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Filed: Country: Nigeria

Date:Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:19:49 AM

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Hello friends! This is the first I've time I've had access to internet since I got to Liberia. We had safe flights (all 30 hours of them) and all of our bags arrived at the same time. Hooray! The weather has been pretty hot most of the time (I have no idea of a temp) and it rains like crazy every night and sometimes during the day. I've only been proposed to once which is kind of a downer for my self esteem ;-). We had last Saturday and Sunday to hang out at the school in Monrovia and get to know everyone and the neighborhood kids that always show up out of nowhere. The Atlantic Ocean is about 50 ft. from where I'm staying and the beach is covered in garbage. Everyone uses it as a trash can and a bathroom at the same time. There's sometimes running water in the mornings but it doesn't last long and there is no electricity. Mon-Wed we drove out to the other school called 15 Gate which is on the Firestone plantation. So far I've taken photos of and collected bio sheets for all 65 kids in the nursery class, so when I get home I'll be looking for people to sponsor them so that they can continue to go to school. I still have to get pics and info for about 200 more kids out there. It's like the Africa you see in magazines out there - grass huts, mud bricks, naked babies, huge spiders - I'm loving it. I've been healthy until last night when I threw up a nice meal of rice and pineapple. Haven't had much to eat since then, but I'm trying to shove stuff down. We usually eat rice and fruit for every meal. Sometimes there is meat. I'm currently trying to decide if my stomach is going to explode or settle down. The thing I love most about it here is that whenever I want to play, all I have to do is walk outside and there will be tons of kids to play with. Out in the rural areas they are perplexed by my skin. They try to scratch the white off of me. I'm making lots of friends, young and old, and I have a Diddy look-a-like who is pretty into me haha. No worries, I'll come home alone. Anyway, my time is running out so I'll write again when or if I can. Much love to everyone!




NSC, NOA1 September 26th,03

received NOA1 in mail Oct. 03,03

RFE - received in mail March 29th,04

RFE returned April 17th,04

RFE received April 21,04 at NSC online

NOA2 received April 29th,04 via online

NOA2 received May 03,04 in mail

NVC receives file May 6th,04

NVC sends file to Nigeria May 11th,04

Lagos receives our file, notified thru e-mail May 19th,04

Victor goes and picks up packet #3....May 20th,04

Sent request for earlier interview date via e-mail May 20th,04

May 27th, Lagos won't change date.

August 16th, 2004 fly to Nigeria for Victors interview

August 19th, 2004 Interview date, visa approved.

August 25th, 2004 Victor picks up passport with visa stamp.

August 26th, 2004 fly back to USA

September 18th, 2004 Victor arrives in USA, Lord willing.

October 9th, 2004, we become husband and wife

October 25th, 2004 I learn that I'm pregnant.

Feburary 25th, 2005 AOS Appointment

( went to appt. and requested a reschedule)

June 7th, 05 gave birth to a boy child.

July 5th, 05 Victor packs he suitcase and leaves for good.

July 2005 2nd AOS appointment

( went and requested a reschedule )

August 2005- I file for divorce. and withdraw immigration paperwork.

Washington State/ Nigeria

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Filed: Country: Nigeria

Monday, June 30, 2008 11:17:32 AM

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Hey again. I don't know what I want to tell all of you yet so if this e-mail sounds like a babbling, disjointed ramble, I apoligize in advance. Let's see...Friday we went to the semi-finals for girl's kickball and boy's soccer. Our school lost for kickball and won for soccer so we're in the finals now which will be on this Friday. It had to be close to 100 degrees that day and we stood out there with no shade or place to sit. On Saturday we went to the market downtown and I bought 3 lappas (African wraps) and some other stuff that you'll see when I get home. We got all dressed up African style that night and took our Liberian security guys out to dinner. I had a real salad. Like, actual green food and it was fantastic just because it was lettuce. Then we taught our friends how to play spoons and it has since become a nightly ritual. On Sunday we went to church which is always super fun but super deathly hot. That's where I always find out I can sweat in new places. We sang and danced and all that good stuff. The sermon involved witches that turn into animals and how when you kill an animal you have to cut off it's tail and take it back to your village so that everyone knows you didn't murder a human. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and quiet.

Today we drove out to 15 Gate school (way out in the rural areas) in the pouring rain and broke down twice. We stopped at a place to get the car battery checked out and then the mechanics stole the keys because he wanted more money. I still don't know how that got resolved. Anyway, once we got to the school, I was able to get the bio info for about 80 kids so that was really productive. Tomorrow I'll take all of their photos and hopefully it won't be during a monsoon. OH! So the "bathrooms" (aka holes in the ground) aren't really maintained, so there are millions of maggots squirming around you when you pee and then they get all freaked out and go crazy. It's extremely disgusting but also fascinating to watch. There was a nice big spider friend in there with me today and a wasp nest. Good times. Every single kid that came to us for medical help tested positive for malaria today. I don't even know how many cases have been confirmed. A boy, Junior, came in with a broken leg that has been broken since Thursday. We took him to the hospital and now he's spending the night at the school in Monrovia with us and we'll take him to a bush bone doctor tomorrow.

I think those are the major highlights in brief and uninformative fashion. No more puking or anything for me, so that's good. I hope you are all doing wonderfully and I'll see/talk to you after July 8th. I am going to cry so hard when I have to leave. I'm going to go dodge the rivers in the street now and walk home with my chicken friend that keeps walking past the internet cafe. Much love to everyone!

Monday, June 30, 2008 11:17:32 AM

[View Source]

Hey again. I don't know what I want to tell all of you yet so if this e-mail sounds like a babbling, disjointed ramble, I apoligize in advance. Let's see...Friday we went to the semi-finals for girl's kickball and boy's soccer. Our school lost for kickball and won for soccer so we're in the finals now which will be on this Friday. It had to be close to 100 degrees that day and we stood out there with no shade or place to sit. On Saturday we went to the market downtown and I bought 3 lappas (African wraps) and some other stuff that you'll see when I get home. We got all dressed up African style that night and took our Liberian security guys out to dinner. I had a real salad. Like, actual green food and it was fantastic just because it was lettuce. Then we taught our friends how to play spoons and it has since become a nightly ritual. On Sunday we went to church which is always super fun but super deathly hot. That's where I always find out I can sweat in new places. We sang and danced and all that good stuff. The sermon involved witches that turn into animals and how when you kill an animal you have to cut off it's tail and take it back to your village so that everyone knows you didn't murder a human. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and quiet.

Today we drove out to 15 Gate school (way out in the rural areas) in the pouring rain and broke down twice. We stopped at a place to get the car battery checked out and then the mechanics stole the keys because he wanted more money. I still don't know how that got resolved. Anyway, once we got to the school, I was able to get the bio info for about 80 kids so that was really productive. Tomorrow I'll take all of their photos and hopefully it won't be during a monsoon. OH! So the "bathrooms" (aka holes in the ground) aren't really maintained, so there are millions of maggots squirming around you when you pee and then they get all freaked out and go crazy. It's extremely disgusting but also fascinating to watch. There was a nice big spider friend in there with me today and a wasp nest. Good times. Every single kid that came to us for medical help tested positive for malaria today. I don't even know how many cases have been confirmed. A boy, Junior, came in with a broken leg that has been broken since Thursday. We took him to the hospital and now he's spending the night at the school in Monrovia with us and we'll take him to a bush bone doctor tomorrow.

I think those are the major highlights in brief and uninformative fashion. No more puking or anything for me, so that's good. I hope you are all doing wonderfully and I'll see/talk to you after July 8th. I am going to cry so hard when I have to leave. I'm going to go dodge the rivers in the street now and walk home with my chicken friend that keeps walking past the internet cafe. Much love to everyone!


NSC, NOA1 September 26th,03

received NOA1 in mail Oct. 03,03

RFE - received in mail March 29th,04

RFE returned April 17th,04

RFE received April 21,04 at NSC online

NOA2 received April 29th,04 via online

NOA2 received May 03,04 in mail

NVC receives file May 6th,04

NVC sends file to Nigeria May 11th,04

Lagos receives our file, notified thru e-mail May 19th,04

Victor goes and picks up packet #3....May 20th,04

Sent request for earlier interview date via e-mail May 20th,04

May 27th, Lagos won't change date.

August 16th, 2004 fly to Nigeria for Victors interview

August 19th, 2004 Interview date, visa approved.

August 25th, 2004 Victor picks up passport with visa stamp.

August 26th, 2004 fly back to USA

September 18th, 2004 Victor arrives in USA, Lord willing.

October 9th, 2004, we become husband and wife

October 25th, 2004 I learn that I'm pregnant.

Feburary 25th, 2005 AOS Appointment

( went to appt. and requested a reschedule)

June 7th, 05 gave birth to a boy child.

July 5th, 05 Victor packs he suitcase and leaves for good.

July 2005 2nd AOS appointment

( went and requested a reschedule )

August 2005- I file for divorce. and withdraw immigration paperwork.

Washington State/ Nigeria

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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Liberia

This is from a girl I know who recently went to Liberia. I admire her for being able to see Liberia for what it really is:

'Ah-lo' from Liberia!

[that's hello in Liberian-English]

I can't believe that I've already been in Liberia for almost a week! I apologize for those who worried about me arriving safely; this is the first chance I've had to make it to a computer. It has been great checking my email (all 132 emails) and reading all of the emails of encouragement! This first update is going to be short, but the next will have more details.

I arrived without any problems on Monday night! I was able to find the person I was meeting in the Brussels, and because the plane was half empty, Debbie and I were able to sit together and get to know each other (and sleep). When I got off the plane in Monrovia, I thought I landed in the wrong place! It wasn't too hot, the air wasn't thick with smoke, and the airport was repainted and air conditioned?! Other than that, I felt right at home!

This week has been very very busy! On Tuesday I was able to go to BJCCV to see all of my kids! They had no idea I was in Liberia, so needless to say, they were totally shocked! Lots of hugs, smiles and tears! The new school building looks amazing! I have also already visited 9 of the orphanages that ORR is currently doing work at. It was an overwhelming 2 days of alot of traveling, and it was also eye-opening. The children are all so sweet and beautiful; but the needs are tremendous! I spent those 2 days surrounded by children playing with my arm hair (that's new for them), platting my hair (braiding), dusting the dirt off my feet or clothes and basically just starring at me, trying to figure me out. It was been wonderful! At the same time, I've been in a few orphanages that have some great great needs, and those orphanages have broken my heart! I'll go into more detail in my next update.

I was able to go to Mercy Ships on Friday night for dinner. It was my first time going into town, and Monrovia looks GREAT! So many improvements and just the activity of the people on the streets--you can tell things are improving. There's some electricity in town and there's a new gas station that literally blows me away every time I go by, which is awesome!

Now I know you're all wondering about the living conditions. My roommates/coworkers are great! Better than I could have imagined! We've had alot of great times already, and bonded over children, sweat and surfing! My house is super great! Plenty of space and sweet ladies who are taking very good care of us! We have a generator that runs from about 8pm-10pm. No running water...but an amazing outdoor shower that feels great at the end of a long, hot, sweaty day! Mary cooks our meals...and she can cook some mean pumpkin and potato greens! We have 3 security guards who rotate watching our compound, and I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better. And if the security guards weren't enough, we've got a guard dog (One Love) and the most pitiful kitten you've ever seen. They provide for our entertainment when we sit on the porch to cool off at night. (You aren't picky in Liberia)

Anyway, this is really long! And I'm sweating to death, so I need to hop back in the car for a breezy car ride! So yea, God is doing some really great things already, and I'm really looking forward to what He will do! Thanks to everyone who's been praying for me!!

God bless

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Nigeria

Ladies these posts make me want to hop on a plane right now. I love to travel and there are so many more places I want visit. Thanx for sharing this with us and letting those of us who have not gotten to visit Liberia get a taste of this country.

Idocare may I ask (if you do not want to share thats ok) What takes you back to Africa? Are you there for work or humanitarian reasons or just for leisure?

Scratch that LOL I just realized this was a friend of your sons. Sorry.


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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Liberia
Ladies these posts make me want to hop on a plane right now. I love to travel and there are so many more places I want visit. Thanx for sharing this with us and letting those of us who have not gotten to visit Liberia get a taste of this country.

Idocare may I ask (if you do not want to share thats ok) What takes you back to Africa? Are you there for work or humanitarian reasons or just for leisure?

Scratch that LOL I just realized this was a friend of your sons. Sorry.

You're welcome. :D Hopefully, you will one day.

...even though the son's friend comes across as narrow minded and it sounds like she's staying in the sewers with the rats. Hopefully, before the end of her stay, she will try to upgrade a place that even a dog might want to sleep in. :)

Edited by LovinLiberia
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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Ghana
Ladies these posts make me want to hop on a plane right now. I love to travel and there are so many more places I want visit. Thanx for sharing this with us and letting those of us who have not gotten to visit Liberia get a taste of this country.

Idocare may I ask (if you do not want to share thats ok) What takes you back to Africa? Are you there for work or humanitarian reasons or just for leisure?

Scratch that LOL I just realized this was a friend of your sons. Sorry.

You're welcome. :D Hopefully, you will one day.

...even though the son's friend comes across as narrow minded and it sounds like she's staying in the sewers with the rats. Hopefully, before the end of her stay, she will try to upgrade a place that even a dog might want to sleep in. :)

:unsure::whistle::content::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

what did i tell you!!! You don't listen!!!! :ranting::lol:

OTxq.jpgAsante Maroon
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Filed: Country: Nigeria

I believe this 18- year old told her story from the way she seen things and in her own way. Take into fact that this is her first time being in Africa and she's entitled to write her experience as she lives it.

From what I gather, your friend has been to Liberia before and she can see all of the improvements, plus she probably knows some more history then this 18-year old. Anyhow I did enjoy her writing as well. Thanks for sharing, I love reading about other countries from Americans that actually was there. Just by reading your friends post I could tell she's older then 18.

I'm hoping that you will post again if you should hear from her, again thanks.

Edited by idocare


NSC, NOA1 September 26th,03

received NOA1 in mail Oct. 03,03

RFE - received in mail March 29th,04

RFE returned April 17th,04

RFE received April 21,04 at NSC online

NOA2 received April 29th,04 via online

NOA2 received May 03,04 in mail

NVC receives file May 6th,04

NVC sends file to Nigeria May 11th,04

Lagos receives our file, notified thru e-mail May 19th,04

Victor goes and picks up packet #3....May 20th,04

Sent request for earlier interview date via e-mail May 20th,04

May 27th, Lagos won't change date.

August 16th, 2004 fly to Nigeria for Victors interview

August 19th, 2004 Interview date, visa approved.

August 25th, 2004 Victor picks up passport with visa stamp.

August 26th, 2004 fly back to USA

September 18th, 2004 Victor arrives in USA, Lord willing.

October 9th, 2004, we become husband and wife

October 25th, 2004 I learn that I'm pregnant.

Feburary 25th, 2005 AOS Appointment

( went to appt. and requested a reschedule)

June 7th, 05 gave birth to a boy child.

July 5th, 05 Victor packs he suitcase and leaves for good.

July 2005 2nd AOS appointment

( went and requested a reschedule )

August 2005- I file for divorce. and withdraw immigration paperwork.

Washington State/ Nigeria

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Filed: Country: Nigeria

4The love of Henry,

I hear you on that one, I asked Steph. if she could stuff me into her suitcase when I heard she was traveling to Liberia .....LOL She also went to China this year with her high-school (The school of Arts ) for a school project. I'm like you, I love to travel too. Since I haven't been too many places it's just fun reading about it, Oh, yeah, I'm still waiting for you to tell me about Guinea. LOL


NSC, NOA1 September 26th,03

received NOA1 in mail Oct. 03,03

RFE - received in mail March 29th,04

RFE returned April 17th,04

RFE received April 21,04 at NSC online

NOA2 received April 29th,04 via online

NOA2 received May 03,04 in mail

NVC receives file May 6th,04

NVC sends file to Nigeria May 11th,04

Lagos receives our file, notified thru e-mail May 19th,04

Victor goes and picks up packet #3....May 20th,04

Sent request for earlier interview date via e-mail May 20th,04

May 27th, Lagos won't change date.

August 16th, 2004 fly to Nigeria for Victors interview

August 19th, 2004 Interview date, visa approved.

August 25th, 2004 Victor picks up passport with visa stamp.

August 26th, 2004 fly back to USA

September 18th, 2004 Victor arrives in USA, Lord willing.

October 9th, 2004, we become husband and wife

October 25th, 2004 I learn that I'm pregnant.

Feburary 25th, 2005 AOS Appointment

( went to appt. and requested a reschedule)

June 7th, 05 gave birth to a boy child.

July 5th, 05 Victor packs he suitcase and leaves for good.

July 2005 2nd AOS appointment

( went and requested a reschedule )

August 2005- I file for divorce. and withdraw immigration paperwork.

Washington State/ Nigeria

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Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Liberia
I believe this 18- year old told her story from the way she seen things and in her own way. Take into fact that this is her first time being in Africa and she's entitled to write her experience as she lives it.

From what I gather, your friend has been to Liberia before and she can see all of the improvements, plus she probably knows some more history then this 18-year old. Anyhow I did enjoy her writing as well. Thanks for sharing, I love reading about other countries from Americans that actually was there. Just by reading your friends post I could tell she's older then 18.

I'm hoping that you will post again if you should hear from her, again thanks.

She is 21 so she's not that much older. The 18 year old is definately entitled to her share her experience. I'm also entitled to say what I think about her written experience. Maybe she will have the opportunity to go back and compare the first experience with the second experience. She might be older then and have a completely different perspective OR she might be older and still have the same perspective. I applaud her for choosing to go there and help out because the place needs all the help it can get. She seems to be there doing great things for the children, but (to me) she does come across as narrow minded...AND from what I know about Liberia - based on my own experience - she sounds like she's staying in a less than typical, dumpy area. I don't know what part of Monrovia or "the bush" she is staying in, but I went to some of the poorest, filthiest areas and I was still able to find toilets without maggots squirming around. LOL.

Anyway, this is just the way that I read it and this is my own opinion.

Edited by LovinLiberia
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Hey Idocare, I still can't get the meaning of your FREAKING posts. Can you be real and say exactly what's on your mind instead of pretending with this thread? If what your so called saw is true, can you name one that do not have maggots or one African country rural area that do not have pit hole latrine? Come on, tell me what you get!

Edited by Osagie
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Filed: Country: Nigeria


I don't know you nor never heard of you. But what I posted was a e-mail I received from one of my sons friend that's doing mission work in Liberia. Those are her words, I just copied and pasted it.

Sorry for you if your having trouble understanding her describeing her adventure.


NSC, NOA1 September 26th,03

received NOA1 in mail Oct. 03,03

RFE - received in mail March 29th,04

RFE returned April 17th,04

RFE received April 21,04 at NSC online

NOA2 received April 29th,04 via online

NOA2 received May 03,04 in mail

NVC receives file May 6th,04

NVC sends file to Nigeria May 11th,04

Lagos receives our file, notified thru e-mail May 19th,04

Victor goes and picks up packet #3....May 20th,04

Sent request for earlier interview date via e-mail May 20th,04

May 27th, Lagos won't change date.

August 16th, 2004 fly to Nigeria for Victors interview

August 19th, 2004 Interview date, visa approved.

August 25th, 2004 Victor picks up passport with visa stamp.

August 26th, 2004 fly back to USA

September 18th, 2004 Victor arrives in USA, Lord willing.

October 9th, 2004, we become husband and wife

October 25th, 2004 I learn that I'm pregnant.

Feburary 25th, 2005 AOS Appointment

( went to appt. and requested a reschedule)

June 7th, 05 gave birth to a boy child.

July 5th, 05 Victor packs he suitcase and leaves for good.

July 2005 2nd AOS appointment

( went and requested a reschedule )

August 2005- I file for divorce. and withdraw immigration paperwork.

Washington State/ Nigeria

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