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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
DaveandLaura Dave & Laura JFK 2008-03-04 - High 2008-05-14
Kemerly & Scott Atlanta 2008-03-03 - High 2011-07-08
Manuela Elaysa & ElaysaBoy Memphis 2008-03-03 - High Everybody was very friendly and it was not stressful at all. 2017-02-27
Leilani & Michael Detroit 2008-03-03 - High 2012-03-28
Lizzett & Song El Paso 2008-03-03 - High 2008-11-17
Naoual & Ahmad Atlanta 2008-03-03 - High Officer was very nice and helpful. No problem or harrassment. 2013-04-02
Luis & Michele JFK 2008-03-03 - High It took Luis a matter of 30 minutes maybe to go through the process. He said it was very similar to other posts I've read, he showed the officer the brown envelope, the officer reviewed the documents breifly and sent him to the other room. An officer reviewed the documents there and asked him a few questions about us. He made a comment that Luis didn't understand about having to go back to Colombia to go to school for some reason-?-Not sure what was meant by that. The EAD stamp was in his passport when they handed it back to him - he just asked to confirm. Very simple and he said each officer was fairly nice. He was on one of the 1st planes into JFK, around 5AM, that may have played into the speedy processing. 2008-03-26
blank avatar Syl & Mel JFK 2008-03-03 - High They were very friendly and everything went fast. There was no question about my daughter or what so ever. I caught my connecting flight withing 3o mins, it was great. 2015-09-16
Knowledge k & s CDN-USA Border 2008-03-01 - High 2011-05-27
Nora & Greg CDN-USA Border 2008-03-01 - High 2008-07-22
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