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  1. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Mr. Big Dog in Shooting at Lone Star College in north Houston   
    There are not enough guns in Texas. They need more guns to make the shootings stop.
  2. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Penny Lane in If Blacks Had Guns, They Never Would Have Been Slaves   
    Isn't it funny when someone posts something that someone else said that is completely off the wall and batsh*t crazy, and you think "Nobody could possibly defend this!!"
    And then someone does. Or tries to.
  3. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in If Blacks Had Guns, They Never Would Have Been Slaves   
    if slaves had guns (they didn't?) and they'd attempted to use them to free themselves, they would have been dead/jailed slaves.
    anybody to hop on board with ward's idiocy doesn't know jack sh*t about early american history.
    rational but not practical? nature boy - take some online classes, visit harpers ferry..something..
  4. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to ^_^ in If Blacks Had Guns, They Never Would Have Been Slaves   
    That would certainly drive up the cost of doing business if you were a slaver. High enough to nullify the economics of slavery? I don't know.
  5. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Kathryn41 in What's going on in P&R with the censorship?   
    The thread was locked because it is part of the habitual pattern by the OP of posting news articles of a negative and provocative nature with the intent of pushing 'hot buttons', creating emotionally heated responses from certain identified audiences here on Visa Journey. This has happened with other posters who have demonstrated similar patterns as well.
    I'm going to allow discussion of this topic to continue as I can appreciate not everyone agrees with moderation's perspectives - but I ask everyone please to remain civil. If the discussion disintegrates into attacks or tirades or insults, then the thread will be closed.
    Patterns of posting behaviour are not just obvious to the moderation team but to many of the general membership as well and people do take sides, generally with those who hold similar points of view on the topics under discussion. Discussion of sensitive topics are fine as long as they are done with respect and circumspection; but when a theme develops that indicates a poster has an ulterior agenda - one of promoting an unacceptable viewpoint that crosses the line into racism, homophobia, religious intolerance, etc., a topic that may be fine when posted by another, becomes unacceptable because of the pattern. The poster knows his/her 'audience' and 'the moderation team 'knows' the poster.
  6. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    by saying that i understand why these kids hold the opinions they do - i am in no way tarnishing her reputation and i wasn't trying to. they take issue with the idea that suffering is a gift from god. most people who don't believe in god take issue with that line of thinking.
    i only commented on this thread because you and the op seem to think that the president should get involved. which is laughable.
  7. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    jeez. i never said it was a catholic event. you're not grasping my point.
    hate speech? i don't see it. do you know why they have the opinion of mother teresa that they do? honestly, it's only an opinion that an atheist or agnostic could hold. their position makes absolute sense to me, i just think it's unnecessary and won't accomplish anything. what makes you think that obama has to take a side on such a miniscule if not completely useless college event?
  8. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    no, catholicism. not many folk outside of catholicism give two sh*ts about some stupid college event. the article isn't about the atheist kids crying that obama isn't making a speech about their efforts...
  9. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    what was just about politics? obama defending rice? yes that would be the realm of politics.
    college kids having a not so popular opinion about mother teresa? nothing to do with politics. i'd say that would fall under the realm of catholicism.
  10. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    why would you expect the president to get involved? people are free to have a negative opinion of mother theresa, who cares?
  11. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    what? you want a dead person to be ambassador to the u.n?
    that's smart.
  12. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    mother teresa believed that suffering was a gift from god. pretty sure she'd thwart the democratic will of the world too. i was only trying to understand why you brought up susan rice?
    obama should most definitely stop this event from happening, it is so completely comparable to him stating that extremist islam shouldn't be allowed to hijack the religion.
  13. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    i don't get the correlation, it must be profoundly deep.
  14. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to decocker in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    difference being that mother teresa has nothing to do with government/politics. and this is a small event occurring on a college campus. small potatoes..
  15. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Penny Lane in Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event   
    Apparently the President should have an opinion on everything, and voice it. Even when it has nothing to do with politics.
  16. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to elmcitymaven in A NOT politically correct view on Homosexuality.   
    Some people find how others talk about getting women drunk on cheap wine so they can schtup them revolting. It actually turns their stomach.
  17. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to elmcitymaven in A NOT politically correct view on Homosexuality.   
    Seriously, I'm over this. You don't know me and you have the gall to say I'm full of "rage." Repeatedly. I'm not. I am rather shocked at your level of condescension and hypocrisy.
    Let's leave aside the fact of your astonishingly poor reading comprehension (I did not call anyone a #######, for example). Let's focus instead on your inability to comprehend that you are prejudiced against what is a normal state of being. Homosexuality is normal. Is it average? No. But it is normal. It is natural. And yes, it has to do with sexual orientation but not necessarily with sex. Why do you care what others do? Why should this one aspect of who they are dictate the totality of their existence? I am straight but it doesn't change much
    And yes, this is about hate and prejudice. What else is this about? Why else would people not want to afford the full rights of marriage to same-sex couples but for prejudice? I have yet to see one reason from you that doesn't boil down to "it's not a man and a woman having p-in-v sex."
    You're a condescending, bigoted woman who -- I will say it again -- is dressing up prejudice in the guise of something less nasty. But bigotry is nasty. I support your right to think what you do, but to tell me that the people I love are wrong because you don't like whose uglies they're bumping is offensive to me.
    In honour of this, I'm gonna give my boyfriend a handy tonight.
    PS: it's "archetype," not "arch type." Just trying to be helpful.
  18. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to elmcitymaven in Boring Stuff About My Life   
    Hey superstars! I'm eating a quick dinner before I go out. I'll probably have an IPA or two. Reid always has a Craftsman 1903.
    Beer is my favourite analgesic!
    Edit: got a tense wrong!
  19. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Empress of Groovy in Boring Stuff About My Life   
    Stool softeners are key, I've learned. Re: narcotic painkillers, that is.
  20. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Empress of Groovy in Boring Stuff About My Life   
    Oh, quit being such a fuddy-duddy. Tell us your shoe size, the last time you bought tires, and your favorite OTC analgesics.
  21. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Empress of Groovy in Boring Stuff About My Life   
    Boy did I have a wacky day! It was a regular work day, and as I was pulling out of my condo's underground parking garage to head to the office, I heard a terrible noise! I was afraid that perhaps the transmission in my 15-year-old car was about to explode, but not so afraid that I kept from driving the 15 miles to work, which includes highway driving. When I arrived at the office, I was relieved to discover the source of the noise: the plastic shroud thing in the front of the car had come loose and was dragging on the ground. Thank Jessup! I was even able to remove it myself. The remaining screw holding it onto the car was so loose, I didn't even need a wrench! Just my dainty fingers. I hope no one in the parking garage tried to sneak a peek while I was on my knees next to the car, stilettos in the air.
    For lunch, I had a chicken focaccia sandwich, a side salad, and half lemonade, half iced tea from the drink station. I like iced tea and lemonade, so I made a mixture.
    On the way home, some dickwad pulled out in front of me and proceeded to go about 10 mph. It's snowbird season. Lots of Lincoln Town Cars and Ford Crown Vics that look like they're being driven by...no one. They pay no mind to rules of traffic or indeed the laws of physics.
    At one point during the day, I looked out the window. At first, I thought I saw several MILFS mud wrestling (cue Kip), but it turned out to be a pile of mulch. I think an optometrist appointment might be in order.
  22. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Krikit in Boring Stuff About My Life   
    We had wings at the Alehouse. I asked about the sauce on the wings and whether it came with carrots and celery. She said it did and did I want the sauce on the side. I was a bit turned off at the thought of my crudités swimming in blue cheese sauce so I said yes, I'd like it on the side. When the order came the wing sauce was on the side and I was quite puzzled.
    Went all the way to Fairfax to pick up tickets to the Washington Chorus Christmas because AAA gives you a 20% discount and the person on the phone told me that's what I had to do. When I got there the guy told me they don't sell tickets for the Kennedy Center and tried to make me go away. But I don't give up that easily and insisted he do what he's paid to do because I have Premiere status and I can get mean. He did a lot of mousing and made a few phonecalls but no one knew how to apply the discount for the tickets. Finally he took my number and told me he'd call. I think he just wanted my number.
  23. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to ^_^ in Boring Stuff About My Life   
    I think Hank Hill might be a closet **.
  24. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to Staashi in Boring Stuff About My Life   
    Thank you for asking, Maven. Today, I enjoyed a break from my freeloading government desk job - Thank you, Veterans! It was lovely to have a day off, where I engaged in an auto-debate of opposing themes: should I iron clothes or go see a movie? The movie won. I went with a girlfriend of mine to see The Dark Night Rises - excellent film! I'm so glad that the film won the debate! Afterwards, I went to Starbucks and enjoyed a seasonal Caramel Brulee Latte. While there, I had a conversation with my friend Jim - a Democrat 1%er, who is lucky to live off of a huge trustfund. I wish he could sponsor the Staashi Scholarship Fund or at least my Starbucks fund. Now, I'm home watching Dancing With the Stars. Tomorrow, I return to my regularly scheduled life of work, zumba, and extracurricular activities.
  25. Like
    ForgotMyPassword reacted to ^_^ in Boring Stuff About My Life   
    I like to fade into the background. Orange doesn't work except maybe in the New England fall foliage.
    I'm watching an ad for mega blocks.
    And I'm wondering if there were ever any fat dinosaurs.
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