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Angela M.

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Status Updates posted by Angela M.

  1. This week has started off on the right foot! So glad to finally be hearing some good news! Now waiting for what is still left to come!

  2. good luck today!

  3. 4 months since NOA1...glad I have embarked on this journey! Te amo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jaz00mine


      its coming, i feel it :)

    3. Angela M.

      Angela M.

      Thanks ladies. It will come soon, I know it!

    4. Samantha78


      You should be getting the NOA2 any day! It must be exciting!!

  4. Another day and no NOA2...hoping to find something to take my mind off of it...we're worth the wait...

  5. suerte no surta lol!

  6. Buena surta hoy!

  7. Everything is alright, could be better but I'm not complaining. Just waiting for NOA2. Y tu? Estas lista ya? You're big day is coming up soon!!!!

  8. Que bueno! ahora el va a tener que venir solito :-( Pero solo o no no importa lo importante es que venga pronto!

  9. Having a bad day, but hopefully things will be better tomorrow.

    1. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      Yes they will. Your turn is coming. and thanks for the flight info on jetblue. will look into it.

    2. MrsAmancio


      awww..hope it changes...

  10. Flights to DR are on sale for 300 rt starting sept 16 go get them!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dayani


      Oh ok I understand now, Thanks Angela.

    3. StephanieM
    4. Samantha78


      thats great!!!!im definitely looking in to that!

  11. Mira mujer don't know if you booked your flight for interview already but jetblue went down to 300 rt starting sept 16...go for it!

  12. Donde estas metida Lari? What happened with AP?

  13. Going to finish unpacking and putting everything away in order to keep myself from checking our status.

    1. Alex&Mari


      Relax, girl, your time is coming soon! I received my NOA2 hardcopy today and my NOA1 is April, 1st. Blessings.

  14. Good luck mañana! I'll be praying for good news :-)

  15. I pray that this week will be our week. If not, more waiting then...lol

  16. Can it please be Monday already so I can resume my daily activity of obsessively checking my case status because checking it now bears NO excitement whatsoever...lol

    1. Wanda and Amel

      Wanda and Amel

      You and me both, sistah!

    2. MrsAmancio


      awwwwww i pray u get it soon..u deserve it ;)

  17. Hoping that our NOA2 is right around the corner

    1. Wanda and Amel

      Wanda and Amel

      Me too, guuurrrlll!!!

    2. jaz00mine


      It will!!!!!!!! They r moving way quicker

  18. Next week has the potential to be life changing, I leave it all in His hands!

    1. stronger


      Any day now for you. No worries. Good things are coming :) And I know that airport feeling. I'm hoping this next visit will be less sad because it shouldn't be long before he gets here after I return.

    2. Angela M.

      Angela M.

      yea I hope we are close! and from experience, for me this "see you later" was less sad because we are too excited to almost be at that crucial point. he helps remind me that instead of being sad we should be happy because i will be back soon and it will be for the interview. I hope things work out that way for you too so you won't be devastated when you get back how we normally are.

    3. stronger


      I should have my NOA2 before I leave for Turkey. If the timeline holds true. I'd like to have packet 3 out of the way even, and bring him all our evidence for his interview. I'm being patient and putting my faith in God on this one.

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