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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Catracha & Chino Washington DC - High 2011-01-19
Sidi & Kira JFK - High 2012-01-23
Gareth & Rachel Chicago - High 2011-11-22
Zh & m Dmitry & Jane JFK - High 2011-06-25
Lhea & Mike JFK - High U.s. government is incompetent 2021-10-04
Carolina & Dave Atlanta - High 2011-07-23
Spcarm Ana Celina & Sean Fort Lauderdale - High My wife and stepson missed their connecting flight from Ft. Lauderdale to Washintong DC because the immigration procedures took too long. Please allow enough time for this if planning a trip with a connection inside the US. 2012-02-27
Angkor Chantha & Sokhen Los Angeles - High Took us downstairs, was expecting to be questioned, nope, had us wait with a big family who also just got here. After 15 mins or so received stamp and told to get luggage and leave. 2018-01-05
lukie & keyo Philadelphia - High 2013-08-29
Gabe and Girlyn Girlyn & Gabe Seattle - High 2018-10-20
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