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Posts posted by mfranc68

  1. You stated that you paid $200.00 for a Visa Coach. Everybody has their own level of comfort and I don't think that $200.00 is that crazy of a fee. If you feel comfortable paying it, and you are pleased with the service that you received ,then more power to you. I wish you all the luck and a speedy process. 

  2. 22 hours ago, fluffykim said:

    I think it makes sense with the date and time stamps on the photos.  while you may have not had any issues (which is great) others may have a harder time so I am sharing.  Proof is Proof...so without stamps on the photos they could be any time any date not within the 2 years.  its just to make the case STRONGER....not saying you are wrong at all..again..trying to share what I have learned.  


    For me, its less about the complexity and more about the perceived fraud from my fiance country, so I am very happy and feel more comfortable having a second set of eyes on my package. 


    Glad you had a great experience so far, I am sharing mine and found him helpful to ME

    The only problem with your theory of date and time stamps is that you can go into your camera, tablet, etc. and change the date and time to anything that you like. So, it's not really iron clad proof that you were with a certain person or persons at a specific place at a specific date and time.

  3. 1 hour ago, fishj said:

    My goal is NOT for it to be a US wedding. It is to avoid the extreme unfair laws that Moroccan men have over women. For example, with a Moroccan marriage, a woman must get their husbands approval to leave the country with their kids if she wants to travel with them and also the men have more control/power over the bank accounts. THAT is why my fiance and I want to have a US marriage. He doesn't want me to lose any of my rights.

    I don't want to bust anyone's bubble, but in the U.S. it is highly recommended to have the permission of BOTH biological/legal parents to travel with minor children.


    https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/3643/kw/single parent travelling with children/session/L3RpbWUvMTUzNjU5NzM5Ni9zaWQvb1I1Q3VyV24%3D

  4. When my wife had her visa in hand we were two months shy of our second wedding anniversary. The visa was valid for five months. We waited the two months and then she came. She received the ten year green card and we avoided ROC with all its headaches and expenses. I think that we made the right decision. BTW, I think that the IO was very rude to you for saying that.

  5. Definitely wait and get the 10 year card. It will save you so much money and aggravation. I would plan to come at least one day after your 2nd wedding anniversary. We were married on May 28th and my wife came on June 1st. I am so glad that we did this. Never had a regret. Just one tip. Gently and politely remind the immigration officer at POE that you have been married over two years. They should give you the 10 year card automatically, but it never hurts to (politely) remind them, 

  6. Another thing to consider. Even if you get her over here and marry her before she has the baby, just about all U.S. health insurance providers do not cover "pre-existing conditions", meaning they wouldn't cover your girlfriend/wife's pregnancy, and the birth of your child. If your girlfriend/wife needs to have a C-section (mine did) you could only imagine the costs. In my opinion it would be best to relax and have the baby in the U.K. Pregnancy is already a stressful time period. Added additional stress wouldn't be helpful.

  7. Two words....Phone sex......or even better Skype sex........

    All kidding aside, even from half way around the world you still need to feel close to your partner and it can help to maintain that bond. Everything everyone else has said makes sense, but some days you might need a little something extra. So go head and schedule a "date night", some alone time when it's just the two of you.. Get a bottle of wine, play some music, wear something sexy and just loose yourself in each other. It also helps to relieve some of that "stress"....

  8. I am an American. My wife is Dominican. We had our cita in March 2013. Your fiance or spouse does not have to be there for the cita, BUT if they are NOT there it is almost guaranteed that you will be DENIED. Especially if it is for a fiance visa. The Dominican Republic is considered to be a high fraud country and the Consulate does not play around.

    I have been through the whole process and my wife is with me now. You can read my interview review if you like. I have posted it. If he wants to your fiance can send me an email and I will tell him myself and do my best to answer any questions that he has.

  9. I sent my wife (then fiance) money both before and after the wedding. I used the receipts from Western Union as part of my "proof of bonifide relationship", co-mingling of finances (we also had a joint account together in her country), and financial surport during my CR-1 petition. It is not uncommon for men to provide support for their SO. Even here in the U.S. I don't think it would be a problem for your SO to pay for your trip.

  10. I am a bit confused. If he is married for MORE then three years wouldn't he be applying for an IR-1? That is for people married for more then two years. I believe the IR-1s are higher priority on the petition scale and are processed faster. Also IR-1s are given a 10 year green card not the 2 year conditional green card.That saves having to ROC after two years and pay all those fees, not to mention all the waiting and biometric appointment. FYI for other VJers, if you file a CR-1 but at time of POE you are married MORE then two years (we all know how long this process takes) you can have your CR-1 converted to an IR-1 right on the spot at POE and receive the 10 year card. That's what happened to us.

  11. A little sharp response? I'm sure he has thought of that. Many people assume that because someone is from the US they will just have money sitting around to take care of any possible situation. However I would be concerned when the wife wants to return to the DR to visit family that debt won't go away and she might have trouble leaving again.

    Yup, that can be the problem. People like to go back and visit their family and friends. They keeping going back and forth. They can go back and forth a hundred times without any problems, then their name is added to the list and they get stopped the hundred and first time. Even with a green card they are still Dominican citizens. It is like playing Russian Roulette. You just never know.

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