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Posts posted by ForeverAmen

  1. We had our first goat births on the farm today! One girl and one boy. SO is thoroughly convinced that I will raise one of these beautiful babies for him to eat :) . My camera batteries are dead, but as soon as I get some more I'll post pics of my babies.

    Girl! I read the title to this post, and was like huh ?!?!? :wow::o I was about to do a happy dance, :dance: then .... I realize you were referring to goats. Oh well - congratulations are still in order. :D

  2. Where is everyone? My husband's on call tonight, so I'm just hanging out.

    Tomorrow I will attend Zumba, and present myself with a Hot Stone massage for my upcoming B-day. My husband thinks its a waste of money. I say - I hardly ever do anything like this, and (most importantly) I work hard, and deserve it. :whistle:

  3. Morning Everyone.

    A bit irritated this morning. Apparently a stray cat has been living underneath the office. The cat recently gave birth, and our office smells aweful. I don't have pets, and I'm not an animal person so I had no idea what the smell could be .... well I just learned that it's cat urine. The smell is AWEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Today is my 2nd year wedding anniversary :) My husband is at work today for 12 hrs, so we went out last night and had a lovely dinner together. I hope that everyone has a beautiful Blessed day, I better go and make some pancakes for my little girl because she is hungry and then I have some studying to do :)

    Congratulations on your anniversary! :dance:

  5. Happy Valentine's Day!

    I finally got out of the bed to eat a bowl of cereal. I'm going to the gym for a Zumba class. Guess what?!?!?!? On the kitchen counter was an envelope addressed to me, and a box with a beautiful necklace! Am I suprised?!?!?!? YES! Because for the past two years my husband would make a point of getting me something days before Valentine, and say 'everyday is Valentine'. :innocent: Whew ... last night I went to TJ Maxx and found a few good deals (for myself). Good thing I had a little bit of shame and picked up a couple shirts and pants for him. I did not do it out of the sake of it being Valentine's Day, I just picked it up. But you know what?!? It will suddenly become his Valentine's Day gift. (Thank God I was not being selfish, otherwise, he would not have received anything). :whistle:

    I've got almost an hour before my class. Guess I will make him a nice breakfast. See what a little bit of kindness can motivate me to do? :luv: He's really going to be suprised at my cooking breakfast. :o ... :D

  6. When will this day end? I'm so ready to get out of this office and go home.

    What is everyone doing for Valentine's Day?

    Sure u are home by now LL enjoy your evening!!!!! Hubby is off work on Sat. and will be finish with his mid term exams. We plan on going out I think we may just do dinner and a movie(want to see the TD Jakes movie Not Easily Broken), exchange a gift. If the kids were not going to be home, I would have liked to do a candle lit dinner to set the mood for the nite :devil:

    Not Easily Broken is a wonderful movie. :thumbs:

  7. I would go farther and say that nobody should let others tell them whom to Marry or

    not. Nobody can predict the outcome of anyones marriage. Although the percentages

    are high nobody can tell you 100% that you will surely fall prey to a marriage scam.

    Information that's provided here comes from people experiences; it's to help you in your

    journey; be it negitive or positive. People stay together for all kinds of reasons. I know

    if I was from another Country and had someone taking care of me and letting me go to

    school I'd take advantage of it. I would be more then willing to put my true love and kids back in my country on hold to better positon myself and to let the paperwork go thru.

    This is just my opinion, some are barely still together with their mates; and they know who they are, but that mate isn't as loving as they were when they were trying to get here.

    My wish is for all to be happy and find a mate that loves them and that they can love. Because I do care; I continue to post my journey. Since my journey started I've met alot of wonderful couples. Regretfully I have to post that I personally know of approx. 70% of the people that married an Alien are no longer together.

    For the couples that are still happily married I say wonderful !!

    As always you've shared some good thought provoking information. If I may, I would like to comment on some of the statements you've made. I agree with you and many others regarding the fact that some of us may/will be scammed. Being scammed can take place by any individual regardless of their country of origin, race, economic status, etc., etc. So while I do encourage everyone to be aware of the possibility, I also want to make it known that we should each be mindful of our own situation(s). We can certainly learn from each other, but be sure to take heed of our own matter(s).

    Many of us come to VJ to learn more about Immigrating to the USA, and to learn more about our SO's culture. Tons of good, practical information can be found in many postings. And while I sometimes agree with what's posted, I am as equally weary about some peoples understandings. For example - reading about one person's wonderful relationship, is not exactly how your relationship may turn out. On the other hand, reading about a fellow members horrible experience is (again) not exactly how your relaqtionship may turn out. Basically - read what you may on this site, but be sure to apply what needs to be applied to your own individual situation. For the most part do y-o-u.

    This past January marks 3 years since my husband arrived. To this day, I can honestly and truly say that I count each of the 1,095 plus days that he has been here a blessing! Has everyday been a bed of roses? No way. But even in our 'valley' moments I am still able to say with 100% certainty that "it's all good". :yes: Believe it or not, many of the 'valley' moments in my marriage, were due to my overreacting to some of the things I've read here on VJ based on others and their experience(s). Going back to what I stated earlier - be sure to apply what needs to be applied to your own situation; do y-o-u. You are engaged/married to an individual, not a collective body. My husband is laid back, enjoys a good bible based or political debate. Loves to watch soccer, wrestling and basketball. And when he first meets you, he probably won't have much to say. But during future visits may talk your ear off! :crying:

    Idocare, in part I want to elaborate a bit on your comment regarding what you would do, etc., etc (highlighted above in red). For the sake of no drama, please let it be clear that I agree with alot of what Idocare shares, and I always welcome the knowledge of her experience. But I don't want someone reading into the matter and indirectly take it in as their own.

    First - thank God we are individuals and not one collective body. Because not everyone will do as you've claimed regarding going to school. Nevertheless, as have been stated I am fully aware that scams can and will happen. However, for those of you reading, may I also encourage you to get to know and understand your situation to the best of your ability.

    Is my SO here in the USA and enrolled in school? Yes. So obviously I am a bit biased. :hehe:;)

    However, not only is he in school, but he also works (full time), AND fully participates in the management of our household. How many of you know where and how your SO spends his/her time and money? Not think you know, but actually know?!?!? It puzzles me when I hear about some scams. Why? Because there were some clues stearing you in the face! The even greater question is - what are you going to do about it? Address the issue? Or hope and pray it fades away? Please take note that I stress the word 'some', because keeping it real ... some scammers are simply !#$% good!

    Is their a bank account in which funds suddenly vanishes at certain times of the year? How does your SO interact with you, your family and friends? How does his family and friends interact with you? Or are you his/her 'secret'? Does your SO go on the defense when tough questions are asked? Or is he/she an open book? Call me crazy, but I know the password to my husband's email account, banking info., and he does mine. Now - momma didn't raise no fool ... I also have a means of tracking various info. in case it changes. :devil: AND ... I am slowly but surely understanding and speaking his language. The oddity in all of this, is in part due to my own paranoia from some of the things I've read and hear here on VJ. Of course VJ is not to blame for my own short comings. Nevertheless, after saying all that I've stated, I want to reiterate the importance of getting to know your SO for yourself, and not allowing others misfortunes to guide your relationship. BUT - do take into consideration what needs to be considered. And for those of you who may be thinking I've gone to far ... remember what I said, do y-o-u.

    On another note - if you are a female USA citizen, when your immigrate SO arrives, let him be a man! It's easy to want to pacify him as he adjust to his new environment. But be careful, as to not indirectly enable him to be trifling.

    OK .... :ot2:

    As for an earlier comment about people not being around ....

    It's true that some people leave because their relationship has dissolved. On the other hand, some of us come back when we are in need of information pertaining to our step in the process.

    Regarding wanting to know if there are any happy couples here on VJ? Count me in! I am in love, l-o-v-e, LOVE! And I am confident in saying that I KNOW that brother loves me even more. Even during our 'valley' moments in which I remind him that he 'has his papers, so he can leave and stay in this country if he desires, even without me', his honey brown eyes looks at me and says ... only if you come with me. :P(L)(F)

    One more thing ... as for mates not being as loving as when they first arrived ... sorry, I can't join in. Why? My husband and I show displays of affection in the open and behind closed doors. As a matter of fact, we just got back in from a walk/run through the neighborhood, our Ipods were going, and we were dancing (hand in hand), along the sidewalk, as though the entire world was ours. :D

    Sorry for the long post. But I just want to remind people (as mentioned before) what's posted on VJ is based on an individual's own experience. Use what applies to you (if at all) and go foward.

    Peace out!

  8. Hi Everyone!

    LL - as my husband love to say "every day is Valentine's". :luv: My response is 'yeah right'. :lol: Anyway, to my knowledge we will be hanging out here at home. This past year, we spent Valentine's Day by taking a last minute trip to NYC. It was cold, but we had a blast! My husband has a few big test coming up this week, so this weekend he should have a bit more free time.

  9. Hey Missy I've been kind of hiding out lately and haven't been posting much on VJ. Been feeling kind of discouraged by this visa process and didn't want to vent my bad mood.....lol. Been going to the gym though and that's making me feel better. How'd the job hunt go with the husband?? You should have him look at MMC we are ALWAYS hiring and we have a large african community that works there......just a thought.


    Keep your head up! No matter how hard it seems, it will pay off in the end.

  10. Your solution to the food budget situation reminded me of how my cousin handled her husband's apparent inability to put his dirty clothes in the clothes hamper. She would spend time every day following around after him picking up his discarded socks and shirts and clothing from wherever he left them on the bedroom floor and where he kicked them under the bed, and put them in the hamper. He always had freshly laundered clothes for work. She, however, also worked full time and still did the majority of the domestic chores. She finally got really peeved at his continual promises to put his dirty clothes in the hamper and then failing to do so. She stopped picking up his clothes. Any laundry that was in the hamper got washed. Anything that wasn't in the hamper didn't get washed. When he couldn't find a clean shirt he asked her why she didn't do the laundry. She replied that she did - she washed everything in the dirty clothes hamper. It took about a week off him not having clean clothes to wear to work before he finally 'got it'. Problem solved. Husband trained. Dirty clothes are always in the hamper now. (And yes, his mother always picked up after him!)

    LOL! Very smart! :lol:

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