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Posts posted by extremerecluse

  1. We scheduled a B-2 interview for my 82 year Filipina widowed mother-in-law. How does the US Embassy apply their policy on whether to subject her to an interview based on old age? How does the Embassy make the decision and notification to the applicant?

  2. Don't be so paranoid you become numb. Remember, this is a process. What do they want at the embassies? The truth. Never, never, never lie. They will catch you like a cat catches a mouse. If the relationship is not real, they will know in an instant. The truth will set you free during this process. Try and trick you? Of course they will. You and your fiance stick to the truth? Of course you will. You must or you can kiss away any chance of completing THE PROCESS. My wife along with OUR 3 kids finished the PROCESS in 2017. You will too if you keep on telling the boring TRUTH.

  3. Once you obtain your work permit and finish trucking school the sky is the limit. Every trucking company is hiring. There are 200 jobs for every available driver. Maintain a clean background, driving record and DO NOT take any drugs. You are looking at $50,000 - $60,000 your first year. Once you have over one year experience you can walk into any trucking company in the US and get hired. But after reading your original post, getting a visa based on work as a truck driver is going to be extremely difficult. Doctor, nurse, engineer, entrepreneur, investor; these are the occupations they give work visas for. Sorry for the bad news. You can give it a shot though.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Going through said:

    So do you now believe that the she is truly a widow, or you still believe the husband's death was faked?

    I remember you earlier saying you'd seen the death certificate and have visited the grave.

    According to documents I have seen, he is deceased. Immediately after the naturalization, out of the blue and insisting that I file. 0-150MPH in weeks!! The ex is interned with 2 other relatives. It just does not add up!

  5. Immediately after being naturalized. I have never been happier in my life!! I just want to see where this is going. She has made her feelings known very strongly. The former husband died of complications from untreated diabetes. He was 40 years old a BS in Engineering. Passed away while doing contract work in Saudi Arabia.  She went from 0-150MPH within weeks. I want to know if anybody has experienced this. If this has all been planned, then she is a master. She claims to be a christian. You all want rock solid indications; well I just do not have any at this time.

  6. 4 minutes ago, EandH0904 said:

    But that doesnt answer any of the confusion in your post about how/to whom/when she claims she is a widow?


    On all USCIS documents we have submitted, they all ask about previous marriages. How can all of it be faked to include a foreign death certificate and grave marker with his name engraved?

  7. 18 minutes ago, NuestraUnion said:

    I saw you post in a another thread about this but am a little confused. Obviously, if your wife claimed to be a widow and is not the she lied. But the question is whether or not her ex husband is still alive. If so, and there was no annulment (there is no divorce in Philippines) then that is a huge issue. If she lied about being a widow because she knew it is not easy to get an annulment in the PHL then that is obvious fraud.


    Or is it a simple case of she lied about being a widow and was never married?


    If she has gained citizenship and is now wanting a divorce out of nowhere like you mentioned in the other theread, then there are some serious realities you will have to come to now.

    I love her so much. I would gladly take a bullet for her!!!

  8. 1 hour ago, extremerecluse said:

    For the first time, divorce was uttered by my wife. She is naturalized along with our minor daughter. Our son will apply for naturalization next month. Our relationship is legitimate. Totally bewildered!!!

    I do have a question though. On all of the petitions and all other assorted K-1 visa documents, she was asked to say whether she was married before. In each instance, she stated that she was a widow. How would it be possible to commit fraud (it turns out she was not a widow)? Almost every document asks those questions about previous marriages and how they ended and proof such as death certificates? I visited the grave site. The circumstances just do not add up. Can somebody put my racing mind at ease?

  9. Hi everybody. My spouse finally completed her journey by completing her Oath today. Now, we have other questions. Our greencard holding minor automatically became a citizen through her recently naturalized mom. We understand that we could get her naturalization certificate costing a lot of $$$. The IO at the ceremony told us that this would not be required. She is a citizen now without filing any $1170 N-600. We want to obtain her US Passport. The IO stated that we needed to prove my wife had physical custody of our minor greencard holder-now citizen. Anybody know what they mean by proof of physical custody? Thanx!!!

  10. Today, my wife attended her citizenship interview. The IO asked her if she had any questions before wrapping up. My wife asked the IO what is the current status of our greencard holding minor daughter. The IO stated that is our daughter was under 18 she can derive citizenship from her mom once she takes the oath. I never knew this and it cost me $750 for this mistake for our other greencard holding 19 year old. So the motto to this story is: If you meet all of the requirements to file for citizenship and you have any minor greencard holders dependents, it would behoove you to file ASAP. It will save you a lot of hard earned $$$.

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