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Angela M.

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Status Updates posted by Angela M.

  1. Buen viaje mañana!

  2. Even though he doesn't say anything, I know he needs me more than ever and I am soo far away and can't do anything about it...se me destroza el corazon....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KRubia


      I hope everything is okay. I completely understand....it hurts to be so far away without being able to be there physically to provide the touch and comfort you want to...but soon enough... soon enough

    3. Samantha78


      :( Awww......I completely feel you girl. Its so hard. But you are right there.....its almost over
    4. Lari & Jhona
  3. He received packet 4 today...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carol & Lenin

      Carol & Lenin

      woot woot! things are moving!

    3. MrsAmancio


      exciting times!! the end is near

    4. Morenita203


      OMG-- thats exciting!

  4. I called everyday starting a week after I received the email with noa2....eventually they will tell you they received the case and give you a case number and then you keep calling to find out when it left to DR. no, we havent received anything yet. If he doesnt receive it then i need to call the embassy 2 wks before cita and request a duplicate that he will have to pick up at the consulate.

  5. Good luck mujer!!!!

  6. Did you call the Visa specialist for your interview date yet?

  7. llamaste al visa specialist hoy? ya tenemos cita!!!

  8. omg Nov 14th!!!!! AGHHHHHHHHH

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Samantha78


      YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so great!!!

    3. Jairo&Lisha


      Congrats darling! Everything will be great.

    4. KRubia
  9. Ugh really? Day did not start off so well...for starters why I am still up when I have to get up for work in 3 hours? Extremely aggravated...it's just one of those days.

    1. Angela M.

      Angela M.

      hopefully VS brings some good news today...

    2. Alex&Joan


      Y k paso mujer, everything ok?

    3. A&M RD

      A&M RD

      :( I can understand am the same way I was up till 330am and had to be up by 715am :( can't wait till we have a date Angela.
  10. checkea mi respuestas....llama a nvc ahora para ver que informacion te dan..busca el numero el mi respuesta!

  11. Any update on the K3/ CR1 mess nvc has created?

  12. Can it be the 15th already?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ana y ray

      ana y ray

      @ angela. I think i got it around july. I dont remember when, I know I was calling them every other day after I found out the packet left nvc.

    3. A&M RD

      A&M RD

      Angela tomorrow is the day :) have my fingers cross lol

    4. Lari & Jhona
  13. How's everything going with your new life?

  14. According to VS the fake "Packet 3" has been sent out lol...I've always wondered what this mysterious packet is for DR because clearly we don't have one...lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Angela M.

      Angela M.

      no not yet :-( I know that we wont get the date until the 15th (hopefully) lol so yea but I call everyday anyway!

    3. MrsAmancio


      its all good..u will know something soon enough..just be glad the wait is almost over!!! i remember when we were so far off just hopin and wishing lol

    4. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      yay!! lol the mysterious packet 3

  15. Good luck tomorrow!

  16. Lo unico que quiero es estar en sus brazos...casi al final pero todavía se siente una eternidad. It's difficult to be apart when you most need that companionship...

    1. Mrs. Lantigua
    2. Fresita


      I agree it is very sad I really miss my fiance as well!!

    3. Samantha78


      :( i know exactly how you feel
  17. Wow called Visa Specialist and was done with the call in 1 min 46 seconds lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrsAmancio
    3. MrsAmancio


      are u trying to find out your date or if SDO has it?

    4. Angela M.

      Angela M.

      @mrsamancio my date, the hard copy arrived on the 25 because of the hurricane, i know its too soon but I call anyway, it gives me something to do lol...they havent even generated the fake packet 3 yet lol

  18. Did you call NVC yet? Try calling tonight, they might have received it already!

  19. Hope you got good news!

  20. Called VS and they said my case is at the consulate! I guess now it's time for stalking lol, if I don't hear anything this week I will just wait until the 15th when I know they assign dates.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MrsAmancio


      do what u gotta do lol

    3. Alex&Joan


      congrats mujer!

    4. Angela M.

      Angela M.

      yes will do! just called right now, still nothing lol

      @alex thanks mujer!

  21. Espera a llamar a NVC mañana en la noche o el jueves. Cuando llame en la mañana me dijeron que no habian recibido nada y que tenía que esperar 20 días, claro que no espere ni uno y llame en la noche y ya habían recibido y asignado numero de caso. Mandaron my petición para RD el viernes pero por el huracán esta todavía en transito :-(

  22. Per DHL website, shipment is on hold in PR...thank you Irene!! lol. It's okay because everything has been moving at an great pace so one or two days of a difference isn't too much.

    1. Morenita203


      How did you find out the shipping number??

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