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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Sv3tka Adrian & Svetlana CDN-USA Border 2017-02-23 - High 2022-08-14
Bryonym Bryony & Bruno Dallas 2017-02-24 - High 2020-02-28
Liza & Patrick Chicago 2017-02-24 - High They were friendly and quick. 2022-02-04
Penelope & Danny Los Angeles 2017-02-24 - High 2018-10-15
Cleofe+Daniel cleofe & daniel Chicago 2017-02-24 - High Agent was friendly,professional. only took a few minutes to clear the checkpoint 2022-02-03
Elodie & Matthew Las Vegas 2017-02-26 - High 2021-08-05
Caramel018 Husky & Monkey JFK 2017-02-26 - High Smooth and easy 2022-08-02
Rali Me & Ra JFK 2017-02-27 - High 2021-11-19
Hurricanedh34 Joana & David Chicago 2017-02-28 - High 2017-10-27
Hugo & Heather Atlanta 2017-02-28 - High Simple quick and easy POE. Asked for all the packets the embassy gave my love, and checked everything over. Reminded him he has one entrance on K1 and he must get married in 90 days. Then, he went straight on to security and his layover. Now that we have submitted our AOS, we learned the immigration officer at the POE kept his medical form, and now we are very frustrated and upset that we may need to do a new medical if the medical forms cannot be found/retrieved in some manner from USCIS or the doctor in Cuba. Send us good vibes please! 2020-10-30
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