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Posts posted by xxxwabbiexxx

  1. So just to check --

    - there is your friend, the daughter

    - your friend has a daughter who USED to work in a bank

    these two are both legal permanent residents??

    - then we have your friends mother, here on a tourist visa, who is the bank workers Grandmother??

    If this is wrong I apologize I'm just trying to understand who everyone is. And if I'm wrong then bits of what I say below may not make sense but I'm going on what I've interpreted as being correct.

    So you're saying she 'used' to work in a back and she does not work there anymore?? If this is the case then no she doesn't meet the requirement to co-sponsor because she no longer has an income.

    I don't know where your friend is from so I don't know how their culture works, but if they as a family are struggling, your friend doesn't work, the husband only part time and they have food stamps then I personally think its very selfish that she wants to stay with them and add another mouth to the house hold - I know my mother wouldn't dream of doing that.

    As I said in my previous post the mother needs to return home and have her daughter petition for her the correct way --- if she was granted a tourist visa then surely she has something to return home to other wise it wouldn't have been granted.

  2. Your 'friend's' mother needs to return to her home country and her daughter needs to petition for her the correct way. Which if I'm not mistaken is when she becomes a US citizen. If she has a visitor visa then she's been to the embassy, done lots of paper work etc etc etc and I'm sure she was told what the visa means and she's clearly violated that.

    You said in your first post the daughter doesn't work, then in your second that her income meets the requirements, well which one is it?? or am I reading wrong??

  3. You are perfectly right!!!! 6 months, I don't think so. I've just explained your situation to my husband and he laughed at the idea of my mum or his parents being with us for 6 months, it would not happen. We love our families dearly, but a week or 2 (maybe 3 with my mum as she's in England) is more than enough.

    With what I've seen of Asian culture I too would be concerned about the mother taking over the house, you being a slave and the husband not standing up to his parents and I would not roll with me.

    See how everything goes, but I would talk to him soon (when the times feels right) just so that he's aware of what you're feeling, and if he can't compromise and see that he's being unreasonable then explain how you feel - you're his wife!!

  4. http://www.wes.org/

    They 'translate' what you've got. The majority of your credits/grades will more than likely transfer no problem but there may well be one or two that don't or you maybe required to do a few extra subject/modules/credits (whatever they're called here) to complete it to the American equivalent.

    Fingers crossed everything transfers for you!!

  5. Number one rule of visa's is never book anything!! Never book flights till the visa is in your hand, never book venues etc till you at LEAST have an interview.

    There are so many things that can cause delays, Request for Evidence because you've not provided the USCIS with enough stuff, being put in AP after the interview because they need more information or to do more back ground checks, there could be delays with medical, you may not get approved, delays getting police reports, delays in your fiance getting paper's to you for your interview, delays getting the visa to you etc etc etc!!! We got a military expedite and it was still 3 months from getting approved at the USCIS stage to getting the visa in my hand.

    July is VERY optimistic, I would serious consider going for a October - December wedding.

    I know its difficult for you, and family members will get pi$$ed off because they want to know dates to book flight and all that jazz but one thing you will learn by going through this process is what matters and thats a marriage not a wedding.

  6. Yes people do adjust from student and tourist visa's because they can kind of show they had no intention of living here permanently, they just happened to fall in love.

    Your man came on a K1 visa so he cannot deny that he wants to live here, he may have come with tourist intentions but the fact is he came on a visa that has immigration intention. This is how the USCIS look at it, he has committed fraud there is no two ways about it.

    Here are some things to think about, is he from a less economically developed country, did he suggest you get married, did he hint which then made you suggest marriage (making it look like your idea), is he younger, are you in different leagues with regards physical appearance, would you marry an American after knowing them for such a short amount of time?

    I'm not trying to be rude here I'm speaking to you like I would any friend of mine. And like 'togetherforever13' pointed out he needs you to stay here.

    If its a genuine relationship and he loves you, then I would advise

    1) he leaves and they you file for a K1 visa for him - this will allow you to develop on your relationship through visits etc, which will also provide a stronger case for the USCIS which you will need and which you don't currently have.

    2) you get married here in the USA, he leaves and returns home and then you file for spousal visa.

  7. Congratulations, lovely Christmas present!

    I just want to point out a potential delay. Like it or not Philippines is a high fraud country and when it comes to the interview they may look at your relationship timeline and the quick pregnancy, delay issuing the visa till the child's birth and request a DNA test. I don't know for sure but I think this is fairly standard procedure for children born before marriage.

    Don't want to cause any upset just pointing out a potential delay.

  8. Lol. I'm more like 10-20lbs but it's not because the food is good. It's because the food is fatty and kinda gross. It was hard to find good food so a lot of the food I *had* to eat, that I COULD eat was not good for me. Bread is awful. Cheese is awful. Beef mince is flavourless and fatty... While we were closing on our house we were staying with friends/family so we didn't eat very well (quick meals to get our from under their feet). Since we have our own house now I've still gotta shift that extra weight but my health is totally fine (sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure etc) which is all that REALLY matters... right? lol

    You should ship some apply pie here for me to try though :P... I miss good apple pie. A lot of the ones I find here have too much cinnamon so I'll have to start making my own... and eat it with some custard :)

    LOL so true!! I have never had moldy bread here it last for ages, its awful!!!! Mince beef wow I drain away so much fat from it!!!!!! Milk to me tastes funny aswel, again last for ever, makes you wonder what they add to it.

    I know what you mean about *having* to eat food sometimes like when you go out with friends.

    Don't get me wrong some places are really nice but on the whole I'm inclined to dislike them.

    I think you'll find nothing beats an IRISH fried breakfast with a cup of tea! ;):D:dance:

    lol cook off!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. My hubby wasn't really looking for help with dieting. He really does love the food here and was thinking maybe everyone else felt the same. I've gotta say I am surprised to hear other Brits saying it is not better here since the food (excet for stuff we bought and prepared) was on the whole very bland and mainly seemed to include a serving of something fried and chips (the ones we call steak fries) and there is no place to get a decent breakfast or an iced coffee. :o

    Without meaning to sound too rude (genuine here I'm not 'miss attitude'), he's 40 lbs overweight, there are health implications from this - I know you were asking for diet tips I was forwarding advise based on health concerns.

    My mother-in-law put on 50 lbs when they moved here from South Africa in 1996, and in 2009 she'd had enough she shed that weight and more and looks AMAZING and she feels so much healthier aswel.

    And nothing in the world beat an English fried breakfast with a good cuppa lol :)

    My hubby does say the food is bland sometimes so he 'ruins' it by adding sauces lol - I supposed its what you're used to at the end of the day.

  10. When his 90 days is up he will be an 'overstayer' and he will be 'out of status' I believe - which is not good.

    He can only adjust his status by means of marriage to the US citizen who applied for the K1 visa.

    Also I'd like to point out that he entered on the K1 visa, having already split up with the fiance and just 'wanting to be a tourist' thats FRAUD because he will have been questioned at the point of entry on various aspects including when he was getting married etc and he more than likely will have been taken into seconds for more questions regarding his intentions of marriage and he will have out right lied to them.

    If you don't mind me asking what country is he from?

  11. I stay at home all day and could pig out all day on snacks but I'm strict with myself and literally find myself telling myself off if I go to the cupboard lol (crazy lady) and as a result I've only put on the weight I lost for the wedding which is no more than 7 lbs which doesn't bother me too much because I still fit in my dress (with a bit of breathing in lol). Just try being strict on yourself and writing everything down that you eat in a day - once you see the amount you'll know what you can cut out.

    As for food here being great I think NOT - we hardly go out to eat because the food here is that s**t - full of fats and oils. I cook most night and my hubby prefers my food which is nice of him :). We hate chain restaurants aswel, they tend to be the worst for processed and fatty foods (in my opinion) - you could try looking for new independently owned restaurants I personally find them better because they tend to make the food a bit more fresh.

    When you're in a restaurant ask for a separate plate and put smaller bits off the main plate onto it and when your full put a chewing gum in your mouth that might stop you picking at the food when you're full.

    Just a few things that might help.

  12. My hubby was stationed in Germany and he was over in England visiting his cousin who is my best friend in July 2009 (this was his second visit and only then did she think to introduce us, I'm like I thought we were best friends and look what you've been hiding!!!!!!!) - I went round her house - nearly died when I saw him because he literally was the man of my dreams and fantasies - we were only together for about 1 hour and I knew then I would marry him - we started facebook messaging then video, I went to Germany whenever I could, he proposed on the beach in Pisa, then he got re-stationed back to the USA so we had to start all the visa BS - but my greencard arrived yesterday so we've said goodbye to the government for two years and we can finally chill again like we could in the beginning.

    I love my husband so much and although this process has sucked more than a vacuum cleaner we know its made our relationship strong.

  13. Hey! We got an approved military expedite for the USCIS part and from the I-129f approval to visa in hand was about 11 weeks.

    The NVC stage is usually fairly quick so you best bet will be a phone call, I don't think letters will work because by the time they get it, it may well have left them and be in London or on the way.

    The embassy stage I found was a bit slow. They'll send you out a letter with all the forms you need to send them and a DS2001 which you send once you are ready for the interview - you can send them all at the same time but unless you are ready for the interview I would advise against sending the DS2001.

    Along with the forms that I sent to the embassy I included all the expedite stuff, letter from the commander, the letter my then fiance sent and the approval and then a cover letter requesting an interview as early as they can give and my interview was about a 1 week after I got my letter which was great as some people were waiting 4+ weeks - I would get a letter from the highest possible rank your fiance can explaining the situation and include that with the forms and a cover letter explaining the situation to the embassy requests.

    Also get your police clearance ordered ASAP, go to your doctors and make sure all your immunizations are upto date - you probably had most as a child (well I did) but these days babies are given 2 MMR's and I'd only had one. Plus to getting them done at your doc's is they're free.

    Also make sure you have all the papers you will need from your fiance ASAP.

  14. I know its horrible. Just so you know an expedite doesn't speed the whole process up just the USCIS stage - we still had to wait another 3 months till the visa was in my had because of the NVC processing stage, the embassy processing stage, interview and visa delivery - but when I sent my paperwork off to the embassy for the interview I included all the expedite stuff and a letter requesting an early interview because of this and my interview was about 10 days after I got the letter whereas other interview were 4-6 weeks after, don't know how Johannesburg are with interview waiting times.


    There's what you need for a UK interview, I looked on the South African one but couldn't find a list. When the embassy starts sending you things they'll tell you what you need to send them prior to the interview and what to bring to the interview (probably similar to London) maybe try posting on the South Africa region page or looking on here to see if anyone from South Africa has asked before.

    No harm getting ready early so start applying for an external things like police clearance now aslong as the won't have expired by the interview.

  15. Ring the military helpline (don't know the number but it's on the USCIS website)

    You need orders for deployment, PCS, deployment window - basically something that justifies a expedite.

    We got an approved military expedite in April because my fiance had a deployment window of march - september (he didn't get sent thank the Lord) but we got a letter from his commander and he wrote a heart felt letter explaining everything and we got approved (financial implication of supporting me while deployed, time after deployment will increase our time apart etc) If you can get something from a high ranking officer or something like that then there's no harm trying - even without orders because my fiance didn't have actual orders - all they can say is no.

    Also my husband is ex South African :)

  16. Yes discrimination is alive and well in Lagos. My husband was asked in his interview if his father died because he was marrying a white woman.

    Thats SO damn rude its actually funny!!! It makes me wonder how they come up with the questions sometimes - if I was asked a question like that I really don't know how I'd answer its that rude!!!!!!!

  17. Just checked my e-mail and there were 2 from USCIS

    Email 1 says -

    Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production.

    On December 22, 2011, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you.

    E-mail 2 says -

    Your Case Status: Decision.

    On December 22, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice.

    I'm confused because on the USCIS website the 'card/document production' circle is the last one, but I got that e-mail first, is this normal??

    Also does this mean we are approved because there is no e-mail about 'post decision activity'? Just the 2 that sandwich that circle.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas xx

  18. My interview was 9:30, I was at the embassy at 6:00 lol!!!! I was coming from Derbyshire and hate people attitude in London its all go go go, so I got the early to miss the rush and make sure I missed traffic. There are cafes along the street with Goulds pharmacy so I just went there for a leisurely breakfast and then got in the queue around 7:30. Your fiance can get in the queue when the like really, they didn't throw me out for being early and I've read other storied of people being early and it being fine.

    They will be waiting ages in the Embassy, I was number 7 of the 'I' visa's and they'd got through over 110 of the 'N' visa before I was called so take a book or magazine lol!!!

  19. I'm sorry but I doubt they'll give you one because they'd think if you got the tourist visa you wouldn't return.

    You can't enter the USA on a tourist visa with the intention of staying and living there and as you've had a denied I-130 and you have a wife in the USA they will conclude that you will not return.

    Thats just my thoughts on the situation, I'm not saying don't try I'm just pointing out what the most probably outcome will be.

    Best of luck

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