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Posts posted by Hollyday

  1. Does that website say anything about what to do if you live in the USA as far as registration?

    I want to see if she can de-register completely and get the stamp from the consulate here in the USA

    Not really.

    I'm not sure she can. Proof link. Sorry, it's all in Russian. Basically it says Russian embassy in the US is not authorized to remove registration in Russia. There is a paragraph there saying something about getting the citizen's signature confirmed by a notary outside of Russia or in a Russian consulate but i can't see where they're going with this (because i don't see how you can apply to a Russian authority by mail at the same time submitting your Russian passport to have a new stamp put about registration removal).

    Getting a consular stamp though is done with the consulates, yes.

  2. my wife came here on a K-1 visa, and we married within the 90 days. Here's the problem when she went to her interview she was pregnant and told me it was mine since I had been there. After the baby was born she was required to do a 3 way DNA test prior to visa issuance. On her own accord she told me the child died and I believed it and she told the consulate in Vietnam the same thing. The consulate interviewed us and gave her a visa. Since then she has told me the truth that the child was not mine and did not die. I want a divorce and send her back home. She has no green card and we've been married over 2 years. She will not go back home willingly so what can I do?

    I'm confused, how can it work out that she came on K-1, you got married, been married for over 2 years and she has no GC?

  3. Hi Everyone, I have been reading the guides and wiki. I can only see outdated info on this... for Marriage in Ukraine. Are American citizens required to show proof of any vaccinations or immunizations. I have a Dr apt on Tuesday and any help / info on this would be appreciated. I saw an old post several years ago that said rubella vaccination was required. However on the Ukraine consulate website they do not mention immunizations being required... Also for the CR-1 The guides still say up to 10 months processing times.. I have been informed that since they started using private companies to process the visas the fiancé visas are going through in about three months. Does this time period also apply to the CR-1 visa. Also She has a daughter. will this cause any delays or are both visas processed at the same time. ?

    Thanks everyone...

    CR1/IR1 takes about a year. Er. You mean do US citizens have to have any vaccinations to get married? I think what you were reading was more likely what SHE would need to get a visa.

  4. And while we did not find any flat prohibition against her doing that for her own documents, we still did not think it was a good idea, as it might raise eyebrows that should not be raised.

    After many posts on VJ on that subject and my own experience i think it's safe to say: nobody cares.

  5. We had a difficult time with the whole address thing when filling out our forms. He actually lives in Abkhazia. He's lived there for 8 years. He's not an Abkhazian citizen and does not have registration there. He's registered in Izhevsk. He was born & raised in Izhevsk & his dad, step mom & sister still live there. He works in Sochi. Travels to Sochi constantly. We were told to put the address of the city of registration listed in his passport. So we put Izhevsk on everything. He still has a flat there, as well. I don't know what to put for what & where to get it. Our case is so simplistically complicated. I didn't know there were regional forums (I've just been posting in the K1 forum) and this was moved. I don't know where to find the embassy forums. I was just going to the Russian portal and tracking posts from there. Which are very few.

    All of his documents are either in English or Russian. Nothing else. He actually is a certified translator but I wasn't sure if we were allowed to translate anything ourselves. I get that this process takes a long time. I know it will be a while before the NOA2. But there's no way we can wait that long to at least start gathering this info. Because if he has to travel to Izhevsk, we have to plan & budget that.

    I'm not a 'certified' translator but i translated all our documents and it was totally fine for everyone. You just have to state in the bottom that you are hereby declaring that you're fluent in both languages and capable of translating the documents, put your signature, date and telephone/address. Noone cares if it's the beneficiary or petitioner doing this.

    It appears the file didn't get attached so just check this link then.

  6. Very quick googling by words "Ижевск справка об отсутствии судимости" brought me the following results: this link describes the procedure in general. Question: where is he residing now? I live in Moscow, but when i got the PC i stated for which regions i should have the statement that i wasn't convicted and it covered not only Moscow but also Kaliningrad (where i was born) and it took exactly 30 days. In the sample form of request there is a line saying 'state regions of Russia where you previously resided'. Then there was also the attached file which describes the procedure if you want to do it in Izhevsk.

    A person trying to obtain a PC can give someone a power of attorney for this and then they can request a PC for them (so it's not necessary to be physically present there). I'm fairly sure it doesn't happen over the phone though.

  7. Waiting since March ? That sucks. I thought waiting time is around a week or two for the interview to be scheduled. Hopefully, it'll happen soon for us.

    So its 5 of us from India waiting for interview date. Anyone left out?

    elsy & mark

    i think if you want to make lists for statistics purposes you should separate IR1/CR1 from F2A because they won't be scheduled at the same time/with same logic applied.

  8. Good day everyone!

    Gladly, we already got our NOA2 (with hard copy) on April 17. No news after that, but I guess it's ok.

    If I understand it right, we just need to wait a package that will come to my home in Ukraine with instructions what to do. It will take few weeks to send it to embassy and around a week before they will send me this package 3, right? Well, it's ok.

    Anyway, since as we got our NOA2 just in 2 weeks we haven't really had mych time to goo deep into all this post NOA2 paper work while waiting :/ So I need so me help, please.

    1. His part

    My fiance is coming to visit me in Ukraine for my birtday and can bring me all papers that I require for next steps instead of sending them. And if we're not missing anything he needs to bring:

    - I-134 signed

    - Statement(s) from the employer with position, all dates, salary marked there

    - Document from bank with total amount deposited for the past year and curent balance

    - Certified copy from court house of his divorce decree (it was made years ago, but was a photo copy or something... we didn't know if the copy he had will work, so had to call to court house named on that paper and request for new one)

    - Copy of NOA2 (do I need one?)

    - cover letter as it was in our petition

    - letter of intent, but with fresh date

    - the exact copy of package he sent at the very begining? Just I-129f or WHOLE thing with biography forms for both of us, work, letters

    Do I miss something? Anything else HE needs to prepare?

    2. My part

    I already have a copy of all translated documents like

    - divorce decree

    - my birth certificate

    - passport (because there are stamps with dates about being divorced, too)

    All possible proofs are alredy made (chats, sms, skype, stamps, tickets and travel info ...)

    But as long as I still don't have any mail from embassy, I'm not sure if I can prepare anything else.

    - Can I make my police record?

    Or should I wait for package? Some people say that police record paper expires in 30 days ... and I have no idea how long it takes to make it here. So just want to coordinate it a little if it's possible...

    - Can/should I pay for visa?

    As long as I already had B1-B2 visa,I have an old account on tha site where you need to make registration to be able to make an appointment for interview. And to be able to do that, one of the steps is inserting code from paid receipt in bank.

    Should I do it now while I wait or I have to get package first?

    Just want to do as much as I can while waiting and solve the rest in few days after getting package. medical takes here one day, will get results in a same day. The embassy shedule is pretty empty lately, closest available date is just 24 hours away already for a week (yeah, I was checking every day )) it moves, but stays in a same range), so it seems possible to do it fast =)


    I don't know if it's relevant for you but the US embassy says in K-1 section "We no longer send the information packet and forms as they are available from this website." The contents of the package may be found here. And among other stuff, there's this highly useful file detailing translations, payment info and such. Btw it says "The police certificate is valid for ONE YEAR."

  9. Be warned that when you go create an ELIS account to pay that last $165.00 fee: it's a little bit confusing.

    They'll ask you for your 'A' number as you're registering online. We looked, couldn't find an "A" number on his visa anywhere. After some googling and re-reading the instructions, we deduced that it is the "Registration Number" located beneath your old IV Case Number that's on the visa (and they even added a couple of digits on the end of THAT). There's no "A" in front of that number, so you have to put "A0" preceding that number.

    Giggling....every...single....thing....about this entire process makes your just scratch your head! :goofy:

    Duh! Lol. Thanks for the info! :) Saved me a lot of googling.

  10. Hi everyone! Im so glad I found this website because I'm beginning the visa process for my husband. I am a little confused (despite all the helpful info :) )

    For the purposes of just the I-180, do I need to send anything other than the two-page application and fee? I have originals and copies of the things needed for bona fide marriage, but do I even send that yet or is that after its been approved and I move on to the next stage?

    If you mean the I-130, then yes you do, read the requirements here, please. You need evidence of bona fide marriage and evidence that the petitioner is a person entitled to file a petition (USC).

  11. it´s just an extract explaining theories from where word Rus comes from.....i just tried to operate real information and not not offend anyone what so ever. If i say something i try to prove it with some facts not more nor less.

    I simply don´t get from where a big part of russians hate and consider as a second sort nation Ukrainians, and really feel pity for people that watch russian news cos it´s complete brainwash....

    Me too, have some greatest friends who are russians (from Siberia) and are living in Ukraine and are glad being there cos they can compare life in russia with life in ukraine, any way each person has the right to have it´s own point of view, but this point of view should not be expressed in a way as "baron" did, that i assure you, offend a lot of ukrainians who may read this thread.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

    Happy Easter to you and yours too :)

  12. Hope you and ur compatriot "baron555" will manage to read this in a "foreign" language:

    Походження терміна «русь» є предметом дискусій істориків, що тривають уже понад 200 років. За цей час викристалізувалося щонайменше 3 теорії: південна, згідно з якою етнонім «русь» має місц., середньодніпровське походження, північна, за якою цю назву було запозичено слов'янами у скандинавів, і соціальна, яка, однак, нічого не говорить про безпосереднє походження терміна, але схильна тлумачити його як назву лише верхівки східнослов'янського суспільства. Остання теорія має нині тільки історіографічний інтерес, дві перші й досі виборюють право на істинність[5].

    Б. Рибаков, досліджуючи літописний вислів: «Поляне иже нын зовомся Русь», дійшов висновку, що полянський союз племен (див. Поляни) Середнього Подніпров'я взяв собі за самоназву ім'я одного з племен, які об'єдналися в ньому, — «рос», відомого вже в VI ст. далеко за межами східнослов'янського світу. Про плем'я «рос» говориться у сирійському джерелі VI ст. — «Церковній історії» Псевдозахарія[5].

    Чимало науковців, особливо петербурзької школи, схиляються до тієї філологічної точки зору, що пов'язує назву «Русь» із фінською назвою шведів — «Ruotsi». Однак, як зазначає історик Г. Ловмянський, якому належить ґрунтовне дослідження цього питання, в даному разі лінгвісти вийшли за межі своїх дослідницьких можливостей.

    I don't know if you realize how different those two languages are. Anywho, with the help of Google translate i read it. What was the message you tried to convey? What i meant with my comment was that at one point in time it was one country (albeit with very different borders than Russia and Ukraine have now), and it's really semantics how you want to call it. Can you deny that it was so?

    I don't have any imperialist illusions and i don't want Russia to 'own' Ukraine or whatever. I have friends in Ukraine for what it's worth and i worked there. I just hope this whole thing ends peacefully and for the benefit of the people and not the politicians.

  13. Since I retired from INS/CIS I now do immigration work. Too often I have someone looking to file a I-129F. The US citizen is often an old guy who met a 19 year old Russian girl on line or thru an agency, flies to Russia to meet her and then wants to bring her here.

    ..How did Russia get dragged in into this? Is it the only country with which it happens?

    OP, please take care of your own and your family's personal safety. I hope it works out for you with the annulment.

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