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Argentina US Consulate Reviews

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Argentina US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
129 Review(s)
Review #26054 on April 26, 2019:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I arrived at the embassy at 10:15am. I had it scheduled for 10:30. I went to a window and sayed I was there for a K1. They gave me a green folder where I put all the originals.
Once inside I went to the window 4 and they took my fingertips and then I just went inside the embassy and waited on the left. You don’t have to do the line with all the tourist visa.
10 minutes later, a lady called me through window 17 and asked me for the green folder. She told that was not the interview. I had everything she asked for. She asked me for another pair of the passport photos because she didn’t like the quality of the ones I sent. Luckily I had more with me so i was fine.
I went again to the waiting area on the left and after 15 minutes a consul called me through window 5. He made me swear that everything I was saying and the documents I presented were true.
The questions were: - how we met? - when and where we met? - what I was doing in US... read complete review

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Review #25916 on April 3, 2019:

Fer Schvarztman


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview appointment was 10am. I arrived 1 hour erlier because I live 2hs away, good thing is there's a caffe Havanna nearby where I waitted.

At 9:45 I arrived at the door, asked a woman where I had to announce myself for k1 visa interview. She directed me to a screen. Another woman behind the window gave me a green folder where you need to place the documents they ask for (the folder has a list on the front explaining what documents and in which order you need to present, for example some of them are "Acta de Nacimiento", passport and pictures, picture of medical exams,etc) also told me to do step 4 and 5 after security check, whithout doing the line, just announce myself.

Before getting into the embassy, a guard asked me if I had any of the prohibited objects: you can't enter food, phones, headphones smartwatches, no technology at all, makep up, creams, medications, sharp objects like nail cutters or pens) said no and let me in.... read complete review

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Review #25794 on March 15, 2019:

Flor Ezcurra

Flor Ezcurra


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hello! I want to share my interview experience with everyone because I want to conribute to this thread and help others as well.

My interview experience was good. I arrived early at the embassy with my fiance and after announcing ourselves in the entrance booth they let us inside. As many of you may know there is no need to make a line throughout the steps to enter the building, so everything was fast and smooth.
Inside of the embassy we were called into a closed booth on the right side of the facility next to all the tourist visa windows. In this booth we were instructed to drop off our documents for furthers evaluation, and told to wait on the other side of the room to be called into the next booth (also closed) for the actual interview. We had to wait about 50 minutes before a speaker called out my name and instructed me to enter the booth where the interview was going to take place. In there was the consul on the other side of a glass window, who greeted me a... read complete review

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Review #25631 on February 20, 2019:

M and Ed

M and Ed


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We arrived at the time of our appointment. They made us go straight to the Paso 1 to "check in". From there, they sent us to Paso 4 for finger prints and straight to Paso 5 (waiting room) were we took a seat and waited for 5 minutes before a lady called us from a Ventanilla to ask us for a few papers we missed on our P3 (co sponsor's BC, origina passports, original BC and confirmation page for DHL).
There were three other girls waiting for the same interview. We were sent back to the chairs and asked to wait patiently for the consul to call our name.
We ended up waiting probably half an hour tops.


The process was smooth and simple. Waiting times weren't half bad, pretty straight forward.

My fiancee was there with me but he wasn't allowed in the actual interview. The consul invited him in just to say hi and then asked him to leave.

I started the interview by swearing I was telling the truth and having m... read complete review

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Review #25483 on January 31, 2019:



· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My Husband is the one who attended but I’ll summarize what his experience was. He had an 8:30am interview, was seen around 930. Said they took his papers and made him wait for the consul who asked him 3 questions (what is your wifes name? How did you meet? And what is the Cosponsors relationship to you?) all while writing tons on a piece of paper and giving him the ocassional stink-eye. Haha. Everythig went well though, he was told he was approved, they kept his passport and sent him home. Overall great experience and fast.

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