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  • City
    Hilton Head
  • State
    South Carolina

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Charleston SC
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  1. Yes, I didn't have a job in the US when I applied and was approved immediately. It asks about your income, but as far as I understand you can include your spouse's income.
  2. I've had an Amex in Germany for a few years and was able to open an US Amex card under my name without a SSN just last month using the Global Card Relationship link that was mentioned in a previous post (https://www.americanexpress.com/us/customer-service/global-card-relationship/). There was an option for people who don't have a SSN to put in their passport number instead.
  3. I don't know how reliable this is, but on his website Jim Hacking writes: "So when they’re telling you about a background or security check, that’s just their way of saying we’re delaying your case. You have to learn how to translate that language. If they’re saying background check or security check, they’re just slow walking your case and taking their own sweet time." and "As I said many times, calling the 1-800 number is usually a waste of time. And if they’re telling you about a background check, that means there’s something about your case that they’re worried about or want to slow-walk your case."
  4. Not sure I was clear enough in the first post, there is a place on the I-130 form where they ask if there was a previous petition and what the result was (approved, denied, withdrawn). We put in withdrawn, when in fact it had been approved. But I understand from your answers that this type of detail isn't as important as I thought. Thank you!
  5. Hi, my wife filed a fiancé visa petition for me before we got married 5 years ago but then we decided we wanted to live in Germany. We filed I-130 earlier this year, and wrote that there had been a previous fiancé visa petition and that it had been withdrawn. Looking through emails recently we figured out by accident that she had written USCIS to withdraw the I-129f but they replied that the case was at the NVC. She then wrote the NVC that replied that it had been forwarded to the embassy. At that point we just abandoned it. So the problem is we genuinely forgot that there had been this back and forth. It's a very stupid mistake, but it was all shortly before the wedding which was a busy time and it somehow didn't register in our brains. The I-129f had been approved, and not withdrawn like we thought. I'm not sure whether we should try to amend the I-130 by uploading an explanatory letter in unsolicited evidence, including the emails to USCIS and the NVC and their answer, or just wait it out and explain the situation if they ask? Has anyone made a somewhat similar mistake on I-130, that is more than just a typo?
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