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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
K & H Abu Dhabi - High 2022-09-13
Mital mb & tm Abu Dhabi 2018-11-19 - High Was easy only 5 min take 2019-08-11
Dshah1992 hshah & dshah Abu Dhabi 2019-01-09 - High 2022-02-07
Nome Nomelyn & Christopher Abu Dhabi 2021-07-08 - High 2023-05-11
ADC & JEC Abu Dhabi 2021-08-06 - High 2022-06-09
Arabia & Saudi Abu Dhabi 2018-08-19 - High No question even no finger prints. 2021-09-14
Josie & RJ Abu Dhabi 2015-01-27 - High 2020-10-01
Flash9153 Wife & Husband Abu Dhabi - High 2018-10-22
H_theophilus Hud & Es Abu Dhabi 2016-06-10 - High At the port of entry, the officer asked when and where I was getting married and what my occupation is. Earlier, on completion of my medical tests, I was given an sealed envelop with a CD of the medical report - the officer at the port of entry said it was not required. He only needed the sealed envelop which I received when I collected my passport with the fiance visa. He stamped my passport with an expiry date 3 months from my date of entry. This meant I was supposed to get married and apply for EAD, AOS, etc. within those 90 days. Straightforward and professional experience which did not take more than five minutes. 2020-12-23
Mvak36 K & M Abu Dhabi 2015-08-31 - High 2015-10-05
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