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US Immigration from Malta

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Received NOA2 - need help with some related questions
2:59 pm November 16, 2023


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5 Replies


We just received our NOA2 after 289 days, we are so happy. :)

I have some questions though please. If anyone could help me out I would be so grateful.

  1. I know my fianc the petitioner has to fill in the I-134, does he need to mail it to me after he fills it in or can he just scan it for me?
  2. Do I need the I-134 filled in in order for me to be able to go ahead and do the I-160 online?
  3. I booked my flight for February a while ago to go and see my fianc in the US, if by some miracle the interview is done before then and I get the K-1 visa, can I not use it and use my ESTA as normal and then use the K-1 visa with the sealed envelope later within the 6 months time frame that I have for moving? there's no way I will be able to move by February unfortunately.
  4. If not, can I ask the Embassy not to schedule my interview before February? as the flights are non refundable.
  5. What are the original docs that my fianc needs to give me for the interview? and which can be scans only?
  6. For the interview, do I need a copy of the I-129F form that we sent to USCIS, as unfortunately we forgot to make a copy of it before we mailed it out.

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Affidavit of support
11:20 am April 8, 2023


Read 464 Times
3 Replies


As I understand it, the sponsor must earn 125% annually from the poverty guidelines to qualify for the affidavit of support for the k-1 visa, so more than 24,650k annually?

Can someone please explain how does it work exactly?

Do they take in consideration the debts, loans, and child support payments of the sponsor if he is divorced and has a child from a previous marriage and deduct those from the annual income sum?

Do they take in consideration if the beneficiary has a sum of money from a previous property owned and that was sold? Would that qualify for self support?

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Life during AOS waiting time
10:40 am March 17, 2023


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18 Replies

Hi all,

I often heard about the limbo state after one has moved over to the US, got married and have applied for their AOS. I am wondering what are we allowed to do during this period of time. Maybe people who are going through it can shed some light.

Can we do the below whilst waiting for our AOS?

  • Buy a car
  • Apply for a driving license (Oklahoma in my case)
  • Open a bank account
  • Buy property or land
  • Work
  • Have a medical insurance (not job-related if working isn't possible)

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Divorce Docs
9:34 am December 23, 2022


Read 301 Times
2 Replies


Please anyone knows, if a Certificate of Non-Appeal is good to present as proof of divorce? clearly states in it that I am divorced, along with the dates etc, and it was issued buy the court.

I often see "Divorce decree'' mentioned online, but I think maybe in my country it is not titled in that manner.

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4:50 pm December 15, 2022


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I need to have my divorce decree translated into English. Please can you advise if it needs to be just certified or also notarized?

Can anyone do the translation?

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