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Posts posted by USA-ALG

  1. There is something not right here or she is not disclosing everything. If they see 2nd petition in the system this means it is active. If (as your fiancee claims) her ex-fiance brought another person on K1, than he supposed to cancel it. Likewise, as they denied her, they would deny her ex-fiance to petition for another person as long as old petition is active. Do you see it does not make sense? Given that petition expires within 4 months AND Based on factual evidence of reasoning for denial (but not taking to consideration your or your fiancee words it looks like either:

    1) 2 individuals (including yourself) petitioned for her at the same time (or nearly the same)

    2) Someone petitioned for her with approved I129F with less than 4 month..

    I do concur with you. It seems as if she is "playing" you both to see which one will get her the "American Visa" first. I suggest that you go further into this matter and dig up for more information.

    I wish you luck.

  2. My husband and I defied ALL odds!

    Being that:

    • He is 15 years younger
    • I am in my 40's
    • He is hearing
    • I am Deaf
    • He is Sunni Muslim and I am a Jesus Following Muslim
    • He is Algerian Arab
    • He is fierce, protective, and suspicious of EVERYTHING (alhumdillilah)
    • I am calm, easy-going, relaxed, humbled.
    • I am the money-maker
    • He is a college student now
    • I am a career woman... working as a teacher
    • He has zero income (Alhumdillilah)
    • Me Caucasian American
    • We met only 4 months then got married
    • Flew through the process with NO problems other than an intensive grueling interview on his part
    • I'm an American Sign Language Speaker
    • He is a French-Arab speaker

    In spite of all these odds, we made it through. I was VERY very meticulous with ALL my applications. I spent 2 months pouring and triple checking for anything amiss. I made my own CHECKLIST and checked it off OFTEN to make sure I did not overlook anything.

    Even for some people who were meticulous with their applications get denied. Just pray you have a wise CO! It's just the Path that Allah has chosen for you.

    I wish you good luck.


  3. Dear Missy and Vj'ers!!

    Please pardon me if I sound brash! But this needs to be said.

    #1: IF the alphabet men, i.e. USCIS, ICE, FBI, CIA, etc, find out you willingly filed out of false pretenses, then it will be ON YOU. You will be charged with heavy fines, penalty, and a record for the rest of your life.

    #2: Are you lower than dirt? NO! Then don't let him treat you like that.

    #3: Are you a dog? Then why is he ordering you around like one and yet leaves you like a master leaves his dog at home....

    #4: You are a human with a brain and a heart of gold.

    #5: Forget the appeal, he is manipulating you... Leave him in his country to ROT.

    Finally: Do the right thing, SAVE HUMANITY (i.e. yourself and your sanity and not to burden the GOVERNMENT with bad men like him in USA).


  4. Three months flat? You've been conned or suckered.

    I promise you it will take LONGER than 9 months, maybe 14 months for some.

    Do not shell out more money to that conniving fella.

    Do your homework FIRST before doing anything.

    KNOW that the VISA process is really an EASY one, this I tell you. The most difficult part is learning how to argue with your spouse, living together, learning about spouse quirky habits, likes and dislikes, dealing with prejudice, and all that. RISING above it all is - LOVE along with hard work.

    Good luck.

  5. In the Appalachian regions of USA, a lot of times "cross" cousin marriages are allowed, but not parallel cousins.

    i.e. Brother's son marrying sister's daughter is called parallel cousins. Yet, Brother's daughter marrying sister's son is called cross cousins.

    http://en.wikipedia....d_cross_cousins I hope that helps.

    The reason for cross cousin marriages, is that it reduces deformity, defect, and mental retardation WITHIN their offsprings. - THINK of the movie "Deliverance"

    We could learn - A LOT- from our backyard neighbors.

    Good luck with your process!smile.gif


  6. According to Islamic Sharia Laws, stealing stuff, knowingly or unknown, would cost you your right hand.

    Imam or the "swords man" will place your right hand on the chopping block and WHACK it off.

    Lesson learnt!

    End of story.

    Be glad it's just a revocation of your tourist visa.

    At least you got some mercy from our country. good.gif


  7. If that's the situation, then how do we get re-entry permit? What are the procedures? This is new to me.

    Your reply would be greatly helpful to the lot of us.

    Many thanks!


    I believe to maintaine LPR status you need to live in the US for at least six months out of the year. In order to leave for the time you mentioned you will likely need a re-entry permit (I think its called).

    This looks like a similar thread:


  8. Scarlet,

    I'm wishing you joy, happiness, and peace on your special day. Birthdays are a symbol that you've succeeded a small part of this BIG journey.

    Sadness and loneliness is a sign of times for change to come. Always remember to enjoy your quietness, enjoy relinquishing your privileges because it means there's room for greater things to come.

    Loneliness is the sorrow of being alone...

    Solitude is the joy of being alone.

    Hang in there.... the choice is yours. Minor adjustment of your perceptions may make a big difference. luv.gif

    Happy birthday to yo!

    Sincerely, E

  9. Hi,

    1. WAIT for the PINK RFE letter to come in the mail box.
    2. Make copy of the PINK RFE letter for your file. Because you have to mail the pink letter back with the requested contents.
    3. Read it, follow what the instructions say and what they are requesting for
    4. Assemble the required information
    6. MAIL the package within deadline as found in the PINK RFE letter.
    7. Use Tracking and Confirmation services.
    8. Wait for further instructions from them.
    9. Sit and wait.

    I hope this helps.


  10. First of all, I am sorry about your situation.

    Secondly, I am fairly new at this journey myself. Let's wait and see what others say about your situation.

    Thirdly, the Interview Agent may think you are in for immigration purposes and may not issue you a temporary green card.

    Ultimately, you will have to return to your country. If you don't follow the laws and you stay here illegally, then you may have a ban taking place on your persons.

    Again, I am sorry about your situation.


    p.s. my husband and I had 6 months of terrible fights, but then the light at the end of the tunnel appeared... Now things are better. I hope the same for you.

  11. Man proposes, God disposes.

    We got married on the day we NEVER planned or never entered in our thoughts, never had any reservations or made any deposits.

    Now, we are married for 2 years!

    Hey... the visa process is VERY unpredictable. Anything can happen to you or your fiance in between.


    Make reservations and deposits that YOU can change without additional fees.

    Hope that works for you.


  12. IF I was the female CO and some arab was oogling at my chest... "DENIED" would be stamped in RED on file.

    I will NOT tolerate someone's fiance looking at my breast while I try to gauge the authenticity of this relationship. Professional female CO's and holding professional jobs DESERVE utmost respect from men of all walks of life.


    • Not oogling at women's breast
    • Calling her by her chosen/given name
    • seeing it from her perspective
    • discussing and supporting her input, not downplaying it
    • Acknowledge that she is a HUMAN not a sex object.
    • admire her brains, not her breast.

    You are a poor example of your countrymen. It's a shame that more Moroccan men will be affected by your disgrace.

    It's time for you to grow up, man up, and move on to someone who can put up with you.



    You're acting like you're of the CO's like you really know exactly why i got this refusal. WOW.

    Wait! what about others who got denied too? what's their excuses, do you know as well?

    You know what? We'll see what they say to the petitioner when USCIS receives this case.. and i'll tell you if you guessed it right ot not. OK??? ;)

    Hopefully this would be a lesson to people who assume things and keep guessing all the time. :)

    Thank you.

  13. I so agree...

    There's quite a display of narcissism from Zagray's posts, self-aggrandizing grandeur, and a touch of male chauvinism could be seen.

    Sociopaths don't see anything WRONG with their behaviors and post blame on others at the same time acting that they're so innocent.


    You really don't have a clue as to why you would have been denied? Really? Not an inkling that perhaps it's YOU? That perhaps your behavior could be the reason? Aside from the obvious fact that your fiancee is old enough to be your mother, what do YOU think is the reason you got denied? Perhaps your eagerness and your fiancee's lack of action and commitment to the process? Perhaps your comments on this forum as well as Facebook or any other public internet forums/social networking sites ie poetry forums? It could be a lot of reasons and they all pretty much point to you.

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