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Status Updates posted by Laure&Colin

  1. If this immigration journey is causing you anxiety, raise your hand! *raises both hands*

    1. Harpa Timsah

      Harpa Timsah

      Why? You should be good to go now :)

    2. Laure&Colin


      I'm just freaking out every step of the way :/ Always thinking about what could go wrong!

    3. Harpa Timsah

      Harpa Timsah

      It'll be fine, I promise!

  2. ROC processing at CSC seems to have slowed down... :/

  3. NOA1 received! Waiting game starting again, for ROC.

  4. Still working on ROC package, will probably be ready to be sent tomorrow. That whole ROC thing takes me back to the stressful time of the CR1 application, I can't wait for it to be OVER!

  5. Et toi tu bosses ? Bises

  6. Got my first job in the US, starting tomorrow! Stressed out :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. didopage


      Super! J'espere que le reste se passe bien de ton cote. :)

    3. Laure&Colin


      It's temp, but it's a start.

    4. alizon
  7. Things are settling down nicely here, I just need a job! Back home however, my mom has breast cancer :( She had surgery 2 days ago. I just can't afford visiting her right now and it's hard...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mitra


      I'm sorry to hear that too.In france at least noone doesn't worry about surgery costs since the health insurance is universal. but in the U.S. it's another story.

    3. Laure&Colin


      Thanks for your support. The surgery went well, and the cancer hadn't spread at all. She's doing OK!

    4. Nemo13


      Thanks excellent news :) So glad it went well

  8. Made a little trip to the USCIS and came back without any satisfying answer to my question. Next time, I'll stay in bed!!

    1. didopage


      What was your question? At least you didn't do a big trip! :)

  9. Feeling better, anxiety is now under control and I think I should be getting a job!! :) Summer in Southern California is not too bad :D I just start boogie-boarding, love the beaches in San Diego!

    1. didopage


      Glad you're feeling better!!

  10. Sorry about not responding your question! I had to go to the SSA because there was a problem on their side, and my SS # and card had not been generated (although I ticked the box in my DS230).

  11. Received my driver license :) It gives me a nice feeling of belonging here in the US a little more! On the not so bright side, I've been suffering from anxiety as a result of my difficulties coping with the immigration process and adjustment... too much stress. I finally decided to see a doctor about it, appointment tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. djamella


      Awww ... but hang in there, it will get better in time ... life is like that sometimes and wouldnt it be tooooo easy if it wasnt? ;-) sending you positive vibes from germany ;-)

    3. mitra


      Bonjour Laure,

      J'ai aussi une question. My french husband got his GC in June. It has been more than 60 days after his arrival date to the U.S. without hearing or receiving any letter regarding his SSC (he had asked fora SSC in DS-230 forms). My questions are:

      1-Did you ever receive a notice from SS Administration while waiting for your SSC, i.e. a letter indicating that the card would arrive.( my hubby didn't receive)

      2-He's out of states now,which organisation to c...

    4. mitra


      Bonjour Laure,

      J'ai aussi une question. My french husband got his GC in June. It has been more than 60 days after his arrival date to the U.S. without hearing or receiving any letter regarding his SSC (he had asked fora SSC in DS-230 forms). My questions are:

      1-Did you ever receive a notice from SS Administration while waiting for your SSC, i.e. a letter indicating that the card would arrive.( my hubby didn't receive)

      2-He's out of states now,which organisation to c...

  12. Behind-the-wheel driving test tomorrow.... so nervous! I've had my (French) driver license for 13 years, but I wouldn't describe myself as a talented driver...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. didopage


      You'll be perfectly fine, here you can make way much more (minor) mistakes than in France... I did close to 15 ones last year. :D

    3. Laure&Colin


      Thanks guys, I PASSED!! :))

      The examiner wrote "very good job" on my exam sheet :D

      I made only 3 mistakes during the test, and the top limit is 15... all of my errors were doing California stops :P

      All in all, very easy, and the examiner was very nice, he was chitchatting during the whole test and it helped me relax. He also took me to my own neighborhood (he didn't know of course) so I knew all the intersections and speed limits very well!

    4. didopage


      See, that was easy! :-) Congrats!!

  13. Good luck for tomorrow!

  14. A reminder for all of us: when in the US, an alien MUST have their documents showing legal status at ALL TIMES. We went through a border patrol checkpoint as we were driving on a freeway close to the Mexican border (but inside the US), and all non-US citizens where asked for their papers. I had my GC but our Italian friends only had their California ID and got into trouble. Always have your GC/passport with visa with you!

    1. perez525


      it really depends in state youre in. In the East Coast part of the country, you won't get in trouble if you don't have your GC/passport with you.

    2. perez525


      what state youre in*

    3. Laure&Colin


      The law says you must have it with you so I would always keep it if I were you.

      But if you live South close to the Mexican border, you REALLY need to have it because you might be stopped by CBP anythime on the freeway.

  15. Corrected my address with SSA, now waiting for the new SSN card. Finally OVER with SSA.

  16. Passed the driver's license written test today (in CA)! I got a temporary license good for 60 days and I can drive on my own (because I got a French license)! Eventually will have to take the behind-the-wheels test, but for now, Pacific Beach, here I come!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laure&Colin


      Lots of work too :D

      But yes, I'm happy things are now moving forward.

    3. Nemo13


      Are you getting use to driving without the stick? :)

    4. Laure&Colin


      Our car has a manual stick ;)

  17. GC is missing my fingerprint on the front...

    1. Rujby


      This is ridiculous... How r u my friend?

    2. Laure&Colin


      Not so well right now... since I arrived, everything has been a struggle. Nothing works as expected.

  18. According to the USPS tracking number USCIS gave me yesterday, my GC is out for delivery today! Fingers crossed!seems to be out for delivery

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laure&Colin


      No... honestly, I'm not gonna start looking until I get my SSN and can get my driving license. I know I'm allowed to work while waiting for the SSN (I have a letter from the SS office), but I doubt any employer will be interested in hiring an alien without an SSN...

    3. didopage


      Ok :) That gives you some time to enjoy and discover your new place! :)

    4. Neela & Jitu

      Neela & Jitu

      How did you find the tracking number? Did you call USCIS?

  19. Told by USCIS that my green card is in the mail, coming soon! Mess with SS and CBP database still to be fixed.

    1. alizon


      Ah! So frustrating! Hope it's sorted out soon!

  20. Seriously depressed, as CBP swear they can't correct my arrival record (misspelled name) because it was an entry on an immigrant visa. Now WHAT??

    1. didopage


      Wow wow wow. Comment ils peuvent pas corriger ca ???? Ils font une erreur et ils peuvent pas corriger ?? N'importe quoi !! T'as demande a voir un de leur chef ?

  21. In limbo until CBP corrects my last name in arrival record...

  22. CBP messed up with my data input at POE... Going back today to have them correct it (hopefully).

  23. Upset after visiting social security... they don't seem to know I exist.

    1. didopage


      Did they send a request to the immigration services to verify you are here legally? That's what they did when I went last week... she said it's normal.

    2. Laure&Colin


      Non c'est pas normal pour moi... Mais après avoir été à l'USCIS je sais maintenant qu'ils se sont plantés en rentrant mes informations au POE, je retourne au CBP tout à l'heure pour essayer de leur faire corriger.... La galère n'est pas finie !!

    3. didopage


      C'est fou ca...!

  24. 3 weeks after POE, I haven't received my SSN card... I got a letter from SS in my visa package, saying in this case, call us. Should I bother, or just go to an office?

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