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  1. Only 10 days in, besides sleep how to pass the time lol?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eve & Jim

      Eve & Jim

      Skype and YM seem to help pass the time, but the waiting is very difficult. I also try to pass the time by getting things ready for her to be here. Doing research to find were to buy the foods she likes to cook with and those kinds of things. If it were possible for me to move to the Philippines to be with my fiance I would certainly consider it. I am very happy with my pinay fiance, and I am very sure every minute of waiting will be worth it.

    3. Eve & Jim

      Eve & Jim

      Skype and YM seem to help pass the time, but the waiting is very difficult. I also try to pass the time by getting things ready for her to be here. Doing research to find were to buy the foods she likes to cook with and those kinds of things. If it were possible for me to move to the Philippines to be with my fiance I would certainly consider it. I am very happy with my pinay fiance, and I am very sure every minute of waiting will be worth it.

    4. garmar


      Well it does seem like things are speeding up. You can see from Igors list & the timelines. But that could change (knock wood). You are almost 2 months behind me but I am expecting a NOA2 in about 2 or 3 weeks so you might expect 2.5 to 3 months left for that. Keep praying. Seems like we both have Vasayan girls. They're the best of the best. lol....stay in touch.....Gary

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