overlook and misread different things. A mistake my husband and I both made during our process, which resulted in waiting an extra 2-3 months!! But yeah, as long as you have civil docs, things to prove that you're in a relationship and income to support your wife (including joint-sponsors if needed), you're home free buddy.
    Good luck and remember...You can never be TOO prepared! And lastly, don't forget that this process takes TIME, PATIENCE AND RESILIENCE. It is all worth it when it is for the person you love.
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    Vic and EJ reacted to CJ8611 in Fiance vs. Spouse visa   
    Don't fret, you'll be together soon. It's all part of the process. I think it's not really an "absolute truth" that K1s are processed faster than spousal visas, sometimes it's the other way around, it's a case to case basis. Plus, there are pros and cons, some of which are stated above, according to which process would work for you best.
    My friend did the K1 visa because that worked for them. My husband and I could have done the K1 route, but we chose not too. Being that I am the youngest in the family and from a very traditional closely-knit family, a wedding here in the Philippines was preferred. I guess since my husband is also Filipino, he also wanted to have our wedding here and be traditional. But when we decided on that, we knew and accepted that it might take a while before we can finally be together, for good.
    I have visited him a couple of times before we got married, spent 3 months with him after the wedding. But still, despite those visits, I was not that accustomed yet to the thought that I will be moving. I guess this happens when you are already in your 30s, lived your entire life in just 1 country, with your family and never really thought of living abroad as things are going great for you in your home country. Now, I am using the "waiting time" in preparing myself emotionally for the big move because I know it's going to bring such a big change. It's been almost a year since we were last together, we didn't spend our first anniversary together, this will be our 2nd Christmas apart - but we're doing just fine. He is using the time to prepare for my move, we are in constant communication not dwelling on how long we've been apart, I am using the time to take care of things here before I finally leave, prepare and research on target job applications, etc. I am spending more quality time with my mom & family, because I know I will miss them so much. Sometimes when I think about my move next year, I cry, lol! My husband completely understands though. To tell you the truth, we feel like we're almost there and it seems like time is just flying by!
    Don't wait too much. You could try to focus on other things while waiting, before you know it, it's time for you to book that flight to the US!
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    Vic and EJ reacted to Penguin_ie in Fiance vs. Spouse visa   
    It doesn't take that much longer, and with the spousal visa, you get a greencard upon entry, whereas with the K1 you need to file more paperwork and wait longer till you can work and travel.
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    Vic and EJ reacted to gwendolyn40 in HELP about NBI clearance! Interview tomorrow!   
    I had my interview last January 2, 2013. I did not request a new NBI clearance since what I submitted to NVC is not expired yet taken last August 2012. The consul who interviewed me did not even ask a single document from me not even photos. But I saw some people there received 221g due to expired NBI.
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    Vic and EJ reacted to Tintin and Mike in HELP about NBI clearance! Interview tomorrow!   
    Bring it at the interview but there's a big change that you'll get 221g to get the right NBI clearance that indicate "For travel abroad or For travel to US" Until you give them the right one, they'll keep your passport and won't print your visa if that's all the reason for delay
    Good luck!
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