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US Immigration from Venezuela

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i-130 Filing online- credit card payment issue
11:00 am April 9, 2024



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I am filing online and I tried to submit my completed i-130 last night. I reviewed the whole application and all evidence, did the "review and submit" and then I clicked to pay by credit card. It took me to the Pay.gov site and I entered all my information exactly as it appears only card which still has over three years validity. I clicked to submit the payment and the little blue wheel just spun and spun. I waited over three minutes and then it threw me back to the USCIS and said something like, "Your form was not submitted due to the payment being rejected or declined". I logged into my credit card account and it shows a USCIS charge pending for the amount of the i-130- no fraud alert or anything, just pending. I called my credit card company to see if perhaps it was flagged and I wasn't notified, but they told me there were no flags or concerns with the transaction on their end. They told me it would take 5 days to see if that pending payment would go through or be declined.

I don't know what to do- if the payment goes through but they haven't accepted my form, what do I do about my money? I don't want to be out for twice the fees. If it doesn't go through, I don't understand what the problem would have been. I do live in China, so I was running a VPN at the time, but I didn't get any warnings about that- does online payment not work with a VPN?

Thanks in advance!

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Venezuelan in process of naturalization, question on name change
9:15 pm April 6, 2024



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Hello! I m in the process of being naturalized in the US and would like to change my name after I become a citizen, but will not be changing my name in Venezuela, will this be a problem if/when I visit Venezuela?

I would like to change my name to the US format and maybe shorten my first name. For example, Maria Fernandez Gonzalez to Mary Fernandez Smith (I don t have a middle name so I will take my first last name as such).
In Venezuela the format is different so if I change my name there it would still not read the same as my American passport. I know you enter with your Venezuelan passport and exit with your American passport, but I m unsure if during the exit you still have to tie the American passport to your Venezuelan s or the way you entered the country in a way that maybe having two different names would be a problem.
Anyone have experience with this? Or know the process of leaving the country with a non-Venezuelan passport? Please share.

Thanks a lot!

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i-130- Evidence of Bonafide Marriage supporting docs
10:06 am April 4, 2024



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Hello! I'm working on the i-130 for my husband and getting together our evidence. We have lived together outside of the US since our marriage in 2017 and have only been apart for short periods of time when I have traveled back to the US to visit family. I am putting together lots of things, but I want to make sure not to include unnecessary elements and to keep it as concise as possible.

So far, for evidence I have:

1) Marriage certificate with translation

2) Lease documentation with our names showing we have lived together for the last 6.5 years>> two of our leases are 5-6 pages each- do we include all pages, or just the signatures pages?

3) Copy of work visa information from Singapore showing that I was a dependant on my husband's visa

4) Copy of my current work contracts showing he is my dependent for all benefits>> The contract is 33 pages- do I need to include the whole thing, or just the page from the Schedule of Allowances where it states they consider him my dependant spouse? I have two separate contracts covering our current stay in China, so it would be close to 70 pages total for both docs.

5) Evidence of trips we have taken together ourselves and with friends and family

  • Photos- 2ish photos per trip, with other people, with notable landmarks in the background
  • E-tickets for some of the trips, AirBnB/Trip/Booking.Com receipts for some flights/hotels- do I just merge a big PDF, or put screenshots into a document and annotate this?
  • Passport stamps showing we traveled together>> is this necessary? Is it better than photos? How would I organize this? Just scan both of our passports?

6) PDFs of a few emails with our financial planner with some details regarding our planning for retirement together- we do not have any joint financial accounts

Photos question: I currently have 1 doc with photos that is 8 pages long. It includes one page with a collection of wedding photos (photographer shots and some from guests) and then the rest of the pages are photos of trips of ours starting from when we were dating and including two or three general "life" photos at sites and with friends and family both in Singapore and China. Should I keep these all together in one document because I think they kind of show our relationship story that way? All photos are dated and labeled clearly.

Messages/Texts/Chats question: Should I still be including screenshots of texts/messages throughout our relationship even though we have been living together? If so, how many/ with what frequency?

Thank you in advance for any advice/wisdom!!

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Applying for EAD (C9 - adjustment of status) renewal. Please check my work
7:34 pm March 30, 2024


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3 Replies

Hello guys,

Thank you for your reading and for any help.

We have a pending I-485 family-based adjustment of status application (fee has been paid).

The current EAD expires in September (less than 6 months from now, now).

The current EAD receipt number starts with MSC. My wife's age is 36.

Please help me confirm that we're sending USCIS the following in a paper-based application:

  1. A filled out I-765 (Paper based due to category)
  2. A copy of the pending I-485 receipt notice
  3. Front and back copy of current EAD
  4. Is this the correct lockbox to send it too?
    (Physical address: NY, Mailing address: FL) We live in an apartment complex and might move so and we rather send the card to our home in FL where we have family.

    USCIS Chicago Lockbox
    U.S. Postal Service (USPS):
    Attn: AOS
    P.O. Box 805887
    Chicago, IL 60680
  5. According to USCIS's fee calculator, it's saying that we don't have to pay a fee (fee is 0). Is this correct?

Please let us know if the above is correct. We want to feel more confident that we have read the instructions correctly. A paper application, sent to the above address, with no fee.

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june 2023 I-130 - parents
3:42 pm March 2, 2024



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hello, applied for both of my parents on June 2023, case went to actively reviewed in august and September 2023. haven't heard anything since - anyone in a similar situation? thanks

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