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Posts posted by Mateo&Raquel


  2. Ok..so now we are both really nervous and upset. My wife's biometrics appointment letter arrived on Jan 10, but the letter states that her appointment was scheduled for Jan 8 at 3pm. I called USCIS and was told to just check the box beside "reschedule appointment" and to return the form asap. I did that, but we are still very worried. The letter states that if we do not attend the appointment at the scheduled date and time then the process will be considered abandoned. But how could we be there when we did not even know we had an appointment? Has this happened to anyone else????

  3. Hey!! No worries..this happened to my fiancee and I in Jan..our interview was on the 28th..we sent the missing documents on the 29th....received at embassy on the 30th..then we waited one month for our visa...during this time I called and emailed the embassy and their response was that the yellow 221g forms were taking a little longer to process but everything was fine...when the visa and passport are sent back to your dhl location the new waybill number will appear under the first...just give it a few more weeks..everything should be fine :)

  4. We were approved on the 28th of January...the consular told us that it would be 10 to 15 business days..still we have not received the passport back with my fiancee's visa..called the embassy last week and they told me that things were moving slower than normal, but that our case was complete and to call back this week to make sure that the visa and passport was sent out to dhl....they better get their act together..monday will be a month since our interview... :wacko:

  5. Did you use a PO BOX? The USCIS says that the will mail to a PO BOX, but that is a lie because the same thing has happened to me. My lawyer told me that the USCIS will not send mail to a po box..then I call the USCIS and they told me that they do..so I had them double look and they said I needed to update it..so all I did was tell them my po box again and what do you think happens? one week later they tell me that it can not be delivered and that my case is back in initial review..funny that because the embassy in Peru has already received our petition and has given us an interview date for january 28th...but the USCIS did send an official noa2 to my lawyer and in return she mailed it to me.. this is proof that the USCIS has NO CLUE of what they are doing and that they lie constantly. For me, I'm glad I had my lawyer...or I would have never received my noa2 paper nor have known that we were way passed that stage. its ridiculous that we, who are doing this process legally, are lied to and treated with so much disrespect from these people. Hope you can figure out what the problem is. Good Luck! :)


  6. **Moved from K1 to Mexico, Latin & South America, because the question is consulate specific.

    I suggest you read the Consulate Info Page http://www.visajourney.com/consulates/index.php?ctry=Peru&cty=Lima

    I looked at the Embassy reviews and apparently you can pay at the Embassy on the day of your interview. The review with this information is in Spanish http://www.visajourney.com/reviews/view-dos-cis-reviews.php?entry=10150 but it says that the fiance paid the $240 while at the interview.

    Thank you so much!! That is what I was thinking, but I was confused,

    Thanks again!

  7. Hi Everyone!

    This is particularly K1 Visa couples who are about to/and or have already had your interviews at the Embassy in Peru. I don't know the exact date of our interview, but I do know it will pretty much be in January, and I will be attending with my fiancee. I need to know if we can pay the $240 Visa fee at the Embassy on the day of the interview, or is it mandatory to pay this fee online?? I know there is a way to pay online, but my fiancee has no way what-so-ever to pay for it online. I am taking care of all of the payments...medical...visa..etc..So I was hoping someone could give me a heads up.

    Thank You!

    God Bless

    Mateo and Raquel

  8. We are May 15...several people on our date have been approved..but we havent been yet...our attorney said that we should be hearing something within the nxt two weeks...I have a friend here who has a noa1 date of may 4 but still hasnt heard anything either..im so aggitated i could spit fire..but hey..at least we know that they are working on may..hope you hear something soon!!!! :)

  9. Well...things are not looking so well for me at the moment :unsure:... I was just talking to my fiancee and she flat out lit into me accusing me of probably never sending in our I129F packet because it has taken so long :crying: ..I've been going through hell and back with all of this..HOW COME WE, THE ONES WHO GO THROUGH THIS ENTIRE PROCESS LEGALLY, GET TREATED SO UNFAIRLY DIFFERENT FROM THOSE WHO COME INTO THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY???

  10. Well, today marks our 5 months..I never expected our noa2 earlier or on time..from the get go our lawyer said it would be 5 1/2 to 6 months for the noa2..but i called our paralegal today just to see if there was any new news about vermont and she said that they received 2 approvals last week at their office for march 2 filers...im happy for them..she also said our approval "should" come about late november or early december..but she said that vermont and california will be slowing down even more in the next few weeks due to the holidays..that is understandable..but for peru, their interviews are usually 87 to 90 days after the noa2....so Raquel and I are looking at a possible 3 or 4 more months before our interview if the noa2 comes in november..We were kind of hoping for a Valentines Day wedding..but not too sure about that now :/..for now its just one day at a time..hope everyone else is holding up well..:)

  11. The attacks on our embassies had nothing to do with that video. Al Qaeda used the video as an escuse. These attacks were well planned out. Just a few days before the attacks, one of al qaeda's members put out a video asking muslims to retaliate and avenge the death of his brother, another al qaeda operative. The video that everyone is talking about was posted back in January. It is now September. If they are so hurt about this film, then why did they wait over 8 months to start complaining? I believe it was our "leaders" who started this one. All the bragging about killing osama bin laden has come back to bite the president in the butt. If that is not the case, then why were all the muslims who were climbing the walls of our embassies, and burning our flag, chanting, "WE ARE ALL OSAMAS, OBAMA..WE ARE ALL OSAMAS, OBAMA..." repeating over and over?? Don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying that the people of theses countries are all like that. Im just saying that they were stirred up by al qaeda. But one thing should always be remembered..AMERICA IS A FREE NATION..IF A MUSLIM WANTS TO COME TO AMERICA AND TRASH TALK CHRISTIANS,LIKE MYSELF, THEN THAT IS THEIR RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH..YOU DONT SEE REAL CHRISTIANS BURNING THE FLAG OF ILSAM AND KILLING MUSLIM PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY DONT AGREE WITH US... With all that said, I do seriously hope that anyone with interviews ,at any one of these embassies, is taken care of and not punished by the results of the attacks. May God be with you all.

  12. OK...I don't care if I get thread banned. Cases like this are the reason immigration is so difficult for people with BONAFIDE marriages and relationships to get through this broken system of ours. I will be the one to pass judgement. You just withdrew a petition for K1, now you're in "love" with a woman who has barely been married on a k1 to a different man and you want advice from those of us who would do anything to have our SO with us??? Those of us who have done everything legally, who love and miss our SO. Who have been separated for months, some couples for years. Couples like my husband and I, who did everything by the book,went through the entire process start to finish only to be told that we are in the black hole of administrative processing, we have to wait until the process is done. It has already been 2 months since we have been put in AP, and it could be months and months more before his visa is issued, we just don't know. We have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on travel expenses for me to go to see him every 3 or 4 months just so we can spend a few weeks together as a married couple in the same country, countless hours on skype and msn, phone and texting. the list goes on and on. I wouldn't trade one minute of it, because my husband and I know in the end we WILL be reunited, that we have a real and true marriage and we love each other, and that all of the stress and pain and worry of being apart will have been worth it. Your whole story is a hot mess and exactly the reason it is so difficult for the rest of us. I said what a lot of people here are thinking. Sorry for the rant people, I am just so tired of reading these stories, I really really am.


  13. Im sorry but no one is going to get my simpithy with the "Rich people" hog wash....the USA is not the promise land...This is what is wrong with this country now...people want everything for nothing...Its called the American Dream..not the american promise...no one promises anyone that they are going to make it here..and it sure is heck isnt fair to punish or brand the people ,who have worked hard for what THEY THEMSELVES HAVE BUILT WITH THEIR OWN BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS, with bad or stereotyped names...I MYSELF AM NOT RICH, IM JUST MIDDLE CLASS, BUT I FIND IT INSULTING TO BE LABELED GREEDY OR STUCK UP RICH JUST BECAUSE I CHOSE TO WORK MY TAIL OFF AND MAKE A GOOD LIVING FOR MYSELF...I PAY MY TAXES..I ALSO PAY FOR "FREELOADERS" WHO THINK AMERICA PROMISED THEM A CAREFREE FULL OF MONEY LIFE FOR NOTHING..........AMERICA IS NOTTT THE LAND OF PROMISE....AMERICA IS THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY...YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO TO MAKE IT IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO, OR THE OPPORTUNITY TO BREAK IT ...THE CHOICE IS YOURS...THAT CHOICE SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO BE MADE FOR YOU BY SOMEONE WHO IS TRYING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEIR OPPORTUNITY, BUT CANT, DUE TO HAVING TO MAKE ENDS MEET FOR THEM AND YOU. SORRY FOR MY RANT..I KNOW IT WAS NOT ON TOPIC, BUT IM DONE NOW. As always..have a nice day..AND GOD BLESS!!! :)

  14. Im not sure that having the USCIS regulate the medical exam costs would such a good idea. At the momoent, this government cares nothing of us. We are already paying ridiculous fees only for them to read our forms, while they are allowing illegal immigrants to stay here on OUR dime. I would much rather pay $350 or a little more, than have to pay a probable $1000 or more. Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security is being investigated for using OUR money, that we've paid them with, to have parties, go gambling, hire strippers, etc.... If you dont believe me, look it up...its been plastered in the news for the last few weeks...just yesterday an official of the DHS resigned because she was caught using OUR money for her own "sexual escapades"....If the USCIS were in control of the medical exam costs, it would, without a doubt, be outrageously expensive. So on this subject, be careful what you wish for.

  15. Janet Napolitano doesnt care about anything we are going through. She is one of the main people behind obama's amnesty bill..she is also being sued by immigration agents at the moment due to that ridiculous bill..all she wants is power and more votes for obama so she can keep power..THEY NEED TO TAKE CARE OF US FIRST!! WE ARE DOING THIS PROCESS LEGALLY, NOT ILLEGALLY!! ITS REALLY STARTING TO MAKE ME ANGRY!!!

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