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Status Updates posted by Icha

  1. Hey Lori! I was just about going to drop some words on ur wall but ur faster than me lol

    I'm doing great! thanks...i heard that u contacted ur congressman, did it work?

    Oh yes, according to the VJ timeline, we might gonna get news mid of June i hope it is accurate.

  2. woiiiiiiiiiiiii..... :-D

  3. Icha

    kapan jadwal interview nya dy?

  4. Masih jauhhhhhhh banget say :-( belom dapet approval juga nih...huaaaaaa *crying*

    YM gue dive_to_blue78, elo add gue yak :D

  5. Iya amin say...ada dong, add gue ya...id gue Icha D Luffy, gue ada kali tiap hari ngecekin website USCIS melulu hahaha...

  6. kayaknya masih agak lama deh baru dapet NOA2 nya...masih 2 months to go to reach the estimate timeline...tp Bismillah aja mudah2an aja they speed up the process so that we don't have to wait that long...

  7. Punya dong arc_himura@hotmail.com elo add gue yak...atau id FB gue Icha D Luffy

  8. Hello Emma....aduh senangnya ketemu orang indo lagi nih disini :-) elo di Bogor ya...gue di Depok nih...ga jauh jauh ya hehe...

  9. Good Luck ya darling on ur interview besok! Wuaaaaa...masih lama deh kayaknya nyampe ke NVC nya :-( gue Feb filler darling, tp gue tetep optimist dapet approval sooner!! :D gue di Depok, elo dimana? btw, utk Police Clearance, cukup dari Polres setempat atau hrs dari Polda?

  10. Icha

    Hey there! :-)

  11. gimana say perkembangan ur visa case di NVC udah closed kah?

  12. Hi...Salam kenal juga :-) gimana persiapan interviewnya? pasti deg degan banget ya bo...gue aja yang blm sampai ke stage itu udh deg2an :P hahahaha....ntar cerita2 ya pengalamannya...

  13. Neah...by the way, how's ur I-864 form, have ur husband mailed the package yet?

    Oh my oh my...ur getting closer there

  14. well...i just count the day since the date we received the NO1 until today

  15. If i may say, 10 days to go would be fine with me lol

  16. I meant 85 days from my NOA1 lol hahahaha...

  17. 85 days now from NO2, really praying and wishing that we're gonna get our NO2 soooooonnnnnn...miss my husband a lot!!

  18. Oke...just got you message here pheww...lol your message got stuck in a moment somewhere i guess lol I filed my I-130 early february, according the timeline, we might gonna get the approval by end of June or early July eventhough i'm still wishing and being optimist gonna get it end of this month *ngarep.com* Btw, dirimu lulusan sastra prancis kah? :P

  19. I didn't get your message lol

  20. Hi Dina,My process is still far from getting the approval :-( but i'm praying that USCIS speed up the process so that could get my NO2 sooner as i may see on the others timeline, they've started approving the January fillers! Hope mine will be next!!

    Btw, how to check if the payment already Paid? did u check it on NVC website?

    Meanwhile, i really wish you a good lu...

  21. actually we filed both K3 visa and CR1 visa but it said that K3 visa doesn't exist anymore so we're gonna stick on our CR1 visa.

    Hey, by the way, congrats on your NO2!! yippy yay! It's getting closer now! I hope mine will be next lol :-P

  22. Oh yes, i just saw there's a jan filler from indonesia who just got an approval on her K1 visa! Isn't that awesome! Hope ours gonna be soooooonnnnnnnn.....

  23. template that u've kindly attached on your post. My question is, do i have to also attached the filled DS 3032 form with the email?

    Thank you in advance


  24. Hello Lorelle... :-)

    I just read ur post about the process in NVC, actually i'm still far from getting the approval from USCIS but i just want to get all ready and well prepared once our petition got approved.

    I would like to know about DS 3032, since i live so far away and i'm afraid that the mail gonna take time to reach NVC, i want to inform them that i choose my husb...

  25. Hey Skye! today is Yuli's interview, i tried to call her but her cell phone is off! I hope everything goes well there and i just can't wait to get good news from both of you!

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