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Status Updates posted by Laure&Colin

  1. Colin arrives next Sunday to be at the interview with me! We had never been separated so long since we met almost 3 years ago!

    1. EAbbas


      good luck at your interview and enjoy your time with Colin!!!!

    2. Laure&Colin



      Good luck to you, I hope you'll finally be reunited with your husband soon.

  2. 10 days

    1. didopage


      I'm getting so nervous, and you?

    2. Laure&Colin


      Je sais pas si je vais survivre 10 jours :P

  3. 11 days to interview. Just trying to relax!

  4. It's getting close, but it doesn't feel real yet. Hubby will be here in 10 days to accompany me to the interview!

  5. I'm such an emotional wreck right now, I would like to bury my head in the sand until everything's over...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harpa Timsah

      Harpa Timsah

      Everything is fine! You can do it!

    3. Laure&Colin


      Thanks. I know I can but sometimes it feels so overwhelming...

    4. Carlos&Alyssa


      #1 emotional wreck right here!! :) :)

  6. Bad day

    1. feli114


      Pray on it girl!

    2. didopage


      It's to make good days even better. :)

  7. Worrying, eating comfort food, getting fat, still worrying, eating...

    1. feli114


      Yeah, carbs have been my best friend

    2. didopage


      Soon the end!!

  8. OMG, I can't believe my interview is in 20 days!!

    1. didopage


      Yay!! You got me realize I made a mistake when I set up my countdown widget and you got me gain 2 days, thanks! :D

  9. Do you mean 212(a)(6)©(i)? This is not good, this is a denial for misrepresentation. You need to get a lawyer. 212 (a) (5) (a) is work related.

  10. Hehe... La sécu, mes meilleurs amis.... Mon mari veut que j'appelle les impôts pour savoir comment on peut payer depuis l'étranger. Je traîne les pieds...

  11. Coucou !

    Des nouvelles ? Tu te sens d'attaque pour rappeler le DOS ?

  12. 24 days to interview, 10 days to medical!

    1. ndu26


      Almost there now...it is well

  13. Looks like I'm not the only one losing it over the wait: husband went to work in the middle of the night cause he wasn't sure he closed a door.... We need out of this mind game!!

    1. didopage


      Totally something I could do! (already did the "did I close the garage door?!", "did I tighten the hand-brake?", "did I turn off the oven?")

  14. Ca va mieux ta tête ? Je hais les migraines, c'est atroce !!!

  15. Stress level out of control...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lemayz


      Why so stressed?

    3. Melissa and Leo

      Melissa and Leo

      Join the club!!

    4. Laure&Colin


      Why? Because I can't handle the wait and uncertainty I guess... Plus the loneliness and feeling so vulnerable since my husband went back to the US.

  16. My ticker went from "1 month" to "28 days"... Love February!!

  17. 1 month to interview!

  18. In less than 1 hour, I'll be off for a 3 day week-end! And when I come back to work, there will be less than a month left till the interview!!

    1. didopage


      I like this positive way of seeing things!

  19. Interview package preparation: printed new copies of the I130 package - check; printing travel itineraries for evidence of bonafide marriage - check.

  20. Time is so slow........

  21. I don't understand how income tax works in the US. It seems like most people actually get some money back instead of having to pay taxes??

    1. feli114


      Each week when you get a paycheck, taxes are taken out. In January of the next year they compute how much has been taken out versus how much you should owe. Thats where the refund comes in, or if youre on the other end, how much more you owe.

    2. Laure&Colin


      Ok! Thanks for the explanation!

    3. Paula&Anthony


      Yep! that's it! That would never happend here in Brazil though.. O=D

  22. When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!

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