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Foreign earned income with EAD |
9:08 pm January 9, 2025 | |

Read 316 Times 2 Replies
Hey all, welcome to tax season: Quick rundown of our situation, because I'm used to years of filing single so not only do I have the added pleasure of filing jointly now, but I have to factor in my husband's EAD/income. So here the situation: when my husband came to marry me on a K1, his employer offered to suspend his employment until he was authorized to work again. All pay was frozen and he used the hiatus to assimilate to life in the US, which allowed us to adhere to US law and wait on him earning income until his EAD was issued. He was approved for EAD at the end of November and with card in hand, contacted his employer and resumed remote work on December 1st. So to summarize, he worked for a foreign employer on foreign soil from January-first week of September, suspended work/was unemployed September-November, and then was re-employed by his foreign employer with US authorization for the month of December. Questions: 1) Given the complexity of the situation (add to it that I am part-resident of two states in 2024 due to a move/change in positions), should I look into hiring a tax service? If so, are there tax preparers who specialize in international taxes as a whole, or specific countries? 2) If it's a filing that's completely doable by a person used to filing their own taxes, then what should I be looking for from my husband in terms of forms/documentation? Are there resources on the forums, because I have no idea what to search for. To this regard, if anyone has links to similar threads, hook me up. If anyone is curious, I am a wage earner and have always qualified for free filing through third parties provided by the IRS. However, depending on what we have to file, we may or may not qualify (if it's just the one month from US soil, we're good. If I have to consider what he made back home for the whole year, not so much). TIA.
N-400 Question about fields regarding spouse |
1:35 am November 28, 2024 | |
Michael Lombardi

Read 749 Times 15 Replies
We're filling out the N-400 with the help of a lawyer and there's something that is confusing us. We are doing the online form, and there are two questions that the lawyer wants us to leave blank. One is the spouse's address and the other is the spouse's employment. Looking at the offline form, the spouse's employment is only needed in a specific situation (that we are not in) but the online form doesn't have those same instructions. Also, looking at the offline form, the spouse's address is only needed if it is different (it is not), but again the online form doesn't have those same instructions. Is it okay to leave these blank on the online form, or do we push back against the lawyer and tell her those need to be filled out? Thanks!
I'm slow to add here, but we got married (pics) |
2:00 am November 2, 2024 | |

Read 613 Times 4 Replies
Hey all! Been on the forums here since around the time of our first K1 NOA2 (yes, we had two) back in March of this year. I'd say we're long overdue for a little introduction: I'm Heather, the main arbiter of the hplusj account and the USC. My now-husband, Jon, is from South Africa. He arrived here on Friday the 13th of September because September 11th is clearly cursed and his flights kept cancelling. We live in Iowa, though right around the time of our NOA2 (literally my first piece of mail) I moved from Minneapolis down to the Des Moines metro. I work in the hospitality industry and, once that EAD shows up for Jon, he'll probably jump right back into software development. We did things the hard way with a K1, and it is what it is. Things like delaying our wedding would've been smart but we're suckers for sentimentality and wooo, is that a costly endeavor. When I mean costly, I don't necessarily meant the cost of the K1 (although that's certainly not cheap either). What it also cost us was understanding from our loved ones, and a sense of normalcy. Jon and I had a lovely micro-wedding in Vegas in an olive grove (pics below) but our family and friends really struggled to wrap their heads around a wedding invitation which had several time zones printed on it. Imagine the feedback we got: letters that read, We're so happy for you but we just can't make the journey when we had paid over $500 for a production team to livestream, in an attempt to include them! Anyway, the wedding was quite the adventure (so much to say on that, but let's not bog down an intro), and we're glad to be on the other side. At the time of this post, we just got the text from USCIS notifying us that Jon's NOA1 for the AOS/EAD are in the mail. It's on to the next steps, getting just a bit closer to citizenship! We are so glad to be here, to contribute our journey and hopefully help others along the way. Thank you for this site, it's been a godsend!!
October 2024 AOS filers - I-485/I-765/I-131 |
2:21 am October 25, 2024 | |

Read 4355 Times 39 Replies
Welcome to all AOS filers for October 2024! Following the example of other users, I'm taking on the task of starting the thread for us, in order to track our progress. We all come from a variety of situations, so please reference the Immigration Guides for your AOS filing directions. Feel free to share your procedure/progress in the comments below! My husband arrived on a K1 visa on September 13 and we were married on October 10. We filed today with the following packet composed (this is a copy of our Table of Contents): --- SECTION A : I-485, APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE - I-485 Payment (two money orders, total $1440USD)
- Money order payable to US Department of Homeland Security , total $1000USD
- Money order payable to US Department of Homeland Security , total $440USD
- Forms
- Form G-1145, e-Notification of Petition/Application Acceptance
- Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence
- Identification
- Copy of applicant s passport bio page
- Copy of applicant s K1 visa page
- Copy of applicant s birth certificate
- Copy of applicant s police clearance record -2 pages
- Bag containing 2(two) passport size photos of applicant
- Confirmations
- Copy of form I-797c
- Copy of both received I-797s
- Copy of valid I-94 travel record
- Copy of applicant and spouse s marriage certificate
- Copy of form DS-3025, vaccination documentation worksheet - 2 pages
- Supplemental Evidence
- Supplemental photo evidence - 5 pages, numbered
- Supplemental document evidence - 1 page each
- Community Choice credit union account
- Iowa state instruction permit (Real ID)
- Social Security conditional card
- Form I-864, Affidavit of Support
- Copy of sponsor s US passport (maiden/birth name)
- Copy of sponsor s birth certificate
- Copy of sponsor and spouse s marriage certificate
- Sponsor s employment verification letter
- Sponsor s paystubs, from April 2024 to present
- Sponsor s 2023 IRS tax transcript
- Money order payable to US Department of Homeland Security , total $260USD
- Forms
- Form G-1145, e-Notification of Petition/Application Acceptance
- Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization
- Identification
- Copy of applicant s passport bio page
- Copy of applicant s K1 visa page
- Copy of applicant s birth certificate
- Copy of applicant s police clearance record - 2 pages
- Bag containing 2(two) passport size photos of applicant
- Confirmations
- Copy of forms I-797c
- Copy of both received I-797s
- Copy of valid I-94 travel record
- Copy of applicant and spouse s marriage certificate
- Copy of form DS-3025, vaccination documentation worksheet - 2 pages
- Supplemental Evidence
- Supplemental photo evidence - 5 pages, numbered
- Supplemental document evidence - 1 page each
- Community Choice credit union account
- Iowa state instruction permit (Real ID)
- Social Security conditional card
--- We're looking forward to following others' journeys! Best of luck to everyone.
My Journey. |
12:56 am October 13, 2024 | |

Read 604 Times 4 Replies
Firstly, I wanna say a big thank you to God, Secondly, I want to appreciate everyone on this site for your contribution in helping shape my path to American Citizen. Thank you all, as I prepare for my oath and ceremony becoming a US citizen, Thank you all and God bless you.
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