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    Abell got a reaction from BatmanUSA in Most in east Ukraine region against joining Russia   
    LOL "Putin's propaganda" is a new catch phrase this year,
    so everytime someone saying that those "peaceful" protesters were not really peaceful or that new government in Kiev is not really legitimate or that people don't really like that new government, that is of cause not true, all people of Ukraine wanted that and those videos of them burning and beating police never really happened and were filmed on mosfilm studio by Putin himself, of cause those who don't like this new government are terrorists and must be killed, how dare they protest in similar ways they did, and Russia of cause can not move their own troops inside their own country, this is a big no no, only US/EU can allow them to do things like that, and Crimea referendum was of cause bogus and people are running away from there back to Ukraine in huge numbers
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    Abell got a reaction from lolo83421 in Getting an Attorney or personally doing the filing,which is better?   
    it is up to you, if you don't have a complected case like having conviction on your or you fiance record and you know how to read and have few free hours to read and fill all the docs then no point in getting an attorney, process is pretty straight forward, but some people just have extra cash they don't need
  3. Like
    Abell reacted to Danno in Most in east Ukraine region against joining Russia   
    Polls are interesting though not all that meaningful.
    For instance, did we concern ourselves with poll numbers when we took it on ourselves to lend support to rebel forces in Libya to bring down that regime?
    Nope, we acted all on our own. Is there an international rule of law or not?
    While Kiev seemed to support burning the President out of his office did we concern ourselves with what national polls were on the issue?
    Nope, none the less we moved ahead with our support for these "peaceful protester" in maiden.
    We even warned the President he better not act against them or we would sanction UKRAINE. (and we did)

    Take note of the date on this video (jan) this who Obama called Peaceful protesters.

    Imagine if this were the TEA PARTY.... would we consider this a 'Peaceful protest".... how would Obamer have responded... with the same restrain he Warned Yanokovich to employ?
    The bottom line is all about NATO, we want it in there and by hook or crook we will see it done.
    Just remember an attack on one member of NATO is an attack on all members.
    In other words, we are laying the foundation for WW3 should a little country like Estonia get into a riff with Russia.
    Should we be risking getting pulled into a war with a nuclear country over another European squabble?
    Had Ukraine already been in NATO we might already have put those wheels in motion over Crimea.
  4. Like
    Abell reacted to luckytxn in Yeah, you're a terrorist.   
    Look. We are pretty much a police state now. To have to see citizens get riled up enough to bring arms to make sure that peaceful protesters are protected is insane. When citizens do come to protect peaceful protesters against a Federal armed force and they are called terrorists shows me that we are past the point of no return.
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    Abell got a reaction from Marco&Bettina in Getting an Attorney or personally doing the filing,which is better?   
    it is up to you, if you don't have a complected case like having conviction on your or you fiance record and you know how to read and have few free hours to read and fill all the docs then no point in getting an attorney, process is pretty straight forward, but some people just have extra cash they don't need
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    Abell got a reaction from doublebng in Getting an Attorney or personally doing the filing,which is better?   
    it is up to you, if you don't have a complected case like having conviction on your or you fiance record and you know how to read and have few free hours to read and fill all the docs then no point in getting an attorney, process is pretty straight forward, but some people just have extra cash they don't need
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    Abell reacted to I AM NOT THAT GUY in India sides with the Russians on Crimea   
    Crimea belonged to Russia historically, and more or less always has, even after "giving it" to Ukraine. europe and Obama want to get their panties in a wad over a loser non-issue, WGAFF.
  8. Like
    Abell reacted to SMR in Crimea votes to secede from Ukraine and join Russia   
    When less than 1% of the population of Ukraine takes to the streets and drives out a democratically elected government under threat of violence, the American media and government tells us that it is democracy at work. When 95% of a region votes to become part of Russia because it disagrees with the government of the 1% in Kiev, that's clearly the illegal intervention of a totalitarian regime.
    The American definition of democracy is increasingly tending toward just being when people agree with us. Anytime a government disagrees with the US, it's totalitarianism, and any elections that may have taken place were either coerced or outright faked. Anytime a government agrees with the US, it's clearly democracy at work, even if that government is simply an autocrat and tank barrels are the only thing making sure that the people agree with us.
    Putin has won this interaction by a mile and it's not because he isn't an autocratic megalomaniac. He is. It's because in contrast to the US position his argument is intellectually consistent. Two years ago as the presidential elections in Russia loomed, Putin was on the verge on not getting 50% of the vote to avoid a runoff. He didn't carry a majority of the vote in Moscow. Now he's a strong as he has ever been because the US decided to push an inconsistent position with neither the moral capital nor the physical might to back it up.
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    Abell reacted to RhettVoe in Visa Waiver Program for Ukraine   
    Handing over the VWP to Ukraine would be a disaster. It is hard to believe that all those 'proud' Ukrainians would just shrug and stay put in their country, while their economy and politics crumble. Of course that would happen......not. They would not be coming here to establish business connections - they could do that now electronically, and yet they don't. So why do they need to be 'face to face' to do the same task they don't do now?
    No, they would come here to find work via other Ukrainians who 'forgot' to be proud and return home, like they were supposed to (in accordance with those western laws and values they supposedly want to emulate...if only they could be given a visa or the VWP privilege).
    I don't owe a single Ukrainian citizen anything. Neither do the rest of American taxpayers. If the Ukraine is going to hell in a hand basket, that is not my responsibility nor is it the responsibility of the United States of America. Handing out visas or the VWP won't change the poor leadership in the Ukraine. It would only harm our middle class and siphon off more tax dollars to people who do not deserve them.
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    Abell got a reaction from M J in Declaration of how you met   
    Cover letter should cover this for case worker to understand where is what. Case workers do not really have all day to read all those love stories, all they want is to be sure at this point that you have met in person in the past 2 years, they need to see location and dates and proof of it in the evidence section, long story can confuse them, no point in make it harder for them to process the case
  11. Like
    Abell got a reaction from kitthekat in Declaration of how you met   
    Cover letter should cover this for case worker to understand where is what. Case workers do not really have all day to read all those love stories, all they want is to be sure at this point that you have met in person in the past 2 years, they need to see location and dates and proof of it in the evidence section, long story can confuse them, no point in make it harder for them to process the case
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    Abell reacted to RhettVoe in Albanian mom to be deported....your take on this?   
    Not deporting her would be rewarding her....I will be happy to drive her to the airport. She chose to ignore or violate our laws and now does not want to pay the price. Doling out green cards to those who thumb their noses at our laws just because they produced 1 or more children will only encourage others to do the same. It is time to put an end to rewarding illegals...by continuing to do so just makes getting tourist visas even tougher if there is no enforcement of our laws and rules.
  13. Like
    Abell reacted to Amy_and_Victor in how have your RUB wifes changed if any since coming here   
    - It's Victor from Russia
    I'm a Russian guy so I'll tell my opinion about "basic qualities" from your post. You know, it's very individual and it's no reason to paint with a wide brush. Starting from the first, in RUB not every woman is family oriented. Many women there, especially in big cities, now career oriented as well and often don't want to settle down or even think about kids at least until 30 if not much later, they appreciate their freedom and independance. Idk why you told about being materialistic, RUB women are materialistic as well if not more. Of course not everybody, but not everybody here either.
    Everybody sitting around the table and talking about how day went - it reminds me something from really oldie times. Many families in RUB don't do it anymore.
    "appreciating and loving their man instead of talking bad about him behind his back or just using him as an easy ride" - Again it's very personal, and in RUB it's plenty of women who just want an "easy ride" like in the US it's plenty of loving and appretiating women. I could give plenty of real examples with Russian couples I personally know where guy got screwed because girl didn't give a damn about him and he was just a wallet for her, but I don't want to shake dirty laundry of people I know well here.
    Dressing nice - yes, it's the first thing I'll admit is truth. In RUB many girls woudn't go to bread kiosk across the street without makeup and high heels. But situation at home is often different. RUB women care a lot about how they look at public but they don't care even as much as half of it how they look at home, especially after few years of marriage and having kids. The reason is simple - they dress up not for their husband, they dress up for public, because in RUB "what will people say?" is verycommon magic and misterious phrase. Here people take it easy and often wearing what is comfy and don't care if it looks like not a nice clothes. Again, I'm not painting with wide brush, it also can be individual.
    Healthy diet - partially agree. I wouldn't call it necessary healthy, I would rather tell that here too many people eat too unhealthy. Too many fast foods, too large portions everywhere, too many sugar and corn syrup in most of the food, soups thick as a stew, desserts have enormous amount of calories, too many huge packs of food with no normal size substitutes... Just eating normal homemade food is already healthy comparing to how many people eat in the US, that's the problem.
    Just my 2 cents, no offence to anybody.
    It's nothing new for RUB either, very common situation there. From many women in RUB you would hear phrase "I'm the mother of your kids!" and this argument supposed to finish any arguments about unappealing old bathrobe or always messed up hair.
    The only difference is that in RUB in at least 9 cases of 10 children will stay with mother (full custody) and child support she can get from ex is little to nothing. So in case of divorse with kids if husband wants to be an a-hole, he most likely can start a new life with no "tails" and his ex-wife will turn into broken single mother with almost no support.
  14. Like
    Abell got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Is the K-1 really necessary? My boyfriend thinks it's a waste of money...   
    ok, here is a thing, vwp is different then your regular tourist visa, in order to get a tourist visa you need to convince immigration that your intend to visit US is tourism only, so if you gonna get married while on tourist visa (and this is your first visit) you are technicality committing fraud, even though it was done many many times with very little issues. But vwp is different because US immigration allows you to enter US for as long as 3 month (or whatever it is) for tourism or whatever, so technically there is no reason why you can not get married while on vwp, but then again if it is your first visit and you got married very soon after you arrived they can see it as entering with intend to get married (which is similar to you regular tourist visa fraud), so if you come in and wait or have been here before then you shouldn't have any issues getting married.
    and your bf is right K visa is waste of time and money, if that was like couple month long process then sure why not but some people wait for like 6-12 month and you could have used that money for something else
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    Abell got a reaction from spookyturtle in I'm carrying a gun - Am I looking for trouble?   
    that is what amaze me that some people think that carrying a gun is invitation for trouble, no one in their right mind would want to use that gun to kill someone else, because it is not as simple, first they will take your gun then you will have to go through criminal and civil suites with unknown consequences for you at the end, then it will take some time to get your gun back and it will take too much time and money, so gun is always a last resort measure in case your life is in danger, and life of my family means more to me then someone else, so just because some people missuses guns or use them in crime does not mean that I have to be left defenseless and rely on avoiding places just because it might be dangerous in there, street is dangerous in general especially if it is some place you don't know well, but this is a free country and if someone wants to give their life in the hand of some thug then it is your choice, I just don't understand why I can't have my choice in protecting my life whatever way I see fit best.
    if guns offend you then just don't have one, but surprisingly when trouble happen you run to a person with a gun (cop)
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    Abell got a reaction from The Nature Boy in I'm carrying a gun - Am I looking for trouble?   
    that is what amaze me that some people think that carrying a gun is invitation for trouble, no one in their right mind would want to use that gun to kill someone else, because it is not as simple, first they will take your gun then you will have to go through criminal and civil suites with unknown consequences for you at the end, then it will take some time to get your gun back and it will take too much time and money, so gun is always a last resort measure in case your life is in danger, and life of my family means more to me then someone else, so just because some people missuses guns or use them in crime does not mean that I have to be left defenseless and rely on avoiding places just because it might be dangerous in there, street is dangerous in general especially if it is some place you don't know well, but this is a free country and if someone wants to give their life in the hand of some thug then it is your choice, I just don't understand why I can't have my choice in protecting my life whatever way I see fit best.
    if guns offend you then just don't have one, but surprisingly when trouble happen you run to a person with a gun (cop)
  17. Like
    Abell got a reaction from Nick_Moscow in New Gun - Tokarev TTC   
    which TT did you get, actual Russian or copy? I ordered zastava TT few days ago myself
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    Abell got a reaction from Penguin_ie in do i really need a copy of the entire 1-29f package   
    they don't need it, the guide is overcautious, they idea is that fiance might need it so she/he knows what was entered in those forms to use it as example to fill in other forms (ds230,156) or in case the embassy has lost some papers which would be weird and I don't think they just gonna let someone bring some copy instead
    but they will need originals of evidence submitted with petition, fiance might also need copy of noa2 not noa1 because that is the one that shows that petition was approved
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