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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews

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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
188 Review(s)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #20811 on November 4, 2016:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview late August. Reading all the other posts had been very helpful, so I knew which questions to expect. I think they asked me ALL the questions I have read here, not just 3 or 4. My husband having been an immigrant himself maybe raised suspicion, I don't know. To be honest, having to answer all these questions in an open room, with the other people waiting behind me without privacy, and the lady behind glass, not looking me in the eyes, made me feel a bit uncomfortable. But hey, I had nothing to hide, so just kept on answering everything. And then, as I read in another review before, she suddenly started to type in her computer without asking more questions, and then she said it was approved. That was it.
They tried to deliver the passport 3 days later at my house, but I was away for the weekend, so I picked it up on Monday. That went very smoothly.
Good luck!

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #20411 on September 15, 2016:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #20401 on September 14, 2016:




· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

First of all, good luck to those who are still waiting for their interview. Make sure you register before you interview online here--> https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-nl/iv <-- it will delay your visa process if you don't! Do not bring a phone to the embassy.

In short: A very pleasant experience, just come prepared and it all will be very very easy. If you make it easy on them they'll make it easy on you!

I arrived about half an hour before my interview time(13.30) which was more than enough. They would ask the whole queue for their interview times, through an intercom, and call those with an earlier time to the front. So if it is a busy day for them do not bother being there much earlier than 30 min before I'd say. They let the people who where immigrating in about 6 at a time. At the entrance you'll have to show your passport and go through a metal detector much like the ones at the airport. Do not bring ... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #20016 on July 26, 2016:



· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I was there with my dad, for moral support, at 8 o'clock exact to start waiting in the line. Together with 2 other people, I was waiting until they start to let us in. Through an intercom they ask your name and what appointment you have. Very nice people inside the Consulate. Cracked two jokes with the guards, they were extremely helpful and nice and actually funny. They put your passport in a plastic map with a number on it and you have to take a seat in the big room after going through the heavy, heavy door. They will call your number when it is your turn! The man collecting my papers at the first window was very enthusiastic, lol. Congratulated me on my upcoming wedding and we talked a little about Tennessee. Nearly waited 1,5 hours before actually getting interviewed, there was one K1 visa person before me. All that time I had to stare to the small TV watching CNN with the same report over and over again (The day after the attack in Nice). Room was full, I would say about 10 people... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #19905 on July 8, 2016:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

On July 7th I had my interview. I was there very early and the security officer said that I should come back when it was time, because it didn't matter to wait there for an hour and a half( yes I was that early plus I didn't sleep that night). He was very friendly and me and my Dad who came for moral support waited at a cafe/restaurant right across the street. I had the appointment at 1.30PM and I went back around 1.
I had to wait for a short while. The keep asking if you had mobile/electronic devices with you(can't believe you take them with you when on your appointment letter it clearly says to not bring any). One guy had his hand broken and was told to come back again later since you need to have your fingerprints taken. When I went through the security check the security officer told me to go to window 5 and wait there in the same order as I came in(in line).
One girl was waiting in the wrong room(don't get that either when they clearly tell you where to go. I was b... read complete review

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